IKS Vor'Nak

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The IKS Vor'nak (IKC-11544, also known as the IKC Vornak or Vor'Nak) was a Klingon Empire starship, a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser (or battle cruiser) in Klingon Defense Force service in the late 24th century, commanded by General Tanas. (ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia, Decipher RPG module: Starships)

Service history and disposition

In the Dominion War of the 2370s decade, the Vor'nak was among the Klingon vessels that helped defend Federation starbase Deep Space 9 from Dominion attack in 2374, at the Second Battle of Deep Space 9. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)

In the year 2374, Vor'nak transferred five crew members to the IKS Rotarran, including Alexander Rozhenko, N'Garen, daughter of Tse'Dek, Koth, son of Larna, Katogh, son of Ch'Pok and Doran, daughter of W'mar. (DS9 episode: "Sons and Daughters", DS9 - The Dominion War novelization: Call to Arms...)