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Revision as of 12:27, 30 August 2017

Cir cie 01 by auctor lucan-d78nn8b.png
Personnel FileT-o1.png
Position:Science Officer
Orientation:  Heterosexual
Weight:51.3 kg
Eye color:Green
Played by:Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi
Starfleet Academy, class of 2380.
Service Record
2380: Assigned to USS Theurgy.

Cir'Cie was a Science Officer on the USS Theurgy. Cir'Cie aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.


Cir'Cie was born on the Vulcan homeworld in 2358. Her father was a scientist in the Vulcan Academy of Science, her mother was a diplomat for the United Federation of Planets and spent a great deal of time away from Vulcan and her husband.

Her father kept her on the homeworld for the first twelve years of her life until her mother insisted she was old enough to travel. At that point she was reluctantly allowed to accompany her mother on some of her diplomatic missions for the Federation and oversee how diplomacy worked. It was during these years that Cir'Cie began to appreciate the science of sociology and first began to gain an interest in the more subtle science of botany.

She spent the next four years collecting various plants and sending them home for a small garden that her father maintained for her. Taking a few plants from each world her mother visited. At eighteen Cir'Cie attended Starfleet Academy for possible enlistment as a Science Officer. During her training she was found to have slight difficulty focusing on some tasks, and achieved upper middle level scoring below par for most Vulcan attendees.

Despite this she managed to get assigned to the Theurgy following a conflict between the Chief Science Officer and one of the younger officers on the ship. She had only arrived a few short weeks before they fled.

Personality Profile

Cir'Cie is emotional for a Vulcan, although like most Vulcans she suppresses her emotions and tries to act through logic, in many ways she is considered less then Vulcan amongst her Vulcan peers. She is an excellent scientist but often finds herself being drawn to her interests especially botany, both because of the beauty of plants but also because of the pharmaceutical benefits that can often be discovered by investigating the uses of plants by locals.

Physical Profile


Cir'Cie is a fair-skinned, green-eyed Vulcan woman in her prime years. She is considered quite attractive by most species if they can take the time to look past her stoic and passionless demeanor.