USS Renaissance

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The USS Renaissance was a 24th century Federation Renaissance class starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2370, Miko Dauntless joined the crew of the Renaissance and married Karen Dauntless and had a daughter by artificial insemination named Meridia who they raised onboard.

In 2378, Karen and Miko Dauntless were victims of a Xindi Seperatist bombing on Deep Space 4. Karen Dauntless was killed but Miko escaped with the need for a pair of robotic eyes to replace the ones that were ruined in the blast.

In 2380, the Renaissance’s main [engineering]] chamber became the site of a tragedy when eleven-year-old Meridia Dauntless was killed while taking a foolish dare. Her mother Miko fell into a depression and a number of shallow relationships that resulted in her demotion and transfer to the USS Harbinger in January of 2381.