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Ferengi were short, unimposing beings, noted more as merchants and traders than as warriors, scientists, or engineers. Their culture promoted the acquisition of material wealth, and their society was extremely capitalistic, with most routine activities accompanied by the exchange of a precious, non-replicable substance called latinum (a room-temperature liquid metal, often stored within gold “slips,” “bricks” or “bars”). Ferengi discriminated between their genders considerably, with female Ferengi not being permitted to own property or wear clothing; enterprising female Ferengi invariably found a way around these restrictions.

Ferengi physiology did not lend itself to physical activity, nor did their culture value such hardship, though they had a high resistance to many common diseases. Ferengi had exceptionally keen hearing, and highly-sensitive ears, though this also meant that intense sounds (and physical force applied to the ears) could inflict debilitating pain. Their unusual brain structure with four brain lobes did so that telepaths couldn't read Ferengi minds. Culturally, Ferengi were acquisitive, regarding the accumulation of wealth as the highest virtue, and while this had given them a reputation as cunning negotiators, they were also often seen as duplicitous and manipulative as well.


Hailing from Ferenginar, The Ferengi Alliance was a patriarchal civilization whose entire culture was based around trade and profit facilitated by the 285 “Rules of Acquisition.” While Ferengi pirates had plagued the Federation even before their first official meeting in 2364, the two powers remain neutral.

Source: Star Trek: Adventures Core Rulebook