Tactical NPCs

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The following is a list of named non-player characters who served in the Tactical Department during the USS Theurgy’s battles against a corrupt and compromised Starfleet.

Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura

Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura
image by scifiavatars.com

Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura was the tactical officer of Black Opal Station and the station’s exceutive officer as well. Described as a soft spoken yet still commanding man, he was far less intimating than Jennifer, but to her lasting chagrin, his word was taken a bit more seriously by the personnel at Black Opal. Yukimura quickly advocated surrender once the Theurgy’s boarding parties beamed aboard. He was against using the explosives in Black Opal’s main storage hall to destroy classified technology and data fearing a potential chain reaction the explosions could detonate ordinance or damage life support. Black Opal’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt silenced his protests by rendering him unconscious with a blow to the jaw. He was later restrained by Security Specialist Rivard and evacuated to the Theurgy after Black Opal was briefly boarded by the Romulans. It is assumed that he learned the truth of the alien parasites compromising Starfleet Command and joined the Theurgy’s crew compliment.

Ensign Kenneth Urban

Ensign Kenneth Urban
image by scifiavatars.com

Ensign Kenneth Urban was a male human who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. He was born on Earth in the late 2340’s and started his life in Starfleet in the enlisted ranks. He had been a petty officer working in the torpedo room of the USS Hood during the Dominion War. After the war he was promoted and transferred to the USS Enterprise-E. There he impressed his superiors for his cool head under fire during their engagements against the Son'a and the Remans enough to be sent to Officer’s Candidate School at Star Fleet Academy and mustanged up to ensign. The Theurgy was his first assignment after OCS, and his last.

During the attempted hijacking aboard the Theurgy by Captain Vasser and Commander T’Rena, Urban was assigned to the vector three battle bridge along with fellow ensigns Nizni Peri and Pavel Viktorovich Yelchin. Urban insisted that the three officers remained a their posts, while Peri and Yelchin considered joining Vasser’s supporters or retreating to their quarters until a commanding officer was determined. He followed Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent when the bionic intelligence analyst took command of the bridge, reporting on the status of sensors, shields, and weapon systems. He was killed by T’Rena when the Vulcan entered the battle bridge to eliminate Trent and any other resistance.

Petty Officer First Class Jonas Arisaka

Jonas Arisaka

Petty Officer First Class Jonas Arisaka was a phaser specialist serving aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381 before being recruited to serve on the bridge as a relief bridge tactical specialist. He was a Terran male who was born in 2347 in Copernicus City, a settlement on Earth’s moon. Jonas was the second son of Hikaru Arisaka, a civilian weapons engineer employed at the Copernicus Fleet Yards, and Catarina Teller, a team leader within those same shipyards Starfleet acceptance inspection department. Unlike his older brother, Jonas was hardly university material when he completed his basic schooling. However, his lifelong passion for weapons design still led him to Starfleet into the Tactical non-commissioned track as a Phaser Room specialist. A victim of his own ennui, his career stagnated until a superior recommended that he transfer to the USS Theurgy where he could take advantage of the educational resources aboard the sentient carrier and complete his Bridge Tactical Certification, a certification that would prepare him for Starfleet Academy’s Officer’s Candidate School. He managed to earn his Bridge Tactical Certification, but any career plans became irreverent when the officers and crew discovered the truth about Starfleet Command and fled Federation space.

After the death of Sjaandin Fedd, and the final battle the with the USS Calamity, Arisaka was one of several enlisted tactical specialists who was given duty shifts on the bridge. He was serving on the bridge during the raid on the Black Opal Facility and the mission to Starbase 84.

Lieutenant Augarath Thenaljpar described Arisaka as “driven, exhibiting great attention to detail, and possessing extremely strong spatial sense.”