USS Odyssey (NX-74699)

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Vessel Name: USS Odyssey
Registry: NX-74699
Starship Class: Odyssey-class
Starship Type: Explorer/Tac Cruiser
Status: Active
Purpose: Exploration & Scientific Research
Constructed: San Francisco Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned: January 22nd, 2380
Dedication: "From all that I saw, and everywhere I wandered, I learned that time cannot be spent, It only can be squandered."

― Roman Payne

  • Length: 1028 m
  • Height: 375 m
  • Width: 135 m
Mass: 4,800,000 metric tons
Decks: 32
Standard Crew Complement 1200
Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp Factor 9.9
Warp Factor 9.995 for 36hrs

Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 8
  • (x9) Type XI Phaser Arrays
  • (x4) Torpedo Launchers (2 front & 2 aft)
  • Standard Deflector Shield
  • Regenerative Shielding
  • Ablative Hull Armour
Auxiliary Craft
  • Type 9 Shuttles: 4
  • Type 9A Cargo Shuttles: 4
  • Argo Shuttle: 1
  • Workbees: 5
  • Aquarius Escort: 1

The USS Odyssey (NX-74699) was a Federation Odyssey-class starship operated by Starfleet in 2381. It was the first of its class and under the command of Admiral Kateryn Janeway. As of March in 2381, the Odyssey had yet to make an appearance in the Star Trek: Theurgy story.

Commissioned Odyssey-class Starships (January 2381):

Aquarius Light Escort - USS Penelope

The Aquarius-class starship was a Federation light escort designed as an auxiliary craft of the Odyssey-class. As development progressed on the new Odyssey-class starships, Starfleet Command saw the need for variants of the class in order to fill the various roles fulfilled by Starfleet vessels. As such, the aft section of the Odyssey variants were converted into docking ports for Aquarius-class light escorts.

The auxiliary craft of the Odyssey was named the USS Penelope. Penelope was the wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus in the epic named The Odyssey.

Fore Weapons

  • x2 Phaser Dual Cannons
  • x2 Phaser Beam Array
  • x2 Micro Torpedo Launchers

Aft Weapons

  • x2 Micro Torpedo Launchers
  • x2 Phaser Beam Array

Known Crew of the Odyssey

  • Commanding Officer
    • Admiral Kateryn Janeway
  • Executive Officer
    • Unknown
