Battle of Ricktor Prime

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The Battle of Ricktor Prime was an engagement in 2375 involving the United Federation of PlanetsFederation and the Dominion, that took place during the Dominion War.

Among the Starfleet vessels lost was the USS Grissom. Only six crew members survived of the twelve hundred and fifty on board despite the heroic actions of the USS Resolve. (DS9: "Field of Fire")

During Resolve’s attempt to rescue the USS Grissom, the Resolve’s main bridge was hit, and the starship's chief medical officer, CommanderTristan Kendrick suddenly became the last surviving ranking officer. Taking command of the ship from the auxiliary bridge, he made a cautious approach, retreating to an asteroid field to enact repairs, he then returned to reengage the enemy, and this time, took victory, rescuing not only the crew of his own vessel but two hundred more lives aboard a refugee ship. This act earned Kendrick the Karagite Order of Heroism award upon his return, and his promotion to captain of the ship he had rescued from destruction.