USS Enterprise-E

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The USS Enterprise-E
Image © Paramount

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) was a 24th century Federation Sovereign class starship operated by Starfleet.

The Enterprise-E was launched from San Francisco Fleet Yards on October 29th, 2372. The ship is known for the pivotal role it played during the Borg incursion of 2373, the Son’a Crisis in the Ba’ku Nebula in 2375, and the aborted Reman attack in 2379. During the Dominion War, it patrolled the Beta Quadrant and executed nonmilitary missions in Federation space away from the front like its predecessor did during the Cardassian Conflict of the 2360's.

Enlisted tactical specialist Kenneth Urban served aboard the Enterprise-E after the Dominion War and impressed his superiors for his cool head under fire during their engagements against the Son'a and the Remans enough to be sent to Officer’s Candidate School at Starfleet Academy and mustanged up to ensign.