The Devoted of Morali

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

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Image: Junior Lieutenant Sarresh Morali.

Sarresh Morali was originally from the same time as the rest of them on the ship, but was recruited to serve on the 29th century timeship USS Relativity at a young age. He returned to his original timeline after the Niga Incident volunteering to aid the USS Theurgy on her mission.

Morali underwent MEM (Memory Engram Manipulation) treatment to keep his knowledge of the future from disrupting the time stream. Moreover, he had an implant installed in his head that had tech that could detect a temporal breach. When such a breach happened, Morali regained his memories so that he could try and thwart the enemy threat to the USS Theurgy. This was the reason why Morali was mission-essential in opposing the usurpers in Starfleet Command.

The Devoted of Morali were low ranking crew - often NCOs - aboard the USS Theurgy that were desperate for answers, and thought that the Morali had them, even if he was just as much flesh and blood as the rest. They became a following before the Battle of Starbase 84, and after it, they had become a serious threat aboard the USS Theurgy, in how they resorted to violence in order to try and make Sarresh Morali the commanding officer of the ship.

Known Members of the Devoted

WO Ian Sanders - Human
CW Rishan - Denobulan
CW Mirisha Bailey - Human

List of attacks by the Devoted

A number of attacks have occurred since the formation of the cult, on those whom the cultists deem to be heretics or a perceived threat to them or to Sarresh Morali. The following are recorded or notable attacks on various individuals:

Krystal Tancredi, callsign "Meony"

On the second day after the Battle of Starbase 84, the USS Resolve Valkyrie pilot, Meony, had made an excoriating comment about the cult and by extension, Morali himself. This earned the ire of Ian Sanders, Rishan and Mirisha, who immediately plotted her demise and acted on it in the evening.