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Hypospray Concept for Star Trek: Picard

A hypospray (or hypo) is a small hand-held piece of technology used to inject medicine or other drugs and treatments into a patient.


By the 2260s the standard Starfleet hypospray was designed to accept a swappable vial of medicine. Field hyposprays were pre-loaded with an inert saline solution that could carry any of five selected concentrated emergency medication. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)

In the early 23rd century the standard Starfleet hypospray held one ampule which held ten doses of a single drug. By the 24th century this capacity was increased to five ampules each holding ten doses. (Decipher RPG module: Player's Guide)

In 2259 of the Kelvin timeline, Spock injected the Gorn commander with a hypospray full of the antidote to the Gorn virus, resulting in his death just as he, Kirk and T'Mar beamed away from the Gorn mothership. (TOS video game: Star Trek)

In 2270, Montgomery Scott rigged a hypospray to explode on impact and emit anesthesia gas. James T. Kirk threw it at a tribe of Xhosa who were trying to kill his otherwise unarmed landing party on Vehtora IV. Unfortunately the tribesmen appeared to be immune to the gas. (TOS - Star Trek Unlimited comic: "As Flies to Wanton Boys")

Hypospray Agents

Agent Duration Effect
ADTH A substance which may be pumped through the life support systems of a starship as a fast-acting stimulant. Lieutenant Commander Data used ADTH in the airflow at 5 parts per million to revive the remaining crew from the stun effect of the Paxans' fake wormhole ("Clues" [TNG]).
Animazine 1-6 hours Animazine was used in 2374 onboard the starship Voyager to prevent crew members from falling prey to the neurogenic field generated by the dream species, although, like any such medication, its effectiveness was limited. ("Waking Moments" [VOY])
Chloromydride permanent A cardio-stimulatory drug used where Inaprovaline was ineffective or

may cause allergic reactions. It is usually used in concert with cardiac and neural stimulators for additional benefits ("Ethics" [TNG]).

Cordafin Pharmaceutical Cadet Tim Watters abused cordafin in2 374 while serving as captain of the U.S.S. Valiant, possibly contributing to errors in judgment that led to the death of his crew and the destruction of the spacecraft. ("Valiant" [DS9])
Cordrazine 1-3 hours Powerful stimulant which is used to revive patients quickly. Not recommended unless in an emergency situation. Dosage- 2-5ccs, lethal at 12ccs. - A powerful stimulant that will usually revive a stunned or unconscious

patient completely. Cordrazine is "tricky stuff" - overdose can lead to delusional paranoia, and the drug is addictive.

Delactovine 1-6 hours A common stimulant with few side effects. It is mildly addictive.
Formazine A common stimulant that can cause irritability with prolonged use (more than three days). Otherwise, it has the same effects as Delactovine.
Hyperzine - Cardiac stimulant. Dr. Julian Bashir ordered hyperzine when Garak suffered a cardiac arrest due to the stress related to the cranial implant in 2370. ("The Wire" [DS9])
Masiform D permanent Powerful injectable stimulant. Antidote to many neurotoxins such as saplin or curare; removes all vitality loss but leaves subject fatigued for 1-6 hours
Dermoline Gel
Kelotane permanent Stabilizes burns; restores burn damage with each dose
Stokaline 1-6 hours Vitamin supplement; reduces need for food
Anoleptic 1-6 hours Relieves pain from wounded subject
Asinolyathin 5-15 hours Pain reliever; moderately reduces effects from being dazed or injured.
Morhenolog 1-3 hours Eases subject's pain and stops convulsions
Terakine 3-8 hours Lightly reduces the effect of a subject's injury
Anesthezine Varies based on dosage Lightly stuns subject 1-5 minutes per dose
Kayolane 1-6 hours Sedates subject; lightly dazes subject
Melorazine 1-3 hours Sedates subject; moderately dazes subject
Axonol variable Stun subject for 5-15 minutes; Vulcans, Ferengi, and Romulans immune; can also be administered in aerosol form
Benjisidrine 12 hours Increases Vulcan stamina to resist heart disease
Hyperzine permanent Cardiac stimulant; removes subject injuries caused by cardiac arrest
Inaprovaline permanent Stabilizes injury; lightly heals subject per dose
Inpedrezine 1 day Halves subject's healing time from cranial trauma
Lectrazine 2-12 hours Increases subject stamina to resist heart or kidney failure
Metrazene 12 hours Increases subject's stamina to resist heart disease or cardiac arrest; works only on iron-based bloodstreams (Human, Betazoid, etc.)
Cortolin 6-36 seconds Removes stun effect; similar to netlinaline
Leporazine 6-18 seconds Removes stun effect
Dexalin permanent Immediately heals all damage from drowning and asphyxiation
Tri-ox compound 1-6 hours Increases subject's stamina to resist fatigue due to thin air; also halves damage from asphyxiation taken after injection
Benzocyatizine 4 hours Increases Trill stamina to resist disruption of symbiont-host functions
Desegranine 2-12 hours Increases subject ability to recover lost memories; highly effective on Cardassians
Ryetalyn permanent Antidote for Rigellian fever
Anetrizine 1-6 hours Anesthetizes cranial nerves heavily stunning subject for 10-60 minutes
Alizine 3-8 hours Removes negative effects of an allergy
Arithrazine 6-60 minutes/permanent Greatly increases stamina against theta radiation/restores effects caused by theta radiation
Cateline 1-6 hours Simulates aphylactic shock
Cervaline 1-6 hours Antirejection drug
Coradrenaline 2-12 hours Immediately reduces damage from frostbite and hypothermia
Corophizine 2-12 hours Increases stamina to resist bacterial diseases
Dalaphaline permanent Removes fatigue caused by psionic exertion
Formazine 1-3 hours Stimulant; increases subject's health per dose; however results in mood swings
Hyronalin 10-60 minutes/permanent Greatly increases stamina against radiation, heals damage caused by radiation
Lexorin 1-3 hours Increases subject's ability to overcome psionic effects; halves effects of fatigue or wounds to intellect
Neodextraline 1-6 hours Stabilizes dehydration; halves dehydration damage; administered in solution
Retinax V 12 hours Used to treat people with poor eyesight. Restores rental acuity. One dose of 50ccs recommended.
Vertazine 3-8 hours Eliminates vertigo resulting from zero G