USS Tora-Tora

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The USS Tora-Tora was a 24th century Federation class 9 cargo transport vessel operated by Starfleet.

Nicole Howard served aboard the Tora-Tora as an ensign from the time she graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2374 until she was promoted and transferred to the USS Angelo in 2377. The posting was tedious, and the days aboard the Tora-Tora consisted of routine maintenance and trying to amuse oneself. The Tora-Tora was not manned by Starfleet's best and brightest but was known as a ship of misfits during the 2370's. The little ship did not have a functioning holodeck, but playing cards, an old broken down dom-jot table, an old set of Cardassian pinochle tiles, and a mostly busted tongo wheel were available to entertain the officers and crew. Strip poker, strip dom-jot and other games in which clothing was used to gamble became common. To say there was a lot of sex going on aboard the Tora-Tora would be putting it mildly.