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Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Correctional Aftermath


STARDATE 57558.63
MARCH 11, 2381
0900 HRS.

[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All Corrected
A new day, apparently, and the ship she now served on had been split into three parts. It was a strange development which she'd become aware a couple of minutes ago. Of course, V-Nine did not sleep, so she had been able to provide medical care for the wounded since she came aboard the Theurgy, with neither rest nor breaks. Still, she had not begun her real assignment. The task given to her by her creators on the Versant. She was supposed to aid those abducted by her makers in becoming themselves again, the Correction Program merely having been a facade for genome studies to support the Scion Directive.

So, when she finished her last patient, having cleared him to be moved to the Recovery Ward - with the astute second opinion given by one of the medical officers on duty, of course - she stepped towards the computer console closest to her, namely the one for the Head Nurse.

"Excuse me, may I be able to send a message to a few crewmembers aboard this ship, please?" she asked a young man that was close by, one whom had helped her on a few occasions through the night.

"Um, sure, I mean. I don't see any harm in that. Did the new Chief Medical Officer speak with you yet?"

"I am afraid not. Doctor Kobol  has likely slept, and he's been in a Senior Staff meeting this morning, but I will make myself available to him at his earliest convenience. In the meantime, could you please show me how to send a message?" she asked, her lens zooming after shifting to that of the LCARS display in front of her. Such an antiquated system, but it was what she had available. Between actually managing to preform the reversal surgeries on the patients and just contacting them, the latter was definitely easier. The unvoiced frustration about the available medical facilities may have abated, but her upgrade made it impossible to dismiss the observation.

Soon enough, the message was sent to all the affected abductees.

FROM: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
SUBJECT: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

Dear former abductees on the Versant,

The amount of wounded in this ships medical bays has abated, which opens up for reversal surgery, just like Sclergyn qi Versant tasked me to preform at the earliest possibility for all those interested in retaining your original physiology. Before leaving the Versant, your Ship A.I. interface was able to download the majority of the Correction Journals from the Savi Archive. Unfortunately, she was unable to secure those that the Ante xenobilogists had failed to put on file at that time. This means that some of the journals may be lost, and I will be unable to reverse your physiology to that which you had before you were abducted.

Those who do have their journal aboard, however, may contact me as soon as you like to arrange for reversal surgery.

Please also bear in mind that for those who's journals were lost, I will also be able to preform corrective surgery on your appearance, so that while you may still retain your current genome, you will at least appear like you did before the abduction. It may be a small comfort, but it is the best I will be able to do given the medical facilities I have available.

Please reply if you wish reversal surgery to be preformed, so that I may be able to tell you whether or not your journal was uploaded to my memory banks. In fact, please contact me even if you wish to remain as you are, so that I know you have recieved this message.

I also would like to add that I greatly appreciate this initial time aboard your ship, and that I look forward to speaking with you further about your medical needs.

Reading it, she wondered why she had added such a... personal tone to it. Likely the upgrade again, generating strange quirks to her runtime. She would have to run another self-diagnostic, even if she suspected it would yield the same results as it had every other time.

"There, sent," she said to the male nurse at her side, her tone pleasant and grateful. "Thank you!"

"You're quite welcome," said the man, for some reason amused by her demeanour. V-Nine had no idea what was so funny about an android expressing gratitude, especially since she'd come to mimic the conversational tonality of the organics around her.

OOC: All with Corrected characters, please reply to this post in any fashion you like, be it via a message back or coming to Sickbay to talk to V-Nine. As for Hi'Jak, a security officer would be relaying the message to him in the brig. Looking forward to your replies!

Attn: @BZ @Fife @steelphoenix @Masorin @Triage @SummerDawn @Griff @Numen @Stegro88 @FollowTomorrow @Brutus

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #1
[Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai|Lt. Praise Quarters| Deck 8 | USS Theurgy | Aldea Shipyards]
Att: @BZ @Auctor Lucan 

The padd chimed as Khorin was replicating his second cup of Raktajino, this time without sugar. He had replicated six different drinks and twenty-five different types of pastries before succumbing to the evident. His taste buds no longer tolerated sweetness. Or at least not as much as he had fancied. So he had to give in to the plain facts and admit that he had to get used to a 100 percent Klingon diet. Or almost. So now he was leaning on the workstation, shirtless, with the cup in one hand and a tray containing enough bacon and scrambled eggs to plug the arteries of two-thirds of the crew. At Zeph's request he had also replicated a small toast of rye bread, because she had told him that he needed some fiber in his diet. Khorin had complied. In his own way.

Thought about the betazoid etched a smile in his face. At this time she wasn't around, as she was taking care of her morning ablutions on the other side of the bedroom door. Even though he couldn't see her, he felt her joyful mind resonating in his. The Klingon smiled sideways, even wider, delighted at how... normal everything seemed. Even though everything was new and exciting.

The padd whistled again, somewhere, reminding him that he had an unread message. Khorin rose slightly, holding his cup and then took a sip. His surroundings were, to say the least, chaotic. They had dismantled part of the cardboard castle to allow access to the replicator and bedroom door, but most of the boxes (at least those which contained his belongings) were still stacked everywhere and covered almost the whole floor. They had dematerialized all the empty boxes, which had made up most of the castle's structure. Even so, it wouldn't be easy to find the padd.

Khorin sipped his drinkagain and began to rummage through the crates, but every time he thought he had found the source of the sound, the sound came back... from a entirely different place. After several minutes of fruitless searching and an empty cup, frustration began to grow in him. He had found a Padd, sure. Zephyr's Padd. He had muted the device, without looking at the message's sender, much less its contents, and then deposited it over the console. He had no interest in finding out who was sending her a memo. He respected her privacy after all.

His Padd, however, was nowhere near him. And the device seemed to have fallen into a stubborn silence and no longer rang. Khorin filled his mouth with a mixture of eggs and bacon to silence the scream of frustration that threatened to leave his lips. After several minutes, three boxes scattered on the floor and a gratuitous punch to one of the wallplates, he finally found what he was looking for. "Qapla'!" he cheered himself.

As he kept gobbling up the one and a half kilo of protein that constituted his breakfast (using the mini toast to shove it), Khorin read the message. In spite of himself, the Klingon noticed his jaw tightening and frustration and anger grew back inside him, nearly out of control. After all, he was at the limit of the effect of the shot to control his chemical inbalance. Without thinking too much about what he was doing, he tapped the screen and wrote a short answer, which he sent as soon as it was finished.

From: Douglas, Khorin, Lt.JG.
To: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
Subject: RE: Scheduling Reversal Surgery NO WAY, NO, NADA, NIET

I have no interest in reversing the only good thing those bulbheads did.
Short answer.

Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai

Satisfied, the pilot threw the padd to the sofa and swallowed up what was left of his breakfast, smiling pleased with himself. To complete the work and reward himself for his keen reply, he decided to replicate a third cup of Raktajino, along with a triple-sugared doughnut covered in pink icing and sprincles.

He regretted it at the first bite.

The sweetened delight tasted like sand in his mouth. Unpleasant as sucking soil. Or like something dry that that had been out in the open for three weeks, under a merciless sun. He spat it.

With a sigh, he threw himself on the couch and picked up the padd again, and then reticently he wrote a second answer.

From: Douglas, Khorin, Lt.JG.
To: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
Subject: RE: RE: Scheduling Reversal Surgery NO WAY, NO, NADA, NIET Well, maybe...

Is there any chance that my taste buds can stop loathing sweets?

Khorin, son of Margon, of House Mo'Kai

P.S. I don't intend to apologize.

Khorin sighed loudly. He MUST apologize. At some point.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #2
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Damp Towels | Klingon are Messy | Order to Chaos | Answering Fate]
@Auctor Lucan @Numen

The shower still smelled of steam.  Zeph didn't often take water based showers, because she found them a waste and had gotten used to sonic showers on the Azurite station.  But, there were times that water just felt good, clean, and the smell of freshly recycled water and the feel of steam was just pure and good.  Even though she had shut off the water and the gentle ping of the droplets falling from the shower head to the small puddles caught in between the tiles under her feet could be heard almost echoing around her.  With one hand she brushed a towel through her hair soaking up as much of the moisture as she could from her short wavy locks.  Especially after the Versant, being clean felt like a boon that she didn't think she wanted to live without any time soon.

Opening the glass door she stepped out and felt the softness of the bath rug against her bare toes as she sunk down into the non-slip pad covered in some kind of boring grey color.  Opening her dark eyes she spotted her oddly shaped silhouette in the fogged up mirror across from the shower stall.  The fog taking away all the definition of her body and leaving her as a colored blob more than anything else.  With her hair as good as it was going to get right now she wrapped the rest of the towel around her body and dried off the last of the clinging water off her pale skin.

That was when she saw it.

The pile.  Khorin was a towel animal.  He replicated at least five towels every time he took a shower.  Water or not.  And they were always, always piled up in the corner of the bathroom on the floor when he was done.  The replicator was not that far away from the bathroom but she had a feeling he reveled a bit too much in the whole 'I am naked Klingon watch me saunter' after the shower instead of taking care of the things that needed to be done.  Like cleaning up after himself.  There was still soap residue and some thing else... little bits of hair when he groomed his beard that clung to the bathroom sink.

Zeph sighed, and rolled her shoulders trying not to let it bother her.

But, it did.

Picking up the towels she added her own to the pile and set them carefully on the counter beside the sink.  Using a clean hand towel that she had placed for washing her face later, she scrubbed out the wink and cleaned it just the way she liked it before adding that towel to the growing pile.  She turned to head towards the door when she realized that she saw something else.  On the floor was a pair of underwear... Zeph let out another long sigh and picked them up adding to her pile.  For such a small bathroom it could hold a lot of Khorin debris.

Pulling on her clothing, a quick pair of stretchy grey work out pants and a simple tank top with the UFP logo on it she stepped out of the bathroom carrying the large, almost huge, armload of towels and .. Klingon underwear.

“Khorin!  I keep telling you to pick up your towels!” She called out as she thrust them into the replicator so they could be taken apart into atoms and used for something else.  With a sigh she headed into the other room and saw Khorin doing something with his PADD, her own was blinking so she picked it up on her way to the couch crashing into the piece of furniture as she thumbed her finger across the lock pad to access the message.  Reading V-Nine's message she gave a sigh and thought about what she wanted to do.  Finally, she penned her message.

Dearest V-Nine,

Thank you for your interest in trying to reset my genetic information to the way it once was.  I would actually quite like to stay as a Full Betazoid, I see no reason to jack with my genes again.  I have done a lot of genetic research in my time as a doctor and find it unpalpatable.  However, I was wondering, since you mentioned some things that could be fixed or changed if you would be able to return my eyes to the color they used to be?  If not, that is fine, thank you for your time and consideration.

~Zephyr Praise


Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #3
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Awakening that morning wearing nothing but an open robe sprawled beneath her was a new experience for Mickayla MacGregor. She’d always worn clothes to bed, even when she had had company in her bed. It had annoyed several of them in the morning, but she didn’t care. She’d never been comfortable sleeping naked. And yet, last night she had fallen asleep just so. She wasn’t counting the robe as it wasn’t covering anything. And yet, it was the best sleep she had had in since before transferring to the Endeavour. And that alone scared her.

After having a quick shower, she had only left her room to replicate a breakfast meal before returning to her room and looking at the activity beyond the window. They had arrived at Aldea during the night and now the ship was docked so that repairs could begin. And that left her with nothing to do. Not that she had much to do anyway. She had messaged the Theurgy’s Chief of Security but had not yet received a reply. Mickayla was considering walking to the ship’s security center instead when she heard a message arriving on her PADD. Moving across the room to where she had left it, she scooped up the device.

“Well, it’s not from the CoS,” Mickayla noted to herself. “V-Nine, hmm, that Savi android that said I was chemically imbalanced or something. Probably right given how I’ve been acting and feeling,” Mickayla considered as her eyes moved down the message, her heart skipping a beat when the read that the android wanted to discuss their genetic realignment. It had said it was possible the previous day but Mickayla hadn’t really been paying attention as she processed killing Gideon Drake. Now, after a good night’s sleep, things were different. “I can be me again,” was the thought fixated in her mind as she hurriedly typed up a response and sent it off. Later, she would remember that she had been warned there was a chance that her file wasn’t present but, in that moment, all Mickayla was fixated on, was retuning to normal.

To V-Nine,
I would happily accept a return to my original hybrid status as soon as it can be arranged.
Petty Officer First Class Mickayla MacGregor

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #4
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
Heather was positively giddy with excitement. When she had awakened, she felt aches everywhere, and she been quietly awakened from a very horrid nightmare. She couldn't remember where she was, and then she had been distracted by a notification of a message for her. Struggling out of bed, she examined the PADD, and she barely stifled a squeal. Her body held a soft glow of its own volition, something she could only do now when she was really happy, excited, hopeful, or all of the above. There was a chance to restore her? She had a slight idea of what the Theurgy crew had been subjected to, and she realized from the little she had gathered that she was an ironic anomaly, since she was turned into a hybrid. No doubt in effort to save her life, but if there was even a tiny chance she could be restored to a pure Radiant, she wanted that so badly.

She dressed in such a hurry, the uniform was on backwards, but she didn't even bother to correct that, instead, zipping it up as it was and she was out of the quarters and racing for the sickbay, completely forgetting her boots. Her altered depth perception and hastened travel meant she was making quite a spectacle of herself by tripping and falling and tripping some more. She was a mass of mild bruises and lacerations by the time she was standing before the Savi android. And she had to catch her breath before she could ask, Can you turn me back into a whole Radiant again?

Her face was quite literally alight and the desperate hopeful expression was obvious, but she had a smile. She could live with the face, but she would love to be restored to a Radiant once more.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #5
[Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Sarresh Morali's Quarter's | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

He walked out of the sonic shower, his eyes still hollow and rimmed with dark circles. Red spots danced in his vision, and streaked out across the orbs as they swept over his room. He'd tried to sleep. He'd met with the Devoted the previous evening, well into the early hours. One by one. He'd come back, here, to his quarters, with every intention of sleeping, and every fear that the grief would come back.

He was right.

Sarresh barely slept at all that night, perhaps three hours in the tossing and turning, but now, the ghosts were there, lingering, one on either shoulder. Amikris. Sel.  And Billions more, names he did not know, but deaths he felt Deaths that didn't exist...

He shook his head when the PADD nearby dinged. Frowning, he walked over to it. He was, of course, on leave for the moment. Left to his own devices because of the events on the Versant.He'd gone to the lab last night but that had been fruitless. He'd be dealing with Those people later. Maybe.

"So what the hell is this? he asked.  There were two messages, in fact. One, from something called V-Nine, which he read swiftly.

FROM: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
SUBJECT: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

Dear former abductees on the Versant,

The amount of wounded in this ships medical bays has abated, which opens up for reversal surgery, just like Sclergyn qi Versant tasked me to perform at the earliest possibility for all those interested in retaining your original physiology. Before leaving the Versant, your Ship A.I. interface was able to download the majority of the Correction Journals from the Savi Archive. Unfortunately, she was unable to secure those that the Ante xenobiologists had failed to put on file at that time. This means that some of the journals may be lost, and I will be unable to reverse your physiology to that which you had before you were abducted.

Those who do have their journal aboard, however, may contact me as soon as you like to arrange for reversal surgery.

Please also bear in mind that for those who's journals were lost, I will also be able to perform corrective surgery on your appearance, so that while you may still retain your current genome, you will at least appear like you did before the abduction. It may be a small comfort, but it is the best I will be able to do given the medical facilities I have available.

Please reply if you wish reversal surgery to be performed, so that I may be able to tell you whether or not your journal was uploaded to my memory banks. In fact, please contact me even if you wish to remain as you are, so that I know you have received this message.

I also would like to add that I greatly appreciate this initial time aboard your ship, and that I look forward to speaking with you further about your medical needs.


Too Human eyes stared down at the PADD, going a bit wide. His nostrils flared and he looked at it, anger swelling up. "You're damned masters didn't see if to bring me back to my true form. And now you want to offer to do what little work they did and what? Give me back those false eyes? What good would that do?" But even as he asked, Sarresh had to wonder if he did actually want that. The ability to know more with a glance. With a simple look, he'd been able to tell more about someone state. He could equalize lighting in low light situations, so that it was as clear as day, or switch over to things like thermal in total darkness.

It would be a physical reminder that he wasn't as human as he seemed.

But he would, in essence, be crippling himself by removing real, true eyes.

"I can't think about this now," he told himself aloud, scoffing at the whole thing, and checking the next message. This came from the ship's Quartermaster, of all people.

TO: Morali, Sarresh, Lt (JG)
FROM: Savali, Abraham, CPO
SUBJECT: Disbursement of personal effects of Ryuan Sel, Ens.

Lt. Morali,

As per the last wishes of one Ens. Ryuan Sel, you have been listed as the beneficiary of her estate, and 'next of kin' in the event of her demise. As the aforementioned officer is deceased, following our recent encounter in the Azure Nebula, and given the need to reallocate lodging of officers and bunk assignments, hitherto the previously noted will, it is requested that you take possession of the contents of her quarters and all personal effects, as well as logs for review, post haste.

Our condolences on your loss.
Office of the Quartermaster, Operations, USS Theurgy

He stared at the message for roughly 10 minutes, reading it over, and over. Any thoughts about 'corrective' surgery flew from his mind. The man swallowed, his mouth dry, his heart pounding. He hadn't had enough sleep for this. He wasn't....wasn't ready.

Five minutes after that, he left his quarters, a white knuckle grip on the PADD, his collar unzipped and his hair combed only with his fingers. He had not bothered to reply to either missive.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Cross | Personal Quarters | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
Cross stood in his personal quarters cradling a cup of green tea in his one hand, the Vulcan’s pale eyes staring out the viewport at the stars drifting past. The events of the past few days ran through his head. The fight to free themselves from the Versant. The loss of his hand. The rescue of Thea and Albert from the Savi’s Machine Labs. The fight with the Borg and flight through the Apertures. The meeting with Captain Ives, and the subsequent testing. Being reunited with his friends and crewmates who had also survived the Endeavour’s destruction, whom he had thought to be dead…

It had been an insane couple of days.

Cross raised the mug to his face and closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply, savouring the aroma of the grassy-scented liquid before taking a sip. He sighed as he opened his eyes once more, findind the familiar smell relaxing.

That relaxation was disrupted somewhat a moment later, when a chirp from the computer console in his room alerted him to an incoming message. Cross let out another sigh, though much less contented and relaxed than the first, and placed the mug of tea on the sill of the viewport before turning and striding across the room to view the message.

FROM: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
SUBJECT: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

Dear former abductees on the Versant,

The amount of wounded in this ships medical bays has abated, which opens up for reversal surgery, just like Sclergyn qi Versant tasked me to preform at the earliest possibility for all those interested in retaining your original physiology. Before leaving the Versant, your Ship A.I. interface was able to download the majority of the Correction Journals from the Savi Archive. Unfortunately, she was unable to secure those that the Ante xenobilogists had failed to put on file at that time. This means that some of the journals may be lost, and I will be unable to reverse your physiology to that which you had before you were abducted.

Those who do have their journal aboard, however, may contact me as soon as you like to arrange for reversal surgery.

Please also bear in mind that for those who's journals were lost, I will also be able to preform corrective surgery on your appearance, so that while you may still retain your current genome, you will at least appear like you did before the abduction. It may be a small comfort, but it is the best I will be able to do given the medical facilities I have available.

Please reply if you wish reversal surgery to be preformed, so that I may be able to tell you whether or not your journal was uploaded to my memory banks. In fact, please contact me even if you wish to remain as you are, so that I know you have recieved this message.

I also would like to add that I greatly appreciate this initial time aboard your ship, and that I look forward to speaking with you further about your medical needs.


Cross stared at the LCARS display for a long moment, his jaw clenched and brow furrowed as he re-read the message. Anger coursed through him, not at this V-Nine who had sent the message, but at the memory of what had been done to them on the Versant. Cross turned and moved back to the viewport, taking up his tea and drawing another long sip of the fragrant liquid. His eyes watched the stars again, though troubled thoughts ruined any chance of enjoying the view at that moment.

Cross weighed his options, mentally going through the possibilities as he sipped his tea before eventually returning the empty mug to the replicator and making his way back to the console in his quarters.

TO: V-Nine
FROM: Cross, Lieutenant
SUBJECT: Re: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

To V-Nine,
You’ll have to excuse my bluntness, but I have no interest in having anyone associated with the Savi altering my genetic make-up any further. I would, however, request that I be cosmetically altered to my previous physical appearance.



In truth, Cross hated the idea of even allowing the Savi android to perform the cosmetic procedures on him. The alternative, remaining as he was and seeing the visage of a full-blooded Vulcan every time he looked in the mirror, was equally distasteful. He wanted to see himself in the mirror again. He had no particular attachment to either side of his genetic make-up. He was neither logical like a Vulcan, nor pious like a Bajoran. He simply wished to see his face as it was.

And so, he would accept the android's offer.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #7
[ Lt Carrigan Trent| Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ][/color] @Triage @Auctor Lucan

The evening had been quiet.  Both Heather and he had been exhausted in more ways than one.  In fact, upon returning to the quarters they shared, he simply removed the uniform from her back and laid her to bed where she would be able to rest.  As for himself, it had still been early when he decided to turn in and get some sleep.  And only sleep it had been despite the physical closeness and lack of clothing.  He spent the night curled about her much slighter frame, a protective arm drawn over her as they both took the rest they had so desperately craved.

When morning came about, the disgraced officer did rise first and cleaned himself up before throwing on a freshly replicated uniform, with trousers, and set himself to work, trying for the first time those bloody filter lenses he needed to wear to see his screen, which was displaying its contents outside the visible spectrum.  But there was a benefit to this: there was no glow to disturb the lovely, resting blonde in their bed.

That is, until a PADD left on the bedside table chimed, and Carrigan turned around from his work just in time to hear a joyful sound coming from her throat and it was a bright. glowing tornado trailing hair like fine spun gold that left their quarters, her uniform beyond askew and her boots forgotten.  What was happening?  Rising to his feet, he removed what looked for all the world like a pair of anachronistic eyeglasses and he peered at the PADD.  A chance to return her to her former self?  Undo the damage?  By something that that had belonged to the Savi?  There were times for calm and measured responses, but this was one where there was no time to lay plans, no time to check the math.

On his way out of his quarters, he only took the time to lock his terminal and sweep up his jacket before he went after Heather as fast as his legs, organic and otherwise, would take him to follow her. 

When he reached Sickbay, he started to slow down his breathing, his pace slowing down to a purposeful stride, and he arrived just in time to catch Heather's expression, hopeful and desperate and glowing.  To see her light again by itself was a joy in its own right, but it was quickly dashed when he took in the sight of the most definitely alien android also present.  The Savi who had stolen members of his crew and tortured them through tests; murdered them.  Who were ready to destroy everyone else as irrelevant to their experiments.  So this was this so-called V-Nine?  What Heather was so quick to trust?

"Heather," he quietly called out.  "Wait, please."

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #8
[ Deacon | Proprietor's Quarters | Deck 28, Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor

The console on his desk beeper at the receipt of the new message.  It was, by no means, the earliest he'd ever been awakened, but in light of recent events, he could not help but utter a few choice expletives under his breath at the unexpected intrusion in his rest.  Kzinti being disinclined to more colorful uses of their own tongue, it was necessary to borrow an assortment of sampling from other languages that were far more liberal in their application.  Klingon was particularly gratifying in its application of curses.

"What?" he growled, a single eye open, glaring across the small room to the desk opposite his bed.

"Incoming message from medical adjunct V-Nine.  Subject: Scheduling reversal surgery."

At the rate he was inclined to use them, he wondered if he might soon run out of choice phrases with which to insult the interruption, the lingering echo of his past medical advisements still lingering in his mind, threatening to twist into his gut and writhe like an unsettled plate of gagh.

The message was read aloud although Deacon feigned covering his ears equally with his hands as much as with his pillow, although such was merely an expression of internal protest, not truly wanting to be bothered with anything evocative of recent events so early in the morning.  If not for past experience, he might otherwise already be in Below Decks in the midst of the morning service, but he was certain that any such effort on his part would likely earn him another dressing down by the medical staff.

"Signed, V-Nine," the computer stated, its recitation complete.  "Do you wish to respond?"

"No," he snarled, followed by a 'yes' and another 'no' in rapid succession, uncertain if he should so readily yield to the bitter sentiment he felt and his newly refreshed stamina to make it known.  Still, bitterness aside, he recognized that the inquiry came from what he assumed to be a genuine offer and, given K'Ren's circumstance, it was unwise to unnecessarily antagonize those in a position to care for her.

"Yes," he resolved at last.  "To V-Nine.  Under the circumstances, I kindly ask that you and everyone else keep your hands off my genetic structure until further notice."  That he wanted at least a week of waking up to the same face was a snarky comment he opted to omit from the message.  "My sole concern at the moment is K'Ren.  All else is secondary."

He took a deep breath and considered, before turning over to his other side.  "Thank you.  And Send."

"Message sent."

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #9
[Ensign Vinata Vinoja | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Canadian Vet, @Triage


When the message from V-Nine was sent, Vinata was fortunate enough to have been working in Sickbay. The answer from him was so quick and unquestioning that it actually startled him; no more had he finished reading the message from V-Nine on his PADD then did he turn around to the android and exclaimed "Yes, absolutely yes!"

While that naturally confused and irritated Vinata's patient at the time, a mechanic from the FAB who'd gotten on the wrong end of a bat'leth, he found that he didn't care a whit. In the following hour, however, as Vinata continued work, questions began to form. Questions that, while they had not occurred to him before V-Nine had sent its message, were now quite insistent in his mind.

First and foremost: did he truly, seriously want to be turned back? Immediately?

Transsexuality wasn't an alien concept to the Ovri, after all. Many Ovri had gone through the procedure over the centuries to return to a gender that they were more comfortable with. Vinata's case was more unique, of course; the idea of retaining male breasts and female reproductive organs together was bizarre. However, it was also interesting, more than he had ever considered. He (and he still very much considered himself a 'he') was now gaining a better understanding of what the females of humanoid species were like. Hylota had always found such cultural mixes intriguing, and in the days following their rescue from the Versant, Vinata rather understood her point of view.

Of course, then there was that moment in the supply closet as he went to check on the inventory. In there, it hit him like a flash: that awful, horrific moment when he'd realised that the Savi had violated his body. Alone in the closet, Vinata simply broke as his mind reeled at the memory, falling to the floor and curling up, his knees pushed into his chest. sobbing. The onslaught of pain and the sensation of being unclean were unbearable. Worse yet were the memories of him and Hi'Jak, drugged and forced to copulate like rutting animals, and despite himself, Vinata felt himself grow nauseous as he rocked back and forth on the deck. The feel of the man's rough hands, his smell, the...the violation of insertion into a place that Vinata hadn't even known about...

Eventually, finally, Vinata recovered. He stood back up. He left the closet and went to the head. He cleaned back up. Step by step, he gathered himself and then returned to work. Trauma was an old friend by now, and Vinata was able to cope with the sudden traumatic episode better than he had in the past. Still, it at least solidified the answer in his mind to V-Nine's offer. No matter how intriguing it might be to be female, no matter how scientifically valuable it might be to experience, no matter how enjoyable it might be to explore such a state of being, the origin of his transformation (rape, a small corner of his mind whispered) was too horrible to countenance. It was wrong, evil, filthy. and it stained Vinata's soul. He was a man. He needed to be a man.

So, after returning to Sickbay, Vinata found V-Nine. The curvaceous cyclopic android was working at a terminal, and Vinata approached it (her?) hesitantly.

"V-Nine," he said, "I wanted on my earlier answer, I guess." He glanced around the main Sickbay, which was remarkably quiet now that most patients had been transferred to the wards or back to their quarters. "I would like to be returned to the way I was, please." He paused. "In a week, if that is convenient. So that I what it's like in the meantime."

It was then that they were interrupted by a small, barefoot blonde woman who looked as if she'd been dragged across half the ship. She babbled out her excited question and Vinata blinked, astonished by her happy energy combined with her minor injuries. His large black eyes flicked to Heather's escort, who was still slightly out of breath but also plainly very protective of her. Amused, Vinata just grinned at the spectacle as he turned away to grab a tricorder and a dermal regenerator to treat Heather's cuts and bruises.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #10
[ Ens. K'Ren | Personal Quarters | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ]
@steelphoenix @All

Laying down, her body still sore as it healed, her wounds no longer visible, the four hours under the knife in sickbay upon her arrival had knit her back together, made her whole again though the wounds would need time to heal, forcing her onto light duty for the next week. Modern medicine could work wonders but the body still needed time to heal, time to also one's internal rhythm and balance to return to normal after a serious accident.

She heard a beep on the communicator on her desk, and picking up a padd beside her on the bed, K'Ren began to read over the note. It seemed the Savi had left Theurgy with a parting gift in the form of a medical robot, one that apparently felt it knew enough to reverse what it's creators had done to her, put her back to the half-breed she'd been born as. She'd already known about the robot, that the offer was out there, she'd spoken with Deacon, decided that if he couldn't, or wouldn't, undergo the surgery to reverse himself back his original self, at least the original self K'Ren knew, she wouldn't undergo the surgery herself.

She also had other considerations, her hybrid self had a small genetic anomaly, an anomaly that made it hard for her to conceive cubs. The genetic correction was simple, the Federation performed the procedure on hybrids like her while in their mother all the time, however she'd been told it couldn't be done to a adult, the change would be rejected so the best they could do was give her drugs that would help her concieve and carry a cub to term. It was that reason why she was surprised her's and Deacon's cub had happened without medical intervention. But if she was fully Caitian, the anomaly wouldn't be present, and she could have cubs with her mate once her body had fully healed.

Picking up the padd again, she began to write.

"V-Nine. While I appreciate the offer of being returned to my previous genetic makeup, I feel that to accept such an offer is tantamount to begging a thief for your property back after they've been stolen.  I know I could be returned to my hybrid self, and while I am sure your medical skill is advanced enough to correct a small genetic anomaly in my previous makeup, one that prevented me from bearing cubs until I met my life mate Deacon, I know your medical skill is not advanced enough to return the one thing most precious to me and my mate, a small cub we conceived together, a innocent life that your creators so callously murdered."

"So please consider this my formal rejection of your offer. I do not wish to be returned to my previous self, I will learn to live in my new body, treating this like any other major injury, as an obstacle to adapt to, overcome, and accept as part of who I am."

Tagging the message with a blank copy to Deacon, she sent the message back to V-Nine. Placing the padd down, K'Ren went back to her cat nap.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #11
Lt JG Hi'Jak | Brig | Best news I have got all day ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Looking at the letter that had been handed to him, Jack read it over with his one eye. Half an arm, these things couldn't be grown back with the use of the equipment of the theurgy, and yet they could restore his genetic structure to that of a klingon halfbreed.

At this point did it matter? he was still effectively on death row, so did it matter if they could replace what he had lost or not? Still this was litterally the first positive thing he had read in a long time. And it would extend his life span, as someone who naturally didn't want to die and had a keen interest in keeping himself alive for as long as possible this made a lot of sense to agree too. He recorded his answer.

"V-Nine, my physical body has sustained a lot of damage, I believe that if I underwent a procedure so truamatic right away I would not live through it. I am not a medical expert, but I do know enough to say that while I openly embrace the chance to return to my former genetic herratage and would fully embrace the return of my lung, and other important internal organs that were unjustly taken from me, I also can't currently sign my name and que up for such a procedure to be done at your nearest convince as would be preferable."

"I would like to request further medical consultation from a doctor on my survivability as well as work out a routine physio therapy routine that would help my body to adapt to the loss of half my upper body. If one could be sent to the brig, or I could be escorted to sickbay at some point to talk this over in further details about the particular situation I find myself in I would be greatful."

It would probably take a day just for a doctors opinion to get to him, add to that a week or two of intensive recovery therapy, and under Federation laws he couldn't be executed while recieving medical treatment, it wasn't much but it would buy him enough time to try and figure out some way to escape the brig escape the gallows, and of course avoid being handed over to the empire for as long as possible.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #12
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage  @CanadianVet @Griff 
After she had sent the message, V-Nine had barely left the computer console until a reply came, followed by another, and another. While the replies and attitudes varied greatly between the officers that answered her message, she realised she should have expected that a few of them wishes to remain as they were. She had estimated that between twenty five and thirty specimens had survived the battle on the bridge of the Versant, but she could only rely on on her ocular records of what had transpired. Fifty percent of them wished to remain in their present genetic makeup, and twenty percent merely wished to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to appear like they had been before the abduction. A few merely wished to have slight adjustments to retain lost functions, like taste and eye-colours. The present Ovri nurse had been quite loud in his proclamation that he wished to undergo restoration of his male genitalia, which V-Nine of course assured him that she'd take care of. She'd reply to the rest later, when she wasn't dealing with waiting patients.

Still, all replied so far considered, it left her with several DNA re-sequencing sessions, and a confirmation that there was merit for her primary assignment to the Theurgy. Nurse Vojona appeared anew, elaborating on his words. "Of course, and thank you for the clarification. I have added you to my personal schedule."

After speaking with the Ovri the second time, a woman appeared in Sickbay, and it took V-Nine a moment to isolate her identity in her database - the correction preformed upon her not on file nor done by means familiar to her. Reports stated that she had been reassembled by transporter technology, and her body recompiled from a quantum stasis field, only with additional matter synthesised to compensate for the intermediate loss. She was a very unique patient, and she came to V-Nine alone with a simple request, that was not so simple to answer as she might have thought. By that time the Ovri nurse had come by again, and looked over the former Radiant's minor damages while they spoke.

V-Nine began to wring her hands, and lowered her lens to the deck. "My apologies, Warrant Officer McMillan," she said, and raised her cranial unit again, "the manner in which you were recompiled is not in my journals from the Versant, the Voice unable to record what he did to save your life, and I have no means to salvage what was lost since I have only your partial DNA to work with. There is also my recommendation in a medical sense, in how degrading the Xenexian influence on your genome will cause your body to become less... solid, prone to injury at the slightest provocation. Right now, your Xenexian DNA is what binds you together, and removing it, and trying to synthesise matter from the rest of your body, will leave you more vulnerable than you were to begin with."

She tried to simplify her medical terms, a habit which she'd learned during the past night in treating patients on the ship, and she hoped this was favourable for the hybrid before her. She wanted a Correction to be made, purifying one side of her, and V-Nine would have obliged her if the procedure had been made in the Savi's conventional way.

That was the point... where a tall, gaunt Human arrived as well, trying to caution Heather in contacting her about being altered. V-Nine's lens swivelled from McMillan and the Ovri and locked on the cybernetically augmented male. V-Nine realised that if this worried male wanted McMillan to remain as she was now - in hybrid form - it might be that she had just advocated something she'd already heard from the male. In that case, the specimen needed to know that the possibility remained. She would not turn her patients away, if they really knew what they wanted for themselves. V-Nine felt obliged to give the female more facts.

"That being said... I might be missing a journal from your reassembly from that stasis field, but that doesn't mean I will not try to do it if that's your preference," she said, folding her hands behind herself and squaring the shoulders of her chassis. "Your body's tissues and internal organs runs the risk of collapse from uneven densities, the stress of your circulatory systems might tear your veins open mid-procedure."

She raised her metal hand before Heather's face, and she opened both her thumb and index finger - her medical tricorder tools shimmering in metal and green light - bathing her face with it's scanning field luminescence. "I can mitigate the risks to a minor extent, though. your odds of survival 10 % higher with my mid-transition care, so if you want me to remove the Xenexian DNA from your genome, I can make the attempt, as long as you're aware of the risks. I cannot leave any guarantees, the method experimental, but if you are aware that you might die, I can begin with your procedure first."

Little did she understand how threatening she might appear to the newly arrived Human male.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #13
[ PWO Heather McMillan | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
The smile that had been on her face when she came in began to fade more and more as the Savi android continued explaining the unique circumstance she was in. She'd turned to look at Carrigan when he called her name and asked her to wait. She couldn't understand why he wanted her to wait, but now, what did it matter? She couldn't be turned back. Not safely anyway. The last few days had her struggling to adjust to her body, and it caused her no end of misery. She still felt like a foreign intruder inside a body barely under her control, and perhaps she had no right to it. It wasn't even her face.

Her head lowered as she considered the remifications of persistence versus struggling for the remainder of her days in what was essentially a body that will likely never be hers. She felt the weight of her body all but dragging her down, shown by her shoulders slumping heavily.

She tiredly raised her eyes to look at the android when she offered to perform the surgery regardless if Heather was willing to disregard the mortal risk. She turned to look at Carrigan, then at V-Nine. Her expression was anguished, and she bit her lips, struggling to keep from crying, and utterly failing. So I'm trapped, she sobbed, of course...

She weakly shook head head in response to the android. The risk wasn't worth it...yet. She could wait a little while, vaguely recalling a strangely angelic being that had spoken to her, but what about she could barely remember, she only had an irrational sense of determination that she wasn't sure where it came from, and that gave her enough ability to compose herself to say something without completely blubbering. T-Thank you, Vee-Nine...I suppose...that the risks are too high, without more substantial solutions than what you have available. I...I w-won't be taking that procedure, for now.

She turned on her bare heels and walked out of there, and just in case Carrigan tried to follow after her, she struggled to bend light around her, and disappeared from conventional sight. It took considerable effort and concentration to do this, so as soon as she was certain that she was beyond being followed, she stopped, and become visible once again. She didn't want to go back to the quarters. Maybe working on something would take her mind off things.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #14
[ Lt Carrigan Trent| Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ][/color] @Triage @Auctor Lucan

Trent had arrived just as the android was finishing delivering it's speech, and stating it was ready to proceed in spite of the process likely being fatal to Heather.  As it raised its had, the Human tensed as he set his jaw; his eyes were flat and cold, yet burning with the dangerous glint of a man entirely too close to resorting to violence; and his prosthetic had was curled into a fist.  If it was to proceed, he would act.  It would hardly do him any good so far as his standing on the ship went, but he would be damned if he allowed any harm to come to Heather again. 

But then, Heather turned towards him, and his readiness to deliver violence evaporated as he saw her face.  Her tears and her expression of sheer despair utterly disarmed him even as they drove a spike of frozen pain in his heart.  How he hated seeing her like this.  How he hated that android for giving her false hope.  How he hated the Savi for what they did to her.  How he hated himself for not being able to prevent it. 

One more failure, one more destroyed life to add to the long list he was dragging behind him.  But this one was one he would never forgive himself for.

As Heather left, he wanted to follow, but he found his feet rooted in place, and he found his rage simmering again, threatening to boil over.  "How dare you?" he demanded of the synthetic lifeform.  "Hasn't she suffered enough before you filled her with false hope?"  His near-whisper was harsh, like the grating of stone on stone, and he did not even wait for an answer before he left...  only to find Heather was gone.

Every instinct screamed at him to find her, to hold her... but one.  Perhaps it would be for the best to give her some time rather than corner her just now.

Re: SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath

Reply #15
[ Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage  @CanadianVet @Griff 
The relief - if that was the correct word for what her program generated - that V-Nine felt when the Radiant decided to not undergo the surgery was almost visible in how her platform stood more easily upon the deck.

"My apologies that I could not... give you... better..?" she began to say through the microphone in her cranial unit, but the woman was already leaving sickbay, with only the Ovri male and the cybernetically augmented human remaining with her. That was when the latter rounded on her and verbally assaulted her, poised as if he might strike her any moment with his prosthetics. V-Nine raised both her hands to the front of her lens and stepped back. "Oh, dear..."

But the strike never came, and when she removed her hands, the man had left the area. After her cranial unit had swivelled around to see if he hid anywhere close, and not finding him, she found herself emitting an auditory noise of sighing, even though she had neither lungs nor throat. It seemed... normal for her new program, but in a purely functional aspect, it seemed entirely redundant. She glanced with her lens towards the Ovri male, to make sure he was not hurt either.

"I suppose that... emotions among these particular patients that I am meant to treat is running high, because of what my makers did to you. I wish I could do something about it, but... I only know how to accommodate your medical needs."

The abrasive man had a point, however. She should not have raised the expectations of those who's Correctional Journals were missing from her database. Already, she'd had a reply from a Klingon female that wished to have her human genes restored, and she'd already determined that the only thing she might do for her would be to cosmetically alter her towards something more akin to what she'd been before.

"I should send replies to them all," she said quietly to the Ovri. She lowered her lens to the deck and began to wring her metal hands a little. "And tell those I can't help that I should not have contacted them in the fashion I did."

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Correctional Aftermath

Reply #16
Lt. Jg Devyrie Okhala | Dev's Quarters | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Devyrie awoke the next morning with a jolt, her eyes darting around the room as she took in the scene. It took her mind a few minutes to catch up with her body and remember that she was back in her quarters on the Theurgy and not on that horror ship the Versant. Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, she rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom and turned on the sink, splashing some water on her face. Immediately feeling the lack of forehead ridges which he had actually not thought about in the brief moments of being awake.

Looking up and into the mirror she again started at her reflection. "This is you now Dev, better get used to it." she said softly. Removing her clothes that she had slept in the night before, she stepped into the shower giving herself a clean, stepping out feeling far more refreshed and awake than she had been when she first stepped into the room. After using the toilet she opted to get dressed in her regular white collared uniform with her Wolf flight jacket over the top.

The one advantage to her conversation at least was that it seemed as though she still liked the same foods it seemed as she sat down to breakfast. She wasn't entirely sure what she would be doing with them docked at Aldea and her fighter in for repairs, but she was sure there would be something to do. As she sat and ate her thoughts turned to her sister, she never got to say goodbye, nor was there a body to bring home. Home. She couldn't even contact her parents and let them know what had happened. The very thing that her father had worried about had come true. Dev had gone missing, perhaps already branded a traitor and his other daughter, Lau was dead. How would she even tell that to them assuming she ever got the chance.

I'm sorry father, I couldn't save her...I should never of let her stay there I... she was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of her PADD chirping away at her from across the room. With a frown over at the thin device, she stood up and made her way over to where it sat on her dresser, evidently she had received a message.

It was from the Savi Android, the one she had been told about that could restore those who had been altered by her creators to reverse what had been done to them. Sure enough the message had been about that very subject.

FROM: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
SUBJECT: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

Dear former abductees on the Versant,

The amount of wounded in this ships medical bays has abated, which opens up for reversal surgery, just like Sclergyn qi Versant tasked me to preform at the earliest possibility for all those interested in retaining your original physiology. Before leaving the Versant, your Ship A.I. interface was able to download the majority of the Correction Journals from the Savi Archive. Unfortunately, she was unable to secure those that the Ante xenobilogists had failed to put on file at that time. This means that some of the journals may be lost, and I will be unable to reverse your physiology to that which you had before you were abducted.

Those who do have their journal aboard, however, may contact me as soon as you like to arrange for reversal surgery.

Please also bear in mind that for those who's journals were lost, I will also be able to preform corrective surgery on your appearance, so that while you may still retain your current genome, you will at least appear like you did before the abduction. It may be a small comfort, but it is the best I will be able to do given the medical facilities I have available.

Please reply if you wish reversal surgery to be preformed, so that I may be able to tell you whether or not your journal was uploaded to my memory banks. In fact, please contact me even if you wish to remain as you are, so that I know you have recieved this message.

I also would like to add that I greatly appreciate this initial time aboard your ship, and that I look forward to speaking with you further about your medical needs.


Devyrie stood there and read the message, then re-read it. She could be restored to her former self and get back the Romulan heritage that she was so proud of but that would also mean putting herself into the hands of the Savi again...or at least a machine created by them and she wasn't sure she wanted to do that. A shudder ran through her body as she thought back to what she had been through because of them. Looking down at the PADD again, her hands were shaking as she tried to decide what she wanted to do. The Lone Wolf wasn't sure how long she stood there for before she eventually typed out her reply.

TO: V-Nine
FROM: Okhala, Devyrie, Lieutenant Junior Grade
SUBJECT: Re: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

V-Nine while I very much desire to return to my former hybrid status and regain my Romulan heritage, at the moment the thought of the Savi or something created by them doing anything more to me is not something I am comfortable with at the moment. This is nothing against you personally as I believe no creation be they biological or technological should be held responsible for the actions of their creators, knowing that and emotionally being able to separate the two is much harder and is not something I can do currently.

However given some time to process everything I believe I would very much like to undergo the corrective surgery I hope you can understand my current position and would be willing to do so at a later date.

Lt J.G Okhala
Reading through her reply, Dev was surprised that she had managed to reply in such a polite manner to a machine created by the people who had caused her so much grief, still it was an acceptable message and that hopefully V-Nine would be willing to accommodate her at a later date should she ever reach a point that would be willing to undergo the treatment.

Taking a breath, she hit send, returning the PADD to where she had gotten it from before  making her way back to her breakfast, her mind wondering if perhaps she should have just said yes and gotten it over with. However the fact that her hands were still shaking seemed to tell her that perhaps she had made the correct choice after all. Yes, definitely the right decision, she eventually decided as she returned to eating her breakfast.

Re: Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Correctional Aftermath

Reply #17
[Ensign Nathaniel Isley  | Fighter Assault Bay | USS Theurgy ] 

Nathaniel had never really been one for silence and quiet reflection and yet he had to admit that right now it was something he was glad he had. Ever since coming back from the Versant thing had been vastly different, especially within himself. Everything felt more...intense. Feelings, emotions, hell even himself physically felt different. It was hard to describe but he felt a little alien, a little off. Like he was seeing and experiencing everything for the first time like there was a disconnect from what he knew before and where he was now.

The more he thought about the more he realised it felt like he was in some weird parallel universe where everything looked the same and he knew where everything was but yet there was something off about everything.

Perhaps it was simply due to his experiences onboard the Versant or his new full Romulan status thanks to the Savi's meddling of his DNA and their stronger emotions and physical strength and he just needed to adjust to it, but whatever it was it made him feel like he was experiencing a lot of things for the first time. Currently he was sitting in the cockpit of his Valkyrie looking out over the bay, watching the deckhands go about their day. Some were cleaning the hulls of some of the ships, others were buffing out scratches and minor dings and the rest were in full on technician mode repairing those fighters that had taken a rougher beating during their recent battles than others. Just another ordinary day for them.

For Nathaniel he was just glad they had managed to get his bird back considering the fact he'd been beamed right out of it and unlike with the Valravn's who had an RIO in the back that could fly it, the Valk's were single person fighters so his bird had just kept on going without him. He'd have to ask someone how they got it back. He wasn't entirely confused about it, they could have remote piloted it back, Thea could have assumed control of it and flown it back or hell they could have simply beamed another pilot into the cockpit to take over. Frowning he wondering why he was thinking about it A: It didn't really matter and B: he had far more things to focus on.

He was brought out his thoughts by the sounds of something beeping close to him and frowned again, looking around to find the source of the noise. Looking to his left and right he couldn't see anything and there were no technicians nearby working on his craft either so it wasn't something of theirs and he knew for a fact the Valkyrie was powered down so it wasn't the fighter itself making a noise. Glancing around him, he decided to look under his chair and he spotted his PADD on the floor, that was the source of the beeping.

Arching an eyebrow, it took him a few seconds to remember that he had even brought the thing with him and shuffled slightly so that he could reach down and retrieve the device. Tapping the screen to silence it, he saw that he had one new message and opened it, his eyes scanning over the text that was displayed.

The message was from V-Nine, that Android the Savi had created and handed off to them informing him and the others that had been abducted and had their DNA screwed with that she was available to reverse the genetic tampering that had been done to them should they wish to do so. "Huh." he said aloud as he re-read the message. Since he had gotten back Nathaniel had spent a lot of time thinking about what had happened to him, although admittedly it was less about actual changes to him physically but more the lie his parents or at least his mother had told him about his true heritage his entire life...well that and all the new feelings and sensations he had been feelings. Not once had he considered reversing the change and going back to how he was.

Then again it was possible that he had simply assumed that it wouldn't be possible, yet now here it was. The question was, did he want to reverse it and go back to how he had been before? It wouldn't change anything in terms of his ancestry or how pissed off he currently was at his mother for the lie and yet if he took the time to think past the anger there must have been a reason for what his mother had done surely? A reason for the deception and the alterations to his physical appearance. Narrowing his eyebrows, Nathan shook his head he was getting off topic.

He would admit that looking in the mirror and seeing those Romulan ridges on his forehead was somewhat awkward for while he still overall looked like himself, he looked different enough that it was somewhat disturbing to not entirely recognise the person look back nor was he a big fan of the new greenish skin tone he had developed. However at the same time, part of him felt very strongly about keeping at least the ridges as he felt they were something denied him when he was young that he had now gotten back. He was sure with time he would adjust but on the other hand it was a feeling he didn't really like, not feeling like himself in his own skin.

Counter to that however there was no denying that he did enjoy the stronger emotional feelings that he was experiencing, they were fascinating to him, almost as if everything before now had been subdued and suppressed, much like the straight jacket he'd been kept in on the Versant had confined him and how freeing it felt once he was out of it, that's what he felt like emotionally now and he didn't want to give that up. On top of that too was the fact he was stronger now than he ever had been, and he didn't particularly want to give up that either.

Looking back down at his PADD and reading the message again, he was conflicted. On top of that he wasn't entirely sure he wanted or trusted anything created by the Savi to go messing around with his DNA again. First his mother playing with his DNA before he was born and now the Savi he'd had more than enough of people screwing around with his DNA. However as he started typing out his reply, he imagined looking like his old Human self in a fight with someone, like say a Klingon, so convinced that the weak little Human would go down easily, only to surprise the warrior with that new Romulan strength of his and seeing the look of shock on the Klingon's face. The thought actually made Nathan laugh out loud, drawing the attention of several of the bay works, not that he cared.

The more he thought about it the more he loved the idea of being able to deceive people with that and found himself erasing what he had already written and typing out a new reply.

TO: V-Nine, Vigenary Model I-9 Surgical Android
FROM: Isley, Nathaniel, Ensign
SUBJECT: Re: Scheduling Reversal Surgery

V-Nine, thanks for the offer but I'm pretty much done with the whole ‘Let's screw around with Nate's genetics’ game, thanks.

However, if you could get rid of this green tint to my skin so I don’t look like I’m constantly suffering from a bout of space sickness that would be fantastic!

Re-reading his response it took a moment to ponder his decision, was a change in skin colouration all he wanted? He could have the ridges and ears removed and go back to looking how he used to before. He could even go back to being a hybrid? After a moment he shook his head and hit send, no he was fine with that.


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