USS Britannic

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The USS Britannic.
Image © Paramount

The USS Britannic was an Akira class Federation starship operated by Starfleet in the late 24th century.

Petty Officer Salem Martin transferred to the Britannic in 2370 and served aboard the starship until its destruction in 2372.

The Britannic was on patrol near the Cardassian-Federation boarder in 2372 when it was struck by a mine and crippled. With it's navigational systems damaged, it made a turn into Cardassian territory where it was attacked. Official records of the attack would state that the ship was destroyed, it's crew of five hundred souls killed in action. During the destruction of the ship, however, over 200 officers and crew abandoned ship but were subsequently taken hostage by the Cardassian Union as prisoners of war. One of these prisoners was Salem Martin.