USS Eisenhower

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The USS Eisenhower
Image © Paramount

The USS Eisenhower was a 24th century Federation Miranda class starship operated by Starfleet. The Eisenhower was a light cruiser.

Nolak Kalmil’s first posting was aboard the Eisenhower where he served from 2354 until 2362, when he transferred to the USS Excalibur. While serving aboard the Eisenhower Kalmil worked himself up from crewman to petty officer third class and earned the Starfleet Medal of Merit. During one mission while the Eisenhower was docked at space station along the neutral zone Kalmil single handedly prevented a couple Romulan spies from sabotaging the space station during one of the peace talks between the two nations.

(It has not been revealed whether the USS Eisenhower was still serving in Starfleet in 2381.)