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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2775

At the Battle of Starbase 84, eight Valravn fighters in the White Wolves Squadron defected to the USS Theurgy (Devyrie, Angel, Terror, Sniper, etc.), and integrated into the Lone Wolves Squadron. The rest stayed loyal to the Commanding Officer of the USS Orcus. Yet since the original White Wolves were so few in numbers after the battle, a lot of them KIA, they were integrated into the Black Wolves Squadron aboard the USS Dauntless instead.

The Black Wolves Squadron

See below for the status of the Black Wolves when Task Force Archeron intercepts Vector 03 of the USS Theurgy in Episode 05:

> > Click for Full Size


Some general updates to important ships in the Theurgy story below:

Odyssey-class Starships

Please also checkout the monstrous Starship Database that @Doc M. has been building since we got the wiki. It is really cool to be able to track whether two characters have been serving on the same ship in the past. It's also noteworthy how some of the ships in Task Force Archeron are ships that your characters once served on, making future battles have a personal aspect too:

Starship Database

Thanks again @Doc M. for all the work you have put into this!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2777
I would love if anyone could help me out with ranks, names and callsigns for all of those!

For now, they are just references in the form of Wolf-03 - for example - in comm chatter. If there is an opening for new Tac CONN officers down the line, there will be an announcement about it, but it will be very hard to make it plausible that a Black Wolf would defect. The chance is higher for a White Wolf, even if they made another decision back at Starbase 84.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2779

Hi there, Theurgists!

I have been doing a lot of graphics the last couple of days, and here is a first batch of images showing three characters that have been permanently changed by the Savi (at least it is unlikely that they undergo a change back appearance-wise). First out, we have Nathaniel Isley, who was made fully Romulan:

Ens. Nathaniel Isley          Wolf-XX [Icarus] (SAVI) 

  - Writer:

Check the page for full size images. Next, we have another character, namely Hi'Jak, who is not only missing an eye and an arm, he is also fully human after he underwent Correction at the hands of the Savi:

Lt. JG Hi'Jak                 Science Officer (Temporal Mechanics) (SAVI)  

  - Writer:

Next, just a slight change to my character Devyrie Okhala, where I touched up a couple of the images and removed her ridges and eyebrows, making her fully human as well:

Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Wolf-XX [Dragon] (SAVI)   

  - Writer:
Auctor Lucan

Oh, and in case you missed it, here is @steelphoenix 's images of Deacon's new look, with an almost completed Correction sequence:

Deacon                        Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks (SAVI)  

  - Writer:

Again, you might need to check the pages themselves to see the full size images. More characters are in the pipeline, with R'Rori & Khorin Douglas coming up soon enough, among any others that wants their character alterations to be permanent. I will not, however, make new character images if your characters won't keep their new genetics, since I only have time for so much graphics if I am to write and run the story too.


With help from @Stegro88 , we now have some names and callsigns to the NPCs in the Black Wolves Squadron, which really helps me for my upcoming posts in Vertex. Thanks, Stegro! :)

Black Wolves Squadron

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2781

Since @patches wanted her character's partial Correction at the hands of the Savi be permanent, I have updated the images of R'Rori, the former Chief Counselor of the Endeavour. :)

Lt. R'Rori                      Former Chief Counselor (SAVI)  

  - Writer:

I really like her new look myself, and for better resolution, visit the character page and click on the images.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2783
Makes me wonder what will happen to Captain Ives. Would it be likely the Captain will get stuck in one of the forms?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2784
Top Hat: oh hey Ksenia Solo with cute cat ears this is pretty cool and neat

Ducote: What the fuck have they done to my counsellor.
Nator 159: "I accept no responsibility for the ensign's manifest stupidity. Sir." [Show/Hide]
Ranaan Ducote: "A ship is a home; its crew a family." [Show/Hide]
T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2786

Indeed, Vox will be writing one of the pilots in the Valravn Project, a test pilot of the Valravn fighter. He was there during the Battle of Starbase 84, but he did not defect to the Theurgy. Here he is!

Lt. JG Logan Hale              Wolf-15 [Wraith] (V01) 

  - Writer:

As a former White Wolf, he spent over a year together with Alessia Garcia, Devyrie Okhala, Terror, Shinigami etc. Now, he flies with the Black Wolves, behind the helm of one of the last six Valravn fighters under Task Force Archeron's command, them having been re-commissioned to the USS Dauntless after the Orcus was destroyed. Logan Hale will be appearing in Chapter 05: Vertex, where I will be NPCing the SCO of the Black Wolves.


I will start up with internal recruitment for the Black Wolves, since the threshold for new applicants to wrap their heads around the Battle of Starbase 84 is too high for easy external recruitment. If flying a Valravn fighter, it is a huge undertaking to read up on that battle and know what their character has been through. Moreover, I will have to retconn names and callsigns in the White Wolves squadron, like I have been doing with Logan Hale.

If applying for a Black Wolf flying a Mk II Valkyrie, it is easier to start up, but harder to rationalise a defection to the Theurgy. So, like I said, internal sim recruitment for now. New characters are allowed if you have a high enough posting rate, and if you consistently meet the 7 day response time criteria in our General Rules. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2788
I am going to be gone this weekend and not able to post Friday, Saturday and Sunday but I'll be back to posting on Monday.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2790
I'm in the last concert week of the season for the symphony chorus, which is why I've had some delays in posting. I'm hoping to post tonight and then after Sunday be back to normal posting. 😀

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2791
Just so peeps know. I have a thing this weekend and then a few days off work to recoup from the thing. So I won't be online, like at all, for most of today through Sunday and I won't get to post until Tuesday at the soonest.
Be well my peeps~

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2792
Hi all,

Sorry about any radio silence on my behalf. It's been a busy period for me. Between an unexpected and incredibly heavy work load at my employment mixed with a 6 week old baby has been completely wiping myself out.

While completely legitimate reasons for delays, I know it's not really good enough to leave you guys hanging and I'll be making an extra effort to get caught back up.

Hope all is well,

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2793

I have the pleasure to announce Stegro88's new addition to our story!

Lt. JG Donna Petterson          Wolf-07 [Chance] (V01) 

  - Writer:

Junior Lieutenant Donna Petterson is a Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Dauntless. She is one of the Black Wolves, and her callsign is "Chance". Since she is a Starfleet Intelligence officer since before she entered Tactical CONN, she is now on a secret mission...

She will, of course, appear in Chapter 05: Vertex. :)


With the time-restrictions SummerDawn has, Ryuan Sel will return to its former owner and creator, Absinthe!

Ens. Ryuan Sel                Mistress-at-Arms (V01)  

  - Writer:

Since Absinthe has maxed out his number of characters, he has decided to withdraw his brand new character Mairsa from the Cayuga to fondly restart writing his old and lost character, shelving the Klingon he made for the time being. The easiest solution available is that Mairsa has never existed, and the posts will be removed from the board. She may show up at some later point in the story, yet she will be removed from the wiki now. Now, Absinthe gets to tell the story about Sel he never could since he left the sim, and I look forward to what may happen next. :)

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2794
For folks that are wondering what's happening in my part of the world, why I gave up Sel.  :)

The past 3 months or so the Company I work for has started on a journey of transformation (admitedly overdue) from a loosely bound group of small independent companies into a larger corporate entity. We're all involved in aspects of the transportation industry, road construction, road maintenance, commercial truck sales and our owner has decided, with the retirement of three of the four General Managers in the past two years that it is time we grew up into the company we really are. This means now business units no longer report to individual GM's, but to one overarching Chief Ops Officer. The various support departments are being reviewed, realigned, and revamped as required to support this transformation. In addition to that, the company is poised to set a record year for revenue, if all goes well we could break a revenue record set 10 years ago by a large margin. One division is bidding for contracts that would more then double the division size, so if that plays out well, the employee count could go up group wide by over 50%.

So with all this restructuring and growth, where do I fit into this little puzzle? Well, I am the IT manager for the entire group. With the growth and transitions occurring throughout the company, my role within the group is expanding and changing. No longer the geek in the back office who keeps the expensive toys running, I'm being groomed to become a proper manager of the IT Department. Right now that means that on top of my job as the only IT sysadmin, I'm also learning the managerial aspects and being shown how to do proper business cases and such. Basically all the business stuff I learned in University I've not put into practice yet? Suddenly I'm dusting off ten year old textbooks cram learning stuff I once knew. :) And as part of this restructuring, I no longer report to a controller in one division, but to the Chief Ops so I'm higher up the corporate structure, and we are doing a review of the IT operations group wide, most likely resulting in the expansion of my department from me to 2-4 employees with me in charge.

So a lot of work, a lot of evenings/weekends spent in front of my computer working on stuff. I'm busy putting together a business case for a $100k IT refresh, putting budgets together for existing divisions that never had budgets before, putting together a projected IT budget for these bids, planning for the first of the contracts in case we win, reviewing current policies & procedures for various tech related aspects of the operation with an eye to streamlining them and placing them fully under my department, and doing my regular day to day work of keeping everything running.  /:|

I still plan to stick around with K'Ren as this form of creative writing is how I relax when I'm not spending time with my wife. I also do play World of Tanks, World of Warships, and still dabble in STO, but those are de-stress and deflate sort of games, as my wife calls them, my "blow sh*t up" way of deflating after a long stressful day at work when things are going sideways.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2795
@Stegro88 digging the new character

@SummerDawn sounds like your company is going through some much overdue growing pains. Absolutely wishing you the best of luck during the transition!


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2798
@Brutus Growing pains are a good thing. My department has been understaffed for easily five years now so having a new top boss who recognizes the importance of IT to the company is good. Means more work in the short term while we get a handle on how understaffed, and then hopefully by year end I'll have the funding to hire another person or two, freeing me up to focus on the managers side of things.

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