Interregnum 02-03 (Season 1)

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • Evening, same day as the Ishtar Entity left the Theurgy. It was the 13th of February - Stardate 57489.45 - and before the scheduled Senior Staff meeting.
  • During the Ishtar visit, Captain Ives had briefly been split into to separate individuals - one male and one female - and Thea had been transformed in an organic human woman. Other crewmembers had experienced similar things, like the Trill First Officer - Edena Rez - who's former hosts of the Rez symbiont had come alive again, walking the ship as if they never died. One of which were Jona Rez, who showed his ruthless nature when they tried to isolate the Ishtar entity and in doing so, had no compunction about torturing the entity once she was caught. While it never happened, it showed the bridge crew who their First Officer's symbiont used to be.
  • Through the day, the crew took the opportunity to process the events that had just transpired, which had both allowed for new acquaintances to be made and also destroyed friendships between others.
  • In the Holographic Laboratory, Lin Kae showed Thea what he had been working on since he had visited Nimbus III. With the help of the industrial replicator, he had the parts to finish a project he had been theorizing and working on for years. The schematic he showed the A.I. was of a mobile emitter, which he would tailor to fit Thea's hardware and software. It would give her a subspace synchronization link to keep her in perfect data synchronisation with the ship's systems. Moreover, the emitter would not only rely on isolinear storage capacity, but a photonic storage library that could not only accommodate Thea's original projection, but also expand upon it with upgraded sensor mapping. If he could digitize organic senses into photonic subroutines, the emitter would be able to store the massive amount of data such a sensory mapping would generate. A project began to allow Thea to feel the world around her like an organic might, and thus helping her feel as alive as when the Ishtar entity had made her human for a brief time.
  • As the Senior Staff convened in the evening, the Theurgy reached the Hromi Cluster.

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