USS Diamondback

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 12:09, 20 June 2020 by Swift (talk | contribs) (Made changes in order to be more in sync with Trek canon, as well as added new images, and more back history.)
USSDiamondback N001.png
Vessel Name: USS Diamondback
Registry: NCC-63598
Starship Class: Akira-class
Starship Type: Heavy Cruiser
Status: Active
Purpose: Border Patrol
Constructed: Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned: November 4th, 2368
Dedication: ”The snake will always bite back."
  • Length: 465 m
  • Height: 87 m
  • Width: 316 m
Mass: 3,055,000 metric tons
Decks: 19
Standard Crew Complement 500
Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp Factor 9.3
Warp Factor 9.8 for 12hrs

Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 6.0
  • (x3)Type X Phaser Array
  • (x4) Standard Photon Torpedo Launcher (2 port & 2 starboard)
  • (x11) Burst Fire Photon Torpedo Launcher (7 fore & 4 aft)
  • Standard Deflector Shield
  • Duranium microfoam and Tritanium Hull composite
  • Sectional High-Density Armor Plating
Auxiliary Craft
  • AC-205 Mk I Valkyrie Federation Warp Fighter: 16
  • Danube-class Runabout: 2
  • Type 11 Shuttle: 2
  • Type 9 Shuttle: 4
  • Type 9A Cargo Shuttle: 2
  • Workbee: 6

Alex Jaeger

3D Model:

Industrial Light & Magic

USSDiamondback N002.png
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The USS Diamondback (NCC-63598) was an Akira-class starship, commissioned in late 2368. It was one of many Akira-class starships ordered by Starfleet in the wake of the Battle of Wolf-359. As was standard for its class, the Diamondback was heavily-armed and ready for conflict, having been outfitted with fifteen Photon Torpedo launchers across various hardpoints along its Primary and Secondary Hulls, as well as its Main Battle Module. The Diamondback was a veteran ship that’d seen a surprising amount of combat over its relatively short history of service, having earned the reputation as one of the most grizzled and stalwart ships to have patrolled Federation territory, and was seen as a prominent and desirable posting among Officers looking to make a name for themselves.

Construction & Testing

The prototype ship USS Akira was launched in early 2368, and after a surprisingly short trials period the class went into full production, going on to become one of the most important players in Starfleet. The USS Diamondback was among the initial twenty-four follow up Akira-class ships ordered for construction and deployment by the calendar end of 2368. In a feat which at the time had been considered a monumental achievement in starship construction, Akira-class ships were completed and commissioned across Federation space, the Diamondback and her sister-ship USS Timberwolf having launched out of Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in early November 2368.

After an exceedingly short shakedown cruise, the Diamondback was cleared to assume full active duty.

Early History

As 2368 came to a close, and after having completed transfer of a number of crew and officers from the Galaxy-class USS Discovery NCC-71100, including its former Executive Officer Commander Jordan Musgrave, the Diamondback took up an active posting along the Federation side of the Klingon Neutral Zone in the wake of the Klingon Civil War of 2367 and 2368. The turmoil that had spread throughout the Empire during that time had led to a number of overzealous and aggressive young Captains seeking to stake a claim of personal glory by attacking Federation shipping lines in Federation territory. To combat those rogue Klingon elements, Starfleet adopted a policy of extreme intimidation in an effort to drive them back across the border, and Akira-class ships led the way in a practice that came to be known as ‘Thunder-runs’. For the most part, the Klingons in their older, smaller, and far less heavily-armed Birds of Prey would turn back at the sight of a heavy Akira-class like the Diamondback, charging in with shields raised and weapons ready to engage.

That had in fact been the case for the Diamondback in most of its thunder-runs, until in mid-2369 when it was ambushed by a moderately sized group of Klingon ships that weren’t interested in backing down. In the battle that ensued, the Diamondback destroyed two Birds of Prey, sent a third scurrying away in retreat, and fought to an eventual stalemate with the Vor’cha Class Attack-Cruiser IKS Vek’Magh. As both the disabled Diamondback and Vek’Magh floated adrift in space, it had soon become apparent that damage sustained to the Klingon ships warp-core was in danger of causing an eventual breach, which would likely have destroyed both ships. Understanding the risk involved, an away-team from the Diamondback was dispatched via shuttle to board the Vek’Magh, with orders to fight their way to its damaged core and stabilize it. The mission had been a success, and after stabilizing the Vek’Magh, the Diamondback took it under tow to the nearest Starbase where its command crew were arrested, and later extradited back to the Empire to face disciplinary action.

For incredible acts of heroism in the battle, a number of Officers and Crewman from the Diamondback were decorated with honors, and the ship itself given a prominent service commendation.

Middle History


Recent History

As of early 2380, the Diamondback, still under the command of Captain Jordan Musgrave, had taken up patrol along the Romulan Neutral Zone in the wake of the Reman uprising of 2379.

Current Crew

Commanding Officer: Captain Jordan Musgrave
Executive Officer:
Second Officer:
Chief Tactical Officer:
Chief CONN Officer:
Chief Engineering Officer:
Chief Medical Officer:
Chief Counseling Officer:
Chief Operations Officer:
Chief Security Officer:
Chief Science Officer:

Former Crew

Chief Security Officer: Lieutenant Andrew Fisher (2368-2370)

Ship Images

Disclaimer Notice

USSDiamondback_N001.png - ST:GFO Squadron Fly By, Image originally by NewPlanComics at [1], Edits made by Swift
USSDiamondback_N002.png - Akira Class Starship In Drydock, Image originally by Gamganca at [2], Edits made by Swift
USSDiamondback_N003.png - WHEN THE CONTRACT NO LONGER EXISTED, Image originally by Joran-Belar at [3], Edits made by Swift
USSDiamondback_N004.png - Starfleet Patch - Akira Class Evelopment, Image originally by thomastthecat at [4], Edits made by Swift
USSDiamondback_N005.png - And the Stars are the limit, Image originally by Euderion at [5], Edits made by Swift
USSDiamondback_N007.png - Akira Class ortho [NEW], Image originally by unusualsuspex at [6], Edits made by Swift
USSDiamondback_N006.png - Two Akiras, One Destroyed, Image originally by UNKNOWN, Edits made by Swift