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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 378101 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4800
Seconded, get well soon!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4801
Hey guys we are in the process of selling our house so we will be moving soon. Ill be away from pc while we are looking at new homes.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4803


Hi there Theurgists!

This last week before my vacation has been hellish since I had a lot of things to wrap up in my contract negotiations. Been working evenings and weekends to get things sorted, but this Friday here, I am off work for 4 very welcome weeks. I may have fallen a bit behind here on the sim to get things sorted, but I have been keeping my eyes on the forum and I love the progress that's happened. I may still be missing posts from some of you in a few threads, but I will be pushing events forward nonetheless since we are so close to the Epilogue being finished now.

Writing sessions due for tomorrow and I look forward to getting some time off work, and I'm really relieved that this intense period of contract deadlines are over at last.

Hope this message finds you all well out there!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4804


I got a PM a couple of days ago with a message from @Fife :

Hi Auctor,

I'm sorry I haven't been on much lately, I know I'm behind on a number of threads. Unfortunately, things are crazy for me right now, and I don't foresee myself having more time to spend on Theurgy anytime soon.

Thus, unfortunately, I find myself with little choice but to remove myself from the Sim once more, as it isn't fair to those I'm writing with to be constantly holding things up. I'm sorry to depart once again with little notice or warning, but I can't see any other way moving forward.

I wish you and the other writers all the best, and hope you keep the Theurgy story going for a long time to come.

Take care, and all the best,


I have replied and asked for him to tell me about his preferences in regard to his characters, but it has been silent so far. In lack of a reply, well... We do have the profile function to list one's preferences in regard to Inheritance, and since Fife has left his characters up for adoption when he had to leave the sim the last time, I will go with his listed preference and have both the Chief Tactical Officer, Commander Cross, and the former Lone Wolf, Ensign Nix, available for inheritance.

Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer (NPC) 

  - Former Writer:

Ens. Isel Nix                  Former Lone Wolf (NPC) 

  - Former Writer:

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Chief Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. Ensign Isel Nix is a Vulpinian Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Allegiant in Episode 01: Advent of War. Before she joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her. She came aboard the Theurgy together with Donna Petterson just before the Battle of the Apertures. As of this moment, she's been injured and can no longer fly a warp fighter, instead doing light duties on the Allegiant at the moment. In fact, both Cross and Nix are on the Allegiant right now in Praxis Crucible.

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters.

In the meantime, I will NPC both characters in Praxis Crucible as needed until they get new writers. I will be backtracking which threads Cross and Nix may be in right now and I will write in those too in order to farther the scenes to their completion. Better yet, if you are one of those waiting on a post from Fife, just PM me and we'll sort it out! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4806
That's a real shame.  :(  I hope they come back soon!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4808
Hey guys!

I have to apologize to you for my increased inactivity. It is vacation time and I have to cover for two or more jobs lately. This will go on for at least the next 4 weeks. I'll try to reply to you all asap but I can't guarantee it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4809

Hi there Theurgists! @Ellen Fitz contacted me with the interest of taking over writing Cross. In her meeting the criteria for being eligible, I am happy to announce that we have an actively played Chief Tactical Officer! :)

Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer 

  - Writer:
@Ellen Fitz

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Cheif Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. His new writer has a full creative license in writing him and she has updated the character page a great deal even if the overall trajectory and big brush strokes of his past remains the same. Among other things. more detail has been added to his troublesome upbringing among Cardassians.

With Cross having a new writer, anyone who had plans involving Cross with his previous writers should reach out to @Ellen Fitz and check the waters to see if his new writer is interested in continuing any ongoing character sub-plots. Do keep in mind, however, that with the creative license that his new writer have, please understand if there is no interest in those plans, that is their prerogative to say no to them.

Hope you'll enjoy writing your new character, @Ellen Fitz ! :)


Auctor Lucan


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4811
trigger warning: mental health

First off, I want to apologise that I haven't been my usually flamboyant self on Theurgy's OOC channels (including this one, the discord, etc.) but I have been seriously struggling with stress and burnout lately. This might come as a surprise to some, whom I have been inc contact with, but it's been affecting me a good deal in terms of energy level and general capacity for enthusiasm to the point where the things most dear to me are hardly any fun anymore. I sleep a lot and can only manage to deal with one task at a time. I've even come to find social interactions extremely stressful especially if they pertain to responsibilities, even my family.

Now, I don't want to make this a "woe is me" or shock thread. I actually don't really want to talk about the issue extensively because it took me enough courage to even be open about the struggle. I am currently looking into getting professional support so that part should be covered.

I also don't mean for this to imply I am leaving Theurgy or going inactive, as I still enjoy the creative aspect of driving plots and writing posts. It's mainly aimed to be an apology for not being available socially so much anymore for the past half a year or so that my issues have been building up.

So, for the time being, I hope y'all enjoy yourselves and have a lot of fun. And I hope I'll be back to the general Discord and Group activities as a whole. I'll continue to strive for replying in a timely fashion and of course I am still available for individual talks, dm's, pm's, just take it easy on me <3

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4812
trigger warning: mental health

First off, I want to apologise that I haven't been my usually flamboyant self on Theurgy's OOC channels (including this one, the discord, etc.) but I have been seriously struggling with stress and burnout lately. This might come as a surprise to some, whom I have been inc contact with, but it's been affecting me a good deal in terms of energy level and general capacity for enthusiasm to the point where the things most dear to me are hardly any fun anymore. I sleep a lot and can only manage to deal with one task at a time. I've even come to find social interactions extremely stressful especially if they pertain to responsibilities, even my family.

Now, I don't want to make this a "woe is me" or shock thread. I actually don't really want to talk about the issue extensively because it took me enough courage to even be open about the struggle. I am currently looking into getting professional support so that part should be covered.

I also don't mean for this to imply I am leaving Theurgy or going inactive, as I still enjoy the creative aspect of driving plots and writing posts. It's mainly aimed to be an apology for not being available socially so much anymore for the past half a year or so that my issues have been building up.

So, for the time being, I hope y'all enjoy yourselves and have a lot of fun. And I hope I'll be back to the general Discord and Group activities as a whole. I'll continue to strive for replying in a timely fashion and of course I am still available for individual talks, dm's, pm's, just take it easy on me <3
The way I see it, taking time for mental health should always be priority #1.  You aren't other people's social plaything. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4813
Totally understand Stardust. I actually just had that conversation with my boss on Monday, hardest conversation I've ever had. I'm still processing the whole thing, making sense of it all, realizing just how long this tailspin has been going on for, the warning signs, everything.

I'm just thankful this came to light before I went full crash & burn. Happens in IT (Information Technology) where guys burn out so hard they wind up quitting the industry altogether, or at best wind up on sick leave for six months while their doctor and counselor puts them back together. We 'caught it early' as it were, and with some changes to my lifestyle and some accommodations at work, we're going to get through this.

I wish and hope for the best for you stardust. Not an easy place to be as I'm learning first hand.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4814
Hello everyone!

So some of you may have seen my message on Discord, but for those who didn't, I just wanted to say I am sorry for the long absence. Summer time is always hard for me because I have to leave the dorms at my university and my parents have horrible internet service. And what little they do get it usually spent by my dad doing work and other stuff. But once I get back into the dorms, I should be good to go. I am really looking forward to getting back into the writing for Amissa again.

For the stories I have been able to sneak a peek at, they are awesome. Y'all inspire me.

To Stardust: I am sorry that you are having such a hard time right now. Without getting into details about my own history, I do empathize with you. I have been to some terribly dark places in my short life, and I know the feeling. Please take care of yourself and do what you need to do for yourself.

With much love for all,
Sara  (L)
Lt. JG Amissa | Fighter Pilot, Callsign "Emerald", USS Theurgy

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4815


With the summer at an end, I did a quick census among those who haven't logged into the forum in quite some time or have ceased posting in their threads, and I think the names in the list above ought not to be too surprising. Their characters will be NPCs until they exit the story somehow, and I will focus on resolving threads they are featured in after we've finished the major events of the story that we're working on now.

Former Writers:

  • DaValle
  • BZ
  • Griffinsummoner
  • Scratchrat
  • Cheshirewild

Characters that are now NPCs:
  • Taa'gur Kolla NPC
  • Eun Sae Ji NPC
  • Zyrao Natauna NPC, available for Inheritance
  • Blue Tiran NPC
  • Zephyr Praise NPC
  • Jaya Thorne NPC, available for Inheritance
  • Scruffy Leblanc NPC
  • Salem Martin NPC
  • Rem Kile NPC


So, the original creator of our Chief Medical Officer reached out and while he won't return to write here, he may wish to write that character at another sim. While the writer offered the character up for adoption when he left, and understands how he can't remove the character belatedly, he has only requested that the character on this sim has a name change on the site.

So, I reached out to @Sqweloookle , and now our Chief Medical Officer has - through a butterfly effect - had another name all along in-character. The Theurgy's Chief Medical Officer is (and has always been):

Lt. Elro Kobol                  Chief Medical Officer 

  - Writer:

I have updated the Wiki and the forum with the name change, so all instances in which the old name has been mentioned should, instead, mention Elro Kobol instead.

End of PSA! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4818
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4820
I hope those people that have left, can divert their energy to other things that make them equally happy! I'm sure that's not an easy decision for anyone who's invested a lot of time here. Always a bummer to lose members of our community however.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4821
Awww  /:(

I am excited to get going again and people are leaving. But I guess I can understand that life may have other commitments for them. I hope they do well in whatever comes their way next. I do look forward to writing with as many of you as I can. First stop: Sickbay.  :)
Lt. JG Amissa | Fighter Pilot, Callsign "Emerald", USS Theurgy

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4822
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD

Perhaps request a mission update from the Apache? Assuming we are talking about 'Dinner Out'.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4824
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD

Perhaps request a mission update from the Apache? Assuming we are talking about 'Dinner Out'.
Maybe, but I'm supposed to maintain radio silence until contact is established.  :/
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

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