Episode 2 Chapter Four: Objectives Joint Post: Difference between revisions

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The shuttle shifted and pulled the [[Andorian]] out of her ruminations as the formation of small craft manoeuvred to avoid some of the fire and aimed for the entry point.  This part was tricky as getting the [[Savi]] to agree to accepting instructions from a less advanced species had been a major effort on the part of the one diplomat with the team.  The principal was going to be brutally simple.  The Erudite would focus all it's fire at a specific point to induce local shield failure while the fighters and shuttles would go through the gap before the backups could cover the gap.  Once through, the fighters would provide cover while the shuttle docked with the station and a breaching charge would blast a hole in the hull, allowing everyone in quickly.  From there it got more tricky as one team led by Ensign Milly Dubois would seize the data node and power centre in what would be an attempt to access the station's systems while trying to cause sections of the station to overload.  Lieutenant Zark in the meantime would lead the team specialists deeper into the station to access primary systems and cause some real damage.
The shuttle shifted and pulled the [[Andorian]] out of her ruminations as the formation of small craft manoeuvred to avoid some of the fire and aimed for the entry point.  This part was tricky as getting the [[Savi]] to agree to accepting instructions from a less advanced species had been a major effort on the part of the one diplomat with the team.  The principal was going to be brutally simple.  The Erudite would focus all it's fire at a specific point to induce local shield failure while the fighters and shuttles would go through the gap before the backups could cover the gap.  Once through, the fighters would provide cover while the shuttle docked with the station and a breaching charge would blast a hole in the hull, allowing everyone in quickly.  From there it got more tricky as one team led by Ensign Milly Dubois would seize the data node and power centre in what would be an attempt to access the station's systems while trying to cause sections of the station to overload.  Lieutenant Zark in the meantime would lead the team specialists deeper into the station to access primary systems and cause some real damage.

A tight pattern of blue energy smashed into the station and the shields in that are flared for a moment under the relentless assault.  "Here goes nothing." The pilot sound out loud as he watched the LCARS panel as energy flooded the area, sending sensors into high range readings while trying to determine if the shields had collapsed.  The result could be seen soon as another pattern of blue fire made it through and explosions tore the hull in a mass of fire and metal.  That was all the sign Lieutnant Zark needed as she heard herself say "Punch it." and the shuttle lurched for the gap.
A tight pattern of blue energy smashed into the station and the shields in that are flared for a moment under the relentless assault.  "Here goes nothing." The pilot sound out loud as he watched the LCARS panel as energy flooded the area, sending sensors into high range readings while trying to determine if the shields had collapsed.  The result could be seen soon as another pattern of blue fire made it through and explosions tore the hull in a mass of fire and metal.  That was all the sign Lieutenant Zark needed as she heard herself say, "Punch it." and the shuttle lurched for the gap.

<h2>Prevent Hobus explosion</h2>
<h2>Prevent Hobus explosion</h2>

Latest revision as of 07:07, 29 September 2024

This is a wiki page dedicated to the Joint-Post writing of Chapter Four in Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative.

Writers will find the objective(s) they've opted to describe/document achieving on this page and will have until a set date to write In-Character segments. This setup will increase the pace and alacrity at which this epic multi-vector episode is depicted.


  • The order of the slots has been inputted according to the Cosmic Imperative calendar of events.
  • The chapter GM will "fluff" and weave the individual posts once all the objectives have been depicted.
  • Write as much as you like and use as many NPC's as you like. Just remember that if you choose to kill off an NPC, the same rules apply here as in regular threads: get permission from GM first and, after the fact, update that NPC's wiki page to show the deceased.
  • Once all the objectives have been written, the GM will alert chapter writers and they will then have the opportunity to look back through the objectives they did NOT write to and add in In-characters thoughts/responses to that objective if they feel so inspired
  • Continual corrections and edits are encouraged to allow for a better flow.

Any continuity errors and discrepancies will be sorted out after the ending date and before the JP is posted in Chapter One, Episode 02. The GM will handle any latent formatting issues and conversion from wiki markup to forum BBC code before posting.

Arrive and Battle at the Hobus Station

Detail the arrival at the Hobus station and the prelude to the big showdown. Have a grand time detailing the battle. Take creative license determining if you have any defectors with you, prisoners, stolen tech, fallen comrades, injuries, as well as the fate of the station itself once the battle is over. If you have questions or ideas you'd like to run by the GM, reach out via PM/DM.


[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Aboard the USS Lindstrom (Type 11 Shuttle) | Space between Hobus Station and Erudite]

It was certainly an impressive light show as the pair of shuttles dodged through space as bright energy fire lanced around the shuttle. It definitely seemed like the arrival of the Erudite was unexpected as the return fire was uncoordinated and focused on the Savi Dreadnought. Lieutenant Zark didn't really like the plan. Their available strength had been cut down by a last second addition that had taken Lieutenant zh'Wann off to another unexpected station in system, leaving her in charge of the security detachment, and down by about a third of their leadership. Now they were going to break in a hostile station, not knowing what to really expect from a technologically superior opponent. But they had an edge. As technically peaceful as Starfleet was though, it's personnel were still far better equipped in creating havoc that a species of scientists, and Lt.Zark had lots of experience to draw on.

The shuttle shifted and pulled the Andorian out of her ruminations as the formation of small craft manoeuvred to avoid some of the fire and aimed for the entry point. This part was tricky as getting the Savi to agree to accepting instructions from a less advanced species had been a major effort on the part of the one diplomat with the team. The principal was going to be brutally simple. The Erudite would focus all it's fire at a specific point to induce local shield failure while the fighters and shuttles would go through the gap before the backups could cover the gap. Once through, the fighters would provide cover while the shuttle docked with the station and a breaching charge would blast a hole in the hull, allowing everyone in quickly. From there it got more tricky as one team led by Ensign Milly Dubois would seize the data node and power centre in what would be an attempt to access the station's systems while trying to cause sections of the station to overload. Lieutenant Zark in the meantime would lead the team specialists deeper into the station to access primary systems and cause some real damage.

A tight pattern of blue energy smashed into the station and the shields in that are flared for a moment under the relentless assault. "Here goes nothing." The pilot sound out loud as he watched the LCARS panel as energy flooded the area, sending sensors into high range readings while trying to determine if the shields had collapsed. The result could be seen soon as another pattern of blue fire made it through and explosions tore the hull in a mass of fire and metal. That was all the sign Lieutenant Zark needed as she heard herself say, "Punch it." and the shuttle lurched for the gap.

Prevent Hobus explosion

While the battle is ensuing, detail how the crew prevents Hobus from exploding. Again, creative build-up of in-game canon is always encouraged and welcomed, and if you have questions or ideas you'd like to run by the GM, reach out via PM/DM.

Writer Name (replace with writer's name)

[Regular Character Tag | Location Detail | Location Detail] ATTN: tag all chapter writers


Travel back to Helmet dealing with unfriendlies

There is no feasible way that our characters were able to make it to Hobus and travel back to the Triangle without some unfriendlies on their tails. These unfriendlies can come from nearby patrols or even from Romulus. They can be whatever class fighters/ships you'd like, and as with all the objectives, wreck and maim and kill as you see fit. Just give a heads-up to the GM and update the wiki pages accordingly.

Writer Name (replace with writer's name)

[Regular Character Tag | Location Detail | Location Detail] ATTN: tag all chapter writers


Arrive at Triangle in time for epic battle

After a harrowing journey with unfriendlies on tail, this objective can be perfect for recapping all the losses, personal or professional, as well as all the gains made in the duration of the chapter. Details on damages, injuries, fallen comrades, as well as new hopes/fears, are also good for this objective. Approach it as you like, just end the objective with the chapter characters arriving at the Triangle and alerting those on the Helmet of their arrival.

Writer Name (replace with writer's name)

[Regular Character Tag | Location Detail | Location Detail] ATTN: tag all chapter writers