USS Niger

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 23:51, 16 February 2018 by DocM (talk | contribs) (added weapons and shields)
Runabout 00.jpg
Vessel Name: USS Niger
Registry: NCC-76121
Class: Danube
Role: Runabout
Constructed: 2379
Commissioned: January 23rd 2380
  • Length: 23.1 m
  • Height: 5.4 m
  • Width: 13.7 m
Full Impulse: XXXXXc
Standard Crew Complement:
  • 2-4
Passenger compliment:
  • 10 standard complement
  • Up to 40 during emergency occupancy
Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 4
Maximum Cruising Speed: Warp Factor 5
Emergency Speed: Warp factor 7
(for a X hour duration)
Tactical Abilities:
  • (6) XXXXX type-VI phaser arrays
  • (2) microtorpedo tubes standard torpedoes (with multirole module)
Defence Abilities:
  • Deflector Shields
Technical Specs:

Paramount & CBS

3D Model:

The Light Works

Runabout 02.jpg

The Niger was an XXXXXX.

Shuttle Demonstration



Story Excerpts: Leaving the USS Endeavour


- Written by XXXXXX

Cockpit View


This Interior is a render by Daniel for the Star Trek: Voyager Game Project, used with his consent. Here is the homepage Star Trek Voyager Game Project. Permission of usage granted 2017-11-15.

Disclaimer Notice

Exterior images of the Runabout on this page were rendered by the Light Works.