Drauc T'Laus (MIA)
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
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Name: | Drauc T’Laus | ||
Rank: | None | ||
Position: | Former Position in Starfleet: Security Officer, Former Rank in Starfleet: Lt. JG | ||
Species: | Romulan | ||
Age: | 33 | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Orientation: | Asexual | ||
Birthplace: | Romulus | ||
Height: | 6’2” | ||
Weight: | 201 lbs | ||
Hair: | Burgundy | ||
Eye color: | Brown | ||
Played by: | Mads Mikkelsen | ||
Interests | |||
Drauc seeks to hone his combat skills whenever possible and is always interested in finding a talented sparring partner. As well his is interested in learning about the various cultures he comes across. | |||
Education | |||
N/A | |||
Service Record | |||
N/A | |||
Decorations | |||
N/A |
Drauc T’Laus was a mercenary imprisoned at Starbase 84. Drauc aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.
Romulan children born with physical deformities or attributes that impeded their ability to serve the Romulan Star Empore were not allowed to live. The development of the child was monitored closely until the age of five. If the child was fit then they entered a rigorous training program of schooling, cultural indoctrination and physical training for 15 years.
Yet since Drauc and Kraun had just turned five years of age, their father had seen it convenient to dispose of them, unable to raise them himself. Drauc and his brother had been five years of age when they became test subjects for the Tal Shiar's Mind Wars Dicision, and Drauc recalled his mother only by a fading face and a false name. A name through which they had been able to contact her before she vanished; T'Mei. Later in life, Drauc sometimes wondered where their mother had gone, and if she had known what befell him and his brother since she had been an operative of the Tal Shiar at that time.
Romulans were not typically telepathic, this being a very rare trait, but the two brothers were taken into the Tal Shiar's secret training program that sought to hone them instruments of mind warfare. The first thing that happened was that Drauc and Kraun underwent extensive cranial surgery, opening their cranial ridges and being experimented upon - the idea being to awaken dormant psionic abilities. Since Romulans had a shared ancestry with Vulcans, the Tal Shiar believed they could restore these abilities artificially.
Under the guidance of their chief training facilitator, the brothers quickly learned the mantra that “emotions will cloud your judgement and pain will keep it sharp”. What little emotion they had were for each other, and that they kept carefully hidden from their teachers. To say the two brothers were content would be a stretch, yet they were indoctrinated to the abuse. When their minds were not honed, they underwent physical conditioning as well, meant to some day become field operatives. On a regular basis, new brain surgeries were preformed upon them, making them suffer different side effects each time. Still, they would have complacently carried on with their training with nary a word of disobedience had Kraun not developed a rare blood disease. Worse, it was one that was potentially easy to spread in a training program where blood was commonly spilled. Kraun would have been killed, but luckily for the two, they managed to escape the program by using their psionic abilities and stealing a shuttle. While they had been taught of the world outside the training facility, it was the first time they stepped outside it. By that time, they were eighteen years old, and had been subjects of the Tal Shiar for thirteen years.
Knowing they would not be safe in Romulan space, they made their way to the Federation border. There they encountered the USS Apollo, to which they surrendered to before their pursuers could stop them. Aboard, the ship's doctor was able to use a new form of treatment that gave Kraun a new chance to live. He was not fully cured, but he was able to take medicine that would sustain him for many years. Due to their personal code, the two brothers vowed to repay the help they were given. They decided the best way to do that would be to try to join Starfleet, and help protect the people who saved them.
Though their Romulan heritage made them objects of suspicion for some time, they were eventually allowed to enroll in Starfleet. As Romulans it was difficult for them to earn the trust of others, but by working diligently, and proving themselves to be absolutely loyal, they were eventually accorded the respect they deserved. Soon after the Dominion war started.
For three years the brothers fought in defense of their adopted homeland. It was three years of hellish war, composed of seemingly never ending strings of battle. Even though the brothers thrived under such conditions, it quickly began to wear on their mental state.
And then Kraun fell in battle. And the two became one.
They had been fighting back to back when a Jem’Hadar kar'takin pierced his left side and went into his brother, severing his spine. So chaotic was the fight that Drauc did not notice for a few moments that his brother had fallen, and by the time he reached him, his brother was dead.
The next few hours were a blur of red that he still cannot fully remember. At some point he cauterized his wound with his phaser. And he must have been screaming with such madness and loss that he permanently damaged his throat, leaving him a harsh whisper of a voice.
He woke up on a medical ship disoriented and confused, asking for his brother. When the memory of his death came, his mind shut down and he was left catonic for a full month. For months after that he had to go through intense therapy. His mental trauma was to the point that he could not even use his telepathic abilities, as whenever he reached out, when he did not feel his brothers mind, he would shut down completely.
He was offered a medical discharge. He turned it down, asking to be cleared for duty so that he could return to the war. Eventually he was, though reluctantly. His commanders though were never given any reason to regret the move, as he proved to be, if anything, a more perfect, driven soldier.
Secretly though a resentment was simmering, and disillusioned with the idea of a peacetime Starfleet, he stole a transport as the war was ending. Much of that time remained a mystery, though it is known that he acted as a mercenary for two years, as well as a raider/pirate for six months near the Atavan Straight. In all, he was gone for just shy of five years.
Until about a year ago when according to recent reports from Starfleet Intelligence he had been spotted as part of a raiding party. The raiding party was made up of former members of the Orion Syndicate and Romulans who had left the Romulan Star Empire after the war. After 10 months he was captured by Federation authorities during a raid gone bad and was sent to Starbase 84 to await trial. Due to a lack of secure transport it has taken much longer to get him moved from the base to a more secure location.
Personality Profile
Drauc is even tempered to a fault. The mental trauma he endured at the loss of his brother created a defense mechanism that keeps him from experiencing strong emotion. This used to make him an exceptional soldier, but a very difficult person to get along with. Should something actually manage to pierce this defensive shell around his mind, he reacted violently, removing the ‘threat’ at all costs, using any means at hand. While Drauc's heart was a cold and scarred thing, he was no longer without empathy as of 2381, when he came aboard the USS Theurgy. For how could he stay the way he had been made by the Tal Shiar, when he had learned to feel through others? He might also have become more sympathetic to the plights of others because his father handed over him and his brother to the Tal Shiar, becoming test subjects for the Mind War Division.
He viewed sex with a some detachment. Sex was merely a means to an end; procreation. While on one level he could understand the appeal, his lack of passion precluded him from truly enjoying the act. His loyalty was still strong, but had shifted. Organizations couldn't earn his loyalty, only people, and very few at that. But those who he felt had earned it would find him a staunch ally, willing to help in any way possible.
Physical Profile
As typical for a Romulan his ears are sharply pointed, though he failed to develop the distinctive brow ridges. Whether this is because of his genetic makeup, or some form of manipulation as a child is not clear. There are a number of minute scars all over his body that resulted from the surgeries that worked to enhance his telepathy. As such, he was, when he was able to use the power, able to read the thoughts of anything sentient within about 15 feet of him with ease.
After he fought in there Dominion War he was tattooed with the names of people he fought alongside who died in the conflict. These tattoos are located on his back and not visible when he is in uniform. In addition rather than simply painting on the Romulan grief markings he chose to have them tattooed to ensure that he would never forget what he had lost.
He has a wound from his bellybutton to his side. Though the wound could have been healed he has chosen to keep and regard the scar with pride and respect for his fallen brother. Because of this he walks with a slight limp. On cold nights he still feels the pain of that blade.