Andorian Dictionary

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Here is a handy lexicon for Andorian words:

kharakom Often described to humans as "boxing"
hleshvalath Most Andorian fighting styles employed direct force, with the exception of this wrestling style which emphasized grappling and restraint of the opponent - utilizing slams, joint-breaks, and bear hugs in a quick, brutal and efficient manner
alnaav A rare and powerful martial arts style that required a level of discipline and dedication rare even among Andorians
shoshi Equivalent of "cool" or "awesome", metaphorically swift/speedy (not slang)
hefflak Literally "merriment" but used as the earth-equivalent term for "incest"
bouf "Pink", refers to things that do not work or are non-functional (see: pink skin)
ishinan A command to make an attack, "open fire" or "weapons free"
kelthreh One's own family
grelth An arachnid
zhavey Mother, or eldest mother
ren Fire
xixu A marine plant whose fronds may be mashed and used in baby food
klazh An animal known for its careless way of moving
ishurni Plural of ishur
shras "Friend", which was significant enough to an Andorian, but ishurni may as well be siblings or spouses.
hari A flatbread
khe' Coldness
elta A floral tree
vithi An edible flower
gabavga The full bladder and intestines of a "gabav." Best when served piping hot with a frosty mug of Andorian blue ale.
shola Literally “the thing where/in which love is born,” also a synonym for “soul” or “spirit,” with many of the same poetic connotations of those words in English.
jath’shola (A person who “is the essence” of shola) is a loving, “soulful” person
feli Someone who was passionate in the more standard sense
zztann No translation. More or less means "things are very very very bad." Phrases to follow are normally along the line of "now we're really fwarked!"
challorn A sweet-smelling flower
ondara Music (literally: the sound the world makes)
hrisal (Plural: hrisalni) is an Andorian sword-weapon, whose name translated to "best killing tool."
shax A poisonous Parasitic insect that nested under the skin of its host. Shanchen’s mantle is a salve that provides temporary relief.
dosalnar An Andorian sword-like weapon, among the top chosen weapons in Andorian duels.
eth'la Type of flower vine
shapla A betrothal symbol; woven locks of hair from bondmates
zhiassa Mother's milk
schanchen A type of medicinal plant
thasalla shiitar An Andorian language term referring to a condition or situation where an Andorian's honor was obtained through combat, such as when a ship "goes down fighting".
karskat Misbegotten
miral(ni) The Andorian word for their antenna(e), literally meaning "best identifying/labeling tool." Used metaphorically when "measuring up" with each other, as Ferengi did with their lobes, and Terrans did with their "guts." When using its colloquial meaning in Federation Standard, Andorians usually used the blunter term "stalks." Asking Andorians if they "have the stalks" for something is questioning (or prodding) their courage or fortitude.
katheka A stimulant analogous to coffee
ushaan An Andorian tradition which meant 'intimate' or 'private' combat that was developed in the planet's brutal violent past.
tezha Sexual union outside the shelthreth
shelthreth Ritual consummation of marriage for the purpose of conception.
alneesh A type of marsh bison
chaka (Plural chakani) an Andorian fighting blade weapon, similar to an over-sized Klingon d'k tahg with a sideways bat'tleh-style grip.
eketha A type of hardwood tree
schnarzzed Drunk, i.e. plastered out of one's freaking mind; see also fwarked or "fucked"
emvaiir Hope
zabathu A type of camel
thezuraa A promise
shaysha An edible beetle-like insect
shuralan Gold; golden in color
shelat Excrement, manure, defecation (aka shit)
rayth A type of feline creature whose females are the dominant huntresses (quite like the Terran lion)
flabbjellah A traditional Andorian sidearm that doubled as a musical instrument
zletha A flower
cheldu Refers to an ancient mystical art form of “healing touches”
hraas Murder
tashrul Archer; literally “person who injures from a distance”
shla’hlast Infant; literally “the outcome of love: a living person”
kav A liar
shelnak Andorian currency, roughly the equivalent of one strip of gold pressed latinum or twenty human dollars.
ushevaya Slang term for 'prostitute'
ohlasa Explosion; “the sign/sound of fire”
ceara Traditional clothing among zhen
cor’sala “Thrill of engaging the enemy”
kollex Icicle
dogra Fertile soil; irrigated soil where food can grow
hroasen Sleep (noun)
grela “Messenger” or “courier”
lexu “The touch of ice” or frostbite