Andrew Fisher (KIA)

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Personnel FileR-o4.png
Name:George Andrew Fisher
Rank:Lieutenant Commander
Position:Chief Intelligence Officer
Orientation:  Heterosexual
Height:6ft 2in / 1.88m
Weight:195lbs / 89kg
Hair:Dark Brown
Eye color:Green
Played by:John Krasinski
American History
Martial Arts
Physical Training
2359-2362: Starfleet Academy
2370-2371: Starfleet Intelligence Training
Service Record
2362: Ensign, Junior Security Officer, USS Rutledge NCC-57295

2364-2365: Ensign, Junior Security Officer, USS Discovery NCC-71100
2365-2367: Lieutenant JG, Senior Security Officer, USS Discovery NCC-71100
2367-2370: Lieutenant, Chief Security Officer, USS Diamondback NCC-63598
2371-2375: Lieutenant, Chief Security Officer, Starbase-310 (Intelligence Operations)

2378-2381: Lieutenant Commander, Chief Security Officer, Starbase-718 (Intelligence Operations)
2362: Starfleet Purple Heart Medal

2367: Starfleet Distinguished Service Cross

2373: Starfleet Intelligence Star

To those without the proper clearances, Andrew Fisher appeared to be a sturdy and reliable Starfleet Security Officer. In reality, he had been one of the more active and successful field operatives within the Starfleet Intelligence services over the last decade. Plucked for SFI after the disappearance of his older brother in 2370, he earned the reputation as someone guided by a strong moral compass, who knew where the line between just and unjust laid.

In wake of a failed operation to retrieve a Romulan Scientist connected to the development of Shinzon of Remus’ Thalaron weapon, Andrew was underwent a debriefing with his old mentor and the Director of Starfleet Intelligence’s Covert Operations Division, Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Anderson. Expecting to be dressed down for the failure of his operation, he was instead keyed into the truth of the USS Theurgy and given explicit instructions to follow in order to reach the rogue starship. Fundamentally committed to the true ideals of Starfleet and the Federation, he was prepared to brave the dark recesses of the covert underworld in order to expose the truth to the whole of Starfleet, and stop this corruption before it consumed the whole of the Galaxy.

Early Life

George Andrew Fisher, instead preferring the use of his middle name “Andrew”, was born to Thomas and Catherine Fisher on Earth, in the city of Boston, on June 11th, 2344. He was the younger of two sons, his older brother Benjamin having been born in 2341. Andrew’s parents met when his father was hospitalized due to a rare genetic disorder, and came under the care of his mother, who had been an Intensive Care Nurse. His father had owned and operated an old traditional Irish American Pub and Brewery in the downtown Boston area until his tragic death from said genetic disorder in late 2347. Andrew’s mother then took ownership of the Pub, where both Andrew and his brother heard more than a few tall tales of the Federation, and the adventures of Starfleet from retired and off-duty Officers looking to get a good bite, and a pint of beer.

Together, Andrew and Benny grew to idolize the idealism of Starfleet and promised each other that they would one day serve beside one another aboard the bridge of Starfleet starship.

Starfleet Academy

Andrew was accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2359, three years after his older brother had also been accepted. But whereas Benny had favored the Tactical Department, Andrew had entered the Security track. Also, unlike his brother who had seemingly been flying through the Academy with adoration, Andrew struggled early on due to arrogance and trouble with authority. While his gradings were through the roof, he lacked the temperance and understanding of a Starfleet Officer, something that often put him at odds with his fellow cadets. Worse was his ‘I know better’ attitude, which set him against his Academy instructors from the very beginning. Still, Academy Administrators saw the promise in Andrew, and decided he would be assigned a personal counselor to try and steer him back in line.

Chosen for this task was an old Starfleet veteran on extended leave to Earth, the then Lieutenant Commander Joseph Nerva Anderson. Andrew and the old salt had butted heads immediately, and though his counseling methods might have been a tad more physical than regulations had technically allowed, they made an immediate impact on the young cadet. Andrew respected Anderson’s own stubbornness but recognized the manner in which he seemed to get far more accomplished by sometimes going along, and just shutting his mouth. He took after the older Officer, and soon fell in line with what was expected of him at the Academy until his graduation in 2362.

First Assignment

Upon graduation, Andrew was commissioned as an Ensign and assigned to the New Orleans Class USS Rutledge NCC-57295, where he took up a post as a junior security officer. The first few months of his assignment were surprisingly routine, as even though the Rutledge had been assigned patrol duty along the Cardassian and Federation border during a time of active war between the two Alpha-Quadrant powers, little seemed to be developing as the conflict was clearly waning. At least that had been the feeling until a Cardassian Dal led an attack on the Federation colony of Setlik-III. In response to the attack, the Rutledge was diverted from its usual course to mount a rescue of any surviving Federation colonists.

Upon arrival in orbit, the Rutledge launched an initial away team led by the Captain himself, aimed at defending the colonists from further massacre at the hands of the Cardassians. Not long after the first had landed planet side, a second away team was launched via shuttle in order to evacuate severely wounded colonists that wouldn’t have survived being beamed back to the ship. Andrew was selected for that second away team and ordered to maintain a secure perimeter around the landing site. However, when the shuttle entered the upper atmosphere, it was targeted and shot down by a pair of Cardassian attack craft. Despite the pilot’s struggles to maintain some kind of safe trajectory, the shuttle splashed down hard among the rubble of the colony.

Of the ten members in the second away team, only Andrew and one of the medical officers had survived the initial crash. The rest had been killed on impact. Lucky as he had been to survive the crash, Andrew hadn’t done so without sustaining a number of severe injuries, chief among them being a series of fractures in his lower back. Enduring an incredible amount of pain, Andrew and the other survivor were forced to leave the wrecked shuttle as Cardassian patrols moved into to confirm their kill. Making their way into the destroyed city, they hunkered down and laid low until hours later when the Cardassian forces pulled out of the colony, having been turned back by the vicious resistance fighting led by the first away team.

After being rescued, Andrew and the other survivors were taken to Starbase-47 for medical attention. For the injuries he sustained, Andrew was awarded the Starfleet Purple Heart Medallion.

Extended Medical Leave

Due to the severity of his injuries, Andrew was removed from active duty and sent to undergo advanced treatment and physical therapy on Earth, with the understanding that he might never fully recover. It would be nearly a year and a half before he would be cleared to return to active duty in early 2364.

Second Assignment

Having returned to active duty, Andrew was assigned to the Galaxy Class USS Discovery NCC-71100 as a junior security officer, as it was about to resume its deep space exploration mission. Serving aboard one of the flagships of the Federation, he experienced a different side of the Starfleet mission. He lived in a lap of relative luxury with the monotonous routine of a junior security officer wearing him down, only to occasionally be broken up by security drills, war games or the exceedingly rare away team assignment. But Andrew did his duty, kept his nose clean of trouble and was eventually granted his first promotion, attaining the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade to go along with additional ship responsibilities.

Though at the time he found the posting to be somewhat mundane, he would later come to realize that his time aboard the Discovery had been exactly the kind of assignment he’d needed in the wake of his injury. A posting he’d wished he’d have appreciated more at the time.

Third Assignment

By 2367, the Discovery had been brought to Starbase for routine maintenance, and Andrew sought out the chance to be reassigned elsewhere, being granted a posting aboard the Akira Class USS Diamondback NCC-63598 as its Chief of Security, with the rank of a full grade Lieutenant. Whereas the Discovery had been on a deep space exploratory mission, the Diamondback had been about to begin a patrol and enforcement tour along the Klingon border during a time of strife and civil war within the Empire. It hadn’t taken long for the situation to intensify for the Diamondback, as it routinely responded to deep space sensors that had detected Klingon intrusions into Federation space.

The Diamondback, like other Akira class ships assigned along the border pursued and intercepted the Klingons, having charged in with weapons hot and ready to engage in a tactic that would come to be known as ‘Thunder Runs’. They were a show of force that often sent the intruding Klingon vessels back across the border in a hurry. The tactic was surprisingly effective, as it turned out that the Klingons who crossed into Federation space lacked any real interest in engaging in lopsided conflicts with the heavily armed Akira class ships. Still there were occasional brushfire instances, as occurred in late 2367 when a group of over-zealous rogue Klingon Captains launched a predatory campaign on the border patrol vessels, specifically waylaying the Diamondback.

Sucker punched from the onset by the cloaked ships, the Diamondback was at an immediate disadvantage, but managed hold its own long enough to destroy three attacking Birds of Prey, sending a fourth running back into Klingon space. The Diamondback was then left one on one with an older attack cruiser, and the two ships exchanged heavy fire until both were left disabled and adrift. Still not satisfied by the blood they’d already spilled and seeking further glory in battle, the Klingons boarded the Diamondback and engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Awaiting them were Andrew’s well-trained security teams who repelled the invaders, then led a counter-insurgent away team across to the Klingon ship, as its warp core was in danger of breaching and needed to be stabilized.

After the situation had been resolved and the Klingons brought under control, the Diamondback crew restored power and made for additional repairs at a nearby Starbase.

For his valor and bravery in repelling the Klingons during their boarding before taking the fight to their own ship, Andrew was recognized and awarded by Starfleet with the Distinguished Service Cross.

There would be several additional close calls with Klingons along the border during their Civil War, and dozens more ‘Thunder Runs’ carried out by the Diamondback, but nothing quite like that battle fought in 2367.

By early 2370, Andrew had really settled into his position aboard the Diamondback and had had every intention of remaining with the posting for as long as he possibly could. But that changed when he learned of the disappearance of his brother and the starship he was serving aboard, the Excelsior Class USS Huron NCC-40553, somewhere near the Cardassian demilitarized zone. Andrew was devastated by the news, and as reports came in, he’d grown increasingly frustrated by a lack of consistent information. He became desperate to find his brother or at least ascertain his fate and requested a transfer to assist in the investigation.

His request was denied.

Elsewhere, his old mentor had also become aware of the disappearance of Andrew’s brother and recognized it as an opportunity to recruit him into Starfleet Intelligence. Told he’d one day have a chance to discover the truth of his brother’s fate, Andrew was Intrigued by the offer to join the Office of Starfleet Intelligence and accepted. One week later he was granted a transfer from the Diamondback to return to Earth, where he would undergo the requisite Intelligence Training.

Starfleet Intelligence Training

While Andrew had already learned to be an effective Security team leader, he had still lacked many of the finer skills necessary for any Starfleet Intelligence Operative. Over the course of eighteen weeks he learned how to develop assets, covert logistics, data encryption, intelligence analysis, and other tradecraft necessary for the job that await him.

First Intelligence Operation

Despite his immediate desire to lead an investigation into the disappearance of his brother’s ship, Andrew was instead assigned to Starbase-310, having reported directly to a Senior Intelligence Field Operative by the name of Hurley, who’d been leading an operation against the Orion Crime Syndicate. Hurley was to be Andrew’s first handler. Officially Andrew had been assigned as a Senior Security Officer aboard the Starbase, but unofficially had begun putting his Intelligence training into practical use on the planet of Farius Prime, observing and reporting on suspected Syndicate associates.

A few weeks later, Andrew had proven himself proficient enough that he was given the okay to begin acquiring civilian assets of his own, which eventually led to his discovery of Syndicate activities taking place within the Cardassian demilitarized zone. The Syndicate had been supplying illegal weapons to both the Cardassians and the Maquis, and even working to ensure that hostilities between them remained open. Upon this revelation an immediate action plan aimed at disrupting the flow of their illegal weapons into the DMZ was drawn up by Hurley, with Andrew and the other Intelligence operatives working key roles. An unknown to the Syndicate, Andrew was instructed to approach the Syndicate in the guise of disgruntled Starfleet Officer, looking to sell information on supply shipments coming to Starbase-310.

Naturally, the Syndicate agents were interested but skeptical. Still, a meeting was arranged, and Andrew was introduced to Syndicate Agents by means of one of his civilian assets on Farius Prime. A deal was brokered, and Andrew delivered the intel to the Syndicate in exchange for a sum of Gold Pressed Latinum. Indeed, the information had to appear genuine in order for him to gain the Syndicate’s trust, and as result a series of resupply shipments were intercepted and stolen. Despite concerns over the risk of the stolen supplies being used against Starfleet and even Federation civilians, the information exchange continued over the course of the next four months, further endearing Andrew to his Syndicate contacts.

When it seemed that their level of trust in him had reached its peak, he was instructed to approach the Syndicate about selling stolen biogenic weapons research. With greed and implicit trust blinding their better judgement, Andrew’s Syndicate contacts made a deal, failing to realize that the data they’d received hadn’t been the research they’d bargained for, but in fact had been a carefully scripted isomorphic algorithm. Said algorithm leached information back to Starfleet Intelligence databases right out of the Syndicates own computer systems. Hundreds of Syndicate agents and their activities were exposed to Starfleet, which in turn were counter-acted and undermined in one of the largest disruptions to Syndicate business in over a century.

Of the stolen data, one entry even detailed the Orion Syndicate’s role in the disappearance of the Huron. According to the report, the crew of the Huron had discovered information pertaining to the Syndicate’s dealings in the DMZ, and in order to prevent that information from getting back to Starfleet, Syndicate agents arranged for the ship to be destroyed.

For his undercover efforts in exposing such an extensive portion of Orion Syndicate operations, Andrew was awarded the Starfleet Intelligence Star, at least ceremoniously, as according to longstanding traditions it is never actually given to recipients.

Second Intelligence Operation

With this data in hand Andrew approached his handler about acting on it and was given permission to draw up an action plan to be carried out after approval. According to the data, the Syndicate had been selling an illicit narcotic to member of the crew of the Huron prior to its destruction, which led Andrew to believe that he had been the eventual saboteur. Back tracing the crew member’s steps to an old orbital facility owned by the Syndicate, Andrew and a small fireteam launched a covert incursion and after dispatching a number of Syndicate agents, found that the facility had been built in part to house a captive Bolian Scientist named, Atrell.

Atrell had been kidnapped from Bolarus and assumed dead almost a decade earlier. He explained to the team that among a hundred other awful crimes, he’d been ordered under threat of death to implant an explosive device in the Huron crewmember, that would go undetected by traditional sensor sweeps. An explosive that would trigger when in proximity to the Huron’s warp core, and that would be strong enough to cause a breach. The fireteam then attempted to exfiltrate with Atrell, but Syndicate agents closed in on and engaged them in combat. The fireteam was forced to take refuge in Atrell’s laboratory in order to hold out until rescue or reinforcement. As the situation grew increasingly dire, and without warning Andrew and the fireteam were beamed to the surface of Farius Prime by Atrell with the use of a hidden emergency transporter system. Having no desire to go back to his life as the Syndicate’s prisoner scientist, and severely guilt ridden over the harm he’d done, Atrell initiated an overload of the facility power core causing it to rupture and explode.

The orbital facility was destroyed in an instant.

Third Intelligence Operation

With a series of successful Intelligence Operations against the Orion Syndicate behind him, Andrew was made a Senior Field Operative and given the freedom to work without immediate oversight from a handler. He was the Handler now. As such he would continue to work out of Starbase-310 and on Farius Prime, further disrupting Orion Syndicate activities in and around the DMZ. When in 2373 the Dominion invaded into the Alpha Quadrant from the Bajoran Wormhole as allies of Cardassia, Andrew was approached by assets with ties to the Maquis with a request. The Maquis knew the imminent threat that faced them and negotiated for Andrew and his people to coordinate an evacuation of as many of them into Federation space as he could. Those that remained behind, were later obliterated by Dominion backed Cardassian forces.

Fourth Intelligence Operation

As the cold war between the Federation and Dominion turned hot, Andrew shifted the focus of his intelligence network on Farius Prime to undermining the Syndicate’s dealings with the Dominion. As the Jem’Hadar were fatalistically addicted to the narcotic, Ketrecel White, their ability to wage war on the Federation depended on its availability. Thus, a primary objective of allied forces in the Alpha Quadrant became the disruption of Ketrecel White supply chains. However, even after Starfleet had managed to cut off the primary supply of the drug from the Gamma Quadrant via mining the Bajoran Wormhole, there were still smaller supplies of it coming into Dominion controlled space from various other sources, one of them being the Orion Syndicate.

In the years prior to the Dominion invasion, Syndicate Agents had seen the signs pointing to an eventual invasion by the Dominion and had stockpiled Ketrecel White with the intent of trading it for favors. Andrew and his operation were tasked with finding and eliminating those Syndicate controlled White reserves. But, as changelings began to regularly infiltrate Starfleet Intelligence operations in and around Dominion controlled space, especially on Farius Prime, it became increasingly costly for Andrew and his operation to find success.

By late 2374, Andrew’s operations on Farius Prime were shut down, and he and his team pulled from the field to regroup and reassess at Starbase-211.

Fifth Intelligence Operation

Two weeks after Andrew had been pulled from Farius Prime, Dominion forces drove deep into Federation space, bypassing Starbase-211 and the 10th Fleet which had been out on a training exercise and invaded the planet Betazed. Embarrassed by this failure and the loss of one of the Federation’s crown jewels, several immediate attempts were made at freeing Betazed, but were turned back. It soon became apparent that the Dominion had deeply entrenched itself, and thus any additional plans to free Betazed were suspended. Instead a resistance campaign would need to be waged, loosening that deeply planted Dominion foothold for the time when a push would come and uproot it entirely. A call was put out for volunteers, and Andrew one of the first to step forward.

Just getting planet side was a feat, as many attempts to implant the volunteer operatives were defeated, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Intelligence personnel. Luckily, Andrew had been one of the few who made it, and he linked up with resistance cells. Weeks went by as he trained and collaborated with native Betazoids in carrying out guerilla warfare tactics against the Dominion occupation forces. The fighting was brutal, and the reprisals carried out by the Jem’Hadar were equally as brutal. But, eventually the cost of maintaining control of the Betazoid populace became too much for the Dominion to manage, and after withdrawing a large portion of its occupying force, the Allied push moved in and liberated planet.

Sixth Intelligence Operation

As the tide of the war had begun to turn in the favor of Allied forces, so had the success of Intelligence operations as the effectiveness of the Changelings as infiltrators had deteriorated due to the plague ravaging their species. Soon Starfleet began to make plans for an eventual push into Dominion controlled space, and rumors of dissension among the Cardassian people grew. Sensing a possible split in the Dominion alliance with the Cardassians, Starfleet Intelligence was then tasked with seeking out and facilitating any and all Cardassian resistance cells.

Part of this initiative, Andrew was sent to Setlik-III, the very planet he’d nearly been killed on during an away mission some thirteen years earlier. There he met with and began working closely with a Cardassian resistance movement centered on the planet, and with additional support from Allied forces had managed to help the Cardassians lay the foundations of their resistance movement. Spreading out from the Setlik system, supplies and information flowed to other nearby Cardassian controlled worlds, and the Anti-Dominion sentiment expanded rapidly until in early 2375, when the time had come for the outright revolt against the Dominion.

In the last hours, the Dominion attempted to purge resistance elements across the whole of their territory, but the match had already been lit, and on Setlik-III the Cardassian uprising overthrew and drove out the Dominion with relative ease. Similar stories raged across Dominion space, as in a carefully coordinated event Cardassian forces turned on the Dominion, joining the other Allied forces in their eventual push to Cardassia Prime. There in the wake of one of the deadliest orbital bombardments of the war that had resulted in the deaths of millions of Cardassians, and after a harrowing battle waged overhead between two of the largest amassed fleets in history, the Dominion were defeated and agreed to sign an unconditional surrender.

Seventh Intelligence Operation

As the Dominion War came to a close, the need for experienced Intelligence Operatives remained paramount, and despite a request for a leave of absence, Andrew was instead assigned to an Internal Affairs operation being conducted on Earth.

The anger and resentment toward the Dominion by of the people of the Federation was understandably high, and with that came the fear of attacks of retribution and reprisal. Andrew was again brought in by his old mentor, Joseph Anderson to infiltrate a new terror cell aimed at carrying out such attacks on former member states of the Dominion. Together they posed as disgruntled Starfleet Officers out to get revenge on the Dominion and its allies and managed to trace the support their cell was receiving back to a group of wealthy and influential members of the Federation council.

Arrests were made, the peace maintained, and in the wake of the operation and during the subsequent trials, Andrew was posted to data analysis duty at the Office of Starfleet Intelligence for a short time.

Extended Personal Leave of Duty

Finally, in 2377, after having been active in Intelligence operations for five of the previous six years and having spent nearly a year riding a desk as an intelligence analyst, Andrew was granted an extended leave of absence. He returned home to Boston, where he dealt with the trauma of his Dominion War experience, and the still lingering effects of his Setlik-III injuries.

Return to Active Duty & Eighth Intelligence Operation

A year later, Andrew was approached about returning to active duty, and after having been promoted to Lieutenant Commander was assigned to Starbase-718, near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Again, officially he was listed as the Chief Security Officer for the Starbase but was in actuality tasked with taking the lead on an already existing Intelligence network operating throughout the region. Via this network Andrew met an active Tal-Shiar agent, Sub-Commander Alarak who had negotiated an exchange of information between them as a means of keeping their back channels open. Alarak had professed that like Andrew, he had seen enough of war and wanted to work toward maintaining the peace. That he’d represented a growing portion of the Romulan people who didn’t view the Federation as an enemy.

It was then through Alarak that Starfleet Intelligence learned the details of the Reman uprising. An uprising led by Shinzon, that culminated in the assassination of the Romulan Senate, and an upheaval of the Star Empire into a state of Civil War.

A year later, Alarak had approached Andrew and his network with a plan to evacuate the families of prominent Romulan leaders that had sided with or expressed sympathy with Donatra, and her new Imperial Romulan State. It was during the process of interviewing and admitting these families into Federation protective custody, that the location of a Romulan Scientist that’d worked on Shinzon’s Thalaron weapon had been determined.


Given that the location of the Scientist was on the Romulan side of the border, Andrew was instructed to collaborate on a raid to take him captive with Alarak. Later when Andrew and his team moved into rendezvous with Alarak’s team, it became clear that they’d been duped. That Alarak and his team had moved in well ahead of the Starfleet team, and had already secured the scientist, interrogated him, and subsequently executed him. Regardless of his promises of cooperation with Andrew and Starfleet, Alarak had acted unilaterally, and silenced a potential leak. When confronted about it, he explained that he did indeed trust Andrew, and wanted to cooperate, but that the black eye the Romulan Empire would have taken as a result of the scientist’s interrogation was something he simply couldn’t allow.

After filing reports detailing the manner in which Alarak had betrayed him, Andrew was ordered to relinquish control of the Starbase-718 intelligence network to another operative, and recalled back to Earth for debriefing by the head of Starfleet Intelligence’s Covert Operations Department, his old mentor the now Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Anderson. Andrew had known and respected the Admiral for the better part of two decades by then, but he also knew that recent results hadn’t been turning out in his favor. He more than expected to be dressed down, and even face additional reprimands for the failure of his operations at Starbase-718. He’d started to question whether his approach was as effective then, as it had been earlier in his career.

Return to Earth

Upon his meeting, which had indeed been under the guise of a debriefing and reprimand, he was instead clued into the truth of the magnitude of the conspiracy facing Starfleet. Learning that the USS Theurgy hadn’t in fact betrayed Starfleet but had rather been targeted for its revelation of the reality, that these parasites had infected and taken a hold of many people of power in Starfleet, the Federation and beyond. The weight of it all was almost too much to believe, and were it not being delivered by someone he trusted as much as the Admiral, he might have balked at it. But trust in Anderson, he did, and volunteer to be of service he would.

In order to maintain the illusion of his continued obedience to Starfleet as it was, Andrew had been officially reprimanded by Anderson for his failure at Starbase-718 and ordered to Starbase-211 for a position as a mere data analyst. In reality, the posting had been a false one intended to allow him safe passage to the edges of Federation space, after which he would make his way to the Epsilon Mynos system via unofficial means.

Personality Profile


Despite his often-sardonic sense of humor, Andrew was guided by a strong moral compass that had sometimes led him to bump heads with other Starfleet Intelligence personnel that were more interested in bottom line results, rather than just or unjust. He was cautiously extroverted, knowing when and where to make roads; and given his naturally charming personality had had little trouble in that regard. However, it should be noted that in recency his attitude had seemed to change, perhaps caused by strife or failures he’d experienced as an operative. He’d began to regress to an attitude he’d maintained earlier on in his Academy days, questioning the orders or superiors, and sometimes pushing things beyond cursory insubordination. Regardless, Andrew was generally quite approachable, and not afraid of embracing a good time when it happened along, knowing that there were no guarantees of the next day.

Physical Profile

Andrew had tried to maintain peak physical conditioning during his time as a Starfleet Officer, understanding its importance in regard to the dangers of his work; he was relatively tall with broad shoulders and a somewhat athletic build. Additionally, he recognized the benefits of physical appearance in making contacts, and assets in an Intelligence network. Throughout his career, Andrew also dealt with the lingering physical trauma of injuries sustained early on during an away mission, specifically a series of fractures to his L3 through S2 vertebrae.

Special Notes

As Andrew had spent the better part of a decade as a Starfleet Intelligence Field Operative, coordinating and developing Intelligence gathering networks, and working to counter-act rival Intelligence organizations, he’d managed to put together a relatively extensive list of civilian and even military assets throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. These assets would often have served as a contact point, or even observer that could relay important information or facts to Andrew whenever he needed; at least so long as those assets could have been trusted to be feeding Andrew reliable information, and not having deliberately fed him disinformation.