USS Renaissance

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

The USS Renaissance. Image © CBS/Paramount Edited by Jreeves
Vessel Name: USS Renaissance
Registry: NX-9778
Starship Class: Renaissance-class
Starship Type: Light Cruiser
Status: Active
Purpose: Exploration, Diplomacy, & Deterrence
Constructed: Antares Shipyards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Launched: 2303
Commissioned: 2305
Dedication: "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man, and let history make its own judgements"
  • Length: 330 m
  • Height: 70.4 m
  • Width: 199 m
  • 1,024,700 metric tons in SOM (Standard Operation Mode)
Decks: 19
Standard Crew Complement
  • Officers:
  • Enlisted Crew:
  • Passengers:
  • Total: 240
Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 6.5
Maximum Cruising Speed Warp Factor 7.3
Emergency Speed Warp Factor 9.6
(for 12 hour duration)
  • Type VIII Phasers
  • Mk 50 DF Advanced Photon Torpedo Launchers
  • CIDSS-2 Deflector Shields
Auxiliary Craft
  • 8 Type 9 Shuttles
  • 8 Type 11 Shuttles
  • 30 Workbees
3D Model:

Dan Uyeno

The USS Renaissance was a 24th century Federation Renaissance class starship operated by Starfleet. It was the prototype and the first of its class.

Service History

In 2370, Miko Dauntless joined the crew of the Renaissance and married Karen Dauntless and had a daughter by artificial insemination named Meridia who they raised onboard.

In 2378, Karen and Miko Dauntless were victims of a Xindi Separatist bombing on Deep Space 4. Karen Dauntless was killed but Miko escaped with the need for a pair of robotic eyes to replace the ones that were ruined in the blast.

In 2380, the Renaissance’s main engineering chamber became the site of a tragedy when eleven-year-old Meridia Dauntless was killed while taking a foolish dare. Her mother Miko fell into a depression and a number of shallow relationships that resulted in her demotion and transfer to the USS Harbinger in November of 2380, just before Harbinger joined Task Force Archeron in hunt of the Theurgy.

