Sephiria Arn, callsign "Scylla" (KIA)

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Personnel FileW-o2.png
Name:Sephiria Arn
Rank:Lieutenant Junior Grade
Position:Valravn Pilot, Black Wolf Squadron
Species:Joined Trill
Orientation:  Bisexual
Birthplace:City of Leran Manev, on Trill
Hair:Black, likes to Dye it Blue or Fiery Red
Eye color:Brown
Played by:Mizuho Lin
Firearms, miniature models, martial-arts, drawing, driving, piloting, avid runner, novels, holo-novels.
[2368-2371: Starfleet Academy] [2371-2372: Conn Academy]
Service Record
[2372-2375: Ensign, Peregrine Fighter pilot, USS James T. Kirk]

[2375-2378: Lieutenant JG. – Full Lieutenant, MK.1 Valkyrie Pilot, USS Persephone]

[2379-2381: Lieutenant JG., Prototype Valravn Pilot, Luna Base]

Character Draft Awaiting Approval

Sephiria Arn (born Nieral) was a Fighter Pilot assigned to the White Wolves Valravn test Squadron on Luna Base, she was a part of the group that fought against the USS Theurgy at Starbase 84 but did not defect then, at a later date, after her doubts that ahd been rising in her heart an mind were too strong to ignore, she did defect to the Theurgy though and joined the crew in their endeavour against the dark dimension parasites.


Sephiria was born in the city of Leran Manev, Trill's Capital, but her family actually lived outside the city, in the countryside, a house near a small lake. She grew up there, becoming quite an outdoorsy and adventurous little girl in a short time. These were happy days, her Older Brothers Erith and Marek looked out for her and their parents were always there for them, even with their respective jobs sometimes demanding much of their time.

She went to the best schools her parents could get her in, studied hard and got excellent grades in all her subject matters. Graduated top student from her general studies prior to being accepted into the trill joining program, as an initiate she showed great promise and was found more than compatible. During her studies there she showed an immense aptitude for piloting various craft, a proficiency in any physical education and a good mind for data analysis, tactical forecasting and information gathering. It took some time before a symbiont became available to her but a joining did occur. She became a different person, more confident, more assured after the joining but never lost her wonder, her joy of life.

The symbiont selected was known as Arn, had a long, distinguished line of hosts, two artists of renown Jarod and Niriala were its first hosts followed by Darjuss who was a prominent Industrialist and, along with his family, helped Trills aerospace industry make great strides from impulse to warp capability, Sanja, a Major in the Trill military who saw action in multiple crisis events and is the source of why Sephiria had a severe PTSD event, the fear from the memories of Sanja’s time as a captive was the cause and before Sephiria, there was Veran who was a prominent geneticist that helped cure many illnesses that plagued Trill over the years.

Shortly after being Joined, she joined Starfleet as she felt it to be the right thing to do, the galaxy was showing signs of turmoil and she wanted to do her part to), went to the Academy for the three year curriculum and graduated among the top 3 of her class and offered any position line she wanted, Sephiria chose CONN, wanting to be a pilot. She ended up flying Peregrine fighters off the USS James T. Kirk during the dominion war. The fighting was brutal and she lost many friends during combat, long missions, little shore leave, all of it took it’s toll on the young woman, joined or not, none of them had been combatants before so despite having past life experience, she didn’t have an easy time dealing with these problems and developed a fairly severe case of PTSD. She served for a brief time aboard the USS Persephone, flying a Valkyrie Mk.I and Mk.II but there was an incident where, during an exercise she made a bad maneuver and caused three of her wingmen to crash in an Asteroid field, causing severe injury in two and the death of the third. After this she was demoted and, seeing as she needed a non combat assignment, was offered a position as part of a new test squadron based on Luna and accepted, she would keep flying and help ensure a new generation of fighters were up to par on expectations. She became a White Wolf and helped develop the new Valravn class Warp Fighter as a test pilot.

Personality Profile

Sephiria was someone with a strong Joy of life, an ability and a desire to find and create such in others was also prevalent in her personality, despite the hardships the previous hosts of her symbiont's memories brought to the table. Sephiria was a steadfast, loyal and supremely focused individual when needed and an easy going, even playful one the rest of the time. Oh she was not without her flaws, she could be stubborn to a fault and was far from the most easy to reason with person but that never stopped people from seeing that, deep down, she was a good person, period.

Physical Profile

Sephiria was five feet 9 inches tall, with a strong, athletic yet curvaceous build to her body, often liked to wear her hair long and even dye it in colorful hues, sometimes blue, sometimes green or orange, as the mood hit her. Honey brown eyes were found in a soft, pleasant visage to look at. She had fairly large breasts and other endowments often sought after in a female form and often showed off her body a little when not in uniform, her skin was a golden honey sort of brown tan in color, soft and supple looking, very smooth, her spots were not unlike the patterns of the feline creature found on earth known as a Snow leopard in their shape and, as many wondered, did run all the way down (wink wink).

Reference Images

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