USS Minsk

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The USS Minsk
Image © Paramount

The USS Minsk (NCC-1752) was a 24th century Federation Constitution class heavy cruiser operated by Starfleet. The Minsk was one of the last Constitution class starships constructed. Although the Minsk was commissioned in the late 23th century, it was deactivated shortly after the end of the Federation-Klingon Cold War in 2293 as part of a mutual disarmament treaty. Despite this, the Minsk wasn’t decommissioned, and was reactivated following the Tomed Incident of 2311, when it was believed that war with the Romulans was eminent. By 2340, the Minsk was serving as a training vessel that was used to train Starfleet cadets on training cruises.

Evoras joined the crew of the Minsk as a recruit in 2340 and remained aboard the aging cruiser until transferring to the USS Excalibur in 2364.

(It has not currently been revealed if the Minsk was still serving Starfleet as of 2381, but given the age of the ship it seems unlikely.)