Hypospray: Difference between revisions

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Line 71: Line 71:
| Cordrazine
| Cordrazine
| 1-3 hours
| 1-3 hours
| Moderately increases constitution of subject per dose
| Powerful stimulant which is used to revive patients quickly. Not recommended unless in an emergency situation. Dosage- 2-5ccs, lethal at 12ccs
| Coradrenaline
| Coradrenaline

Revision as of 19:30, 2 June 2022

Hypospray Concept for Star Trek: Picard

A hypospray (or hypo) is a small hand-held piece of technology used to inject medicine or other drugs and treatments into a patient.


By the 2260s the standard Starfleet hypospray was designed to accept a swappable vial of medicine. Field hyposprays were pre-loaded with an inert saline solution that could carry any of five selected concentrated emergency medication. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)

In the early 23rd century the standard Starfleet hypospray held one ampule which held ten doses of a single drug. By the 24th century this capacity was increased to five ampules each holding ten doses. (Decipher RPG module: Player's Guide)

In 2259 of the Kelvin timeline, Spock injected the Gorn commander with a hypospray full of the antidote to the Gorn virus, resulting in his death just as he, Kirk and T'Mar beamed away from the Gorn mothership. (TOS video game: Star Trek)

In 2270, Montgomery Scott rigged a hypospray to explode on impact and emit anesthesia gas. James T. Kirk threw it at a tribe of Xhosa who were trying to kill his otherwise unarmed landing party on Vehtora IV. Unfortunately the tribesmen appeared to be immune to the gas. (TOS - Star Trek Unlimited comic: "As Flies to Wanton Boys")

Hypospray Agents

Agent Duration Effect
Alizine 3-8 hours Removes negative effects of an allergy
Anoleptic 1-6 hours Relieves pain from wounded subject
Anesthezine Varies based on dosage Lightly stuns subject 1-5 minutes per dose
Anetrizine 1-6 hours Anesthetizes cranial nerves heavily stunning subject for 10-60 minutes
Animazine 1-6 hours Stimulant
Arithrazine 6-60 minutes/permanent Greatly increases stamina against theta radiation/restores effects caused by theta radiation
Asinolyathin 5-15 hours Pain reliever; moderately reduces effects from being dazed or injured.
Axonol variable Stun subject for 5-15 minutes; Vulcans, Ferengi, and Romulans immune; can also be administered in aerosol form
Benjisidrine 12 hours Increases Vulcan stamina to resist heart disease
Benzocyatizine 4 hours Increases Trill stamina to resist disruption of symbiont-host functions
Cateline 1-6 hours Simulates aphylactic shock
Cervaline 1-6 hours Antirejection drug
Chlormydride permanent Stabilizes injury; greatly heals subject per dose
Cordrazine 1-3 hours Powerful stimulant which is used to revive patients quickly. Not recommended unless in an emergency situation. Dosage- 2-5ccs, lethal at 12ccs
Coradrenaline 2-12 hours Immediately reduces damage from frostbite and hypothermia
Corophizine 2-12 hours Increases stamina to resist bacterial diseases
Cortolin 6-36 seconds Removes stun effect; similar to netlinaline
Dalaphaline permanent Removes fatigue caused by psionic exertion
Delactovine 1-6 hours Lightly increases constitution of subject per dose
Desegranine 2-12 hours Increases subject ability to recover lost memories; highly effective on Cardassians
Dexalin permanent Immediately heals all damage from drowning and asphyxiation
Formazine 1-3 hours Stimulant; increases subject's health per dose; however results in mood swings
Hyperzine permanent Cardiac stimulant; removes subject injuries caused by cardiac arrest
Hyronalin 10-60 minutes/permanent Greatly increases stamina against radiation, heals damage caused by radiation
Inaprovaline permanent Stabilizes injury; lightly heals subject per dose
Inpedrezine 1 day Halves subject's healing time from cranial trauma
Kayolane 1-6 hours Sedates subject; lightly dazes subject
Kelotane permanent Stabilizes burns; restores burn damage with each dose
Lectrazine 2-12 hours Increases subject stamina to resist heart or kidney failure
Leporazine 6-18 seconds Removes stun effect
Lexorin 1-3 hours Increases subject's ability to overcome psionic effects; halves effects of fatigue or wounds to intellect
Masiform D permanent Antidote to many neurotoxins such as saplin or curare; removes all vitality loss but leaves subject fatigued for 1-6 hours
Melorazine 1-3 hours Sedates subject; moderately dazes subject
Metrazene 12 hours Increases subject's stamina to resist heart disease or cardiac arrest; works only on iron-based bloodstreams (Human, Betazoid, etc.)
Morhenolog 1-3 hours Eases subject's pain and stops convulsions
Neodextraline 1-6 hours Stabilizes dehydration; halves dehydration damage; administered in solution
Renax V 12 hours Removes subject's nearsightedness; some patients are allergic to it
Ryetalyn permanent Antidote for Rigellian fever
Stokaline 1-6 hours Vitamin supplement; reduces need for food
Terakine 3-8 hours Lightly reduces the effect of a subject's injury
Tri-ox compound 1-6 hours Increases subject's stamina to resist fatigue due to thin air; also halves damage from asphyxiation taken after injection
Vertazine 3-8 hours Eliminates vertigo resulting from zero G