USS Amaterasu

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The USS Amaterasu.
Image © Paramount

The USS Amaterasu was a 24th century Federation Ambassador-class starship operated by Starfleet. During the years of 2374 and 2375, the USS Amaterasu spent the Dominion War in the Inari system, the home of the Vulpinians, an intelligent species of Anthropomorphic canid aliens who would officially join the United Federation of Planets in 2376. During the war, the Amaterasu was jointly operated by Starfleet and the Vulpinian Defense Force (VDF). The ship was converted to serve as a starfighter carrier that carried Valkyrie Mk II fighters and successfully defended the Inari system from capture by the Dominion/Cardassian/Breen combined fleet. Miles Renard served aboard the Amaterasu during the war and it was the first time he had served on a primarily Starfleet manned vessel.