USS Trier

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The USS Trier was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

Soo Young Seung was born aboard the USS Trier in 2354 during an exploration mission in deep space. Her mother was the executive aboard the USS Trier and her father was a Betazoid Diplomat. Her time with her father was sporadic mainly due to the nature of her mother's assignment. The romance between Soo Young's mother and father was brief and her birth was unplanned, however her mother regardless of circumstances insisted on bearing the child and raising it aboard the USS Trier. Soo Young spent the first nine years of her life aboard the Trier spending most of her time in the Fighter or Shuttle bays of the Trier asking questions to the pilots and mechanics.

(It has not yet been revealed what class of starship the USS Trier was but it was likely large starship such as an Ambassador or Excelsior class starship. It is possible that the Trier was an older class of space carrier used before the Theurgy class was developed.)