Wanted Positions in Star Trek: Theurgy

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki


These are the positions that are vacant and that we feel new applicants should create a characters for. This list will be updated as required.

USS Orcus

Fighter Pilot

You could write one of the fighter pilots on the USS Orcus, flying one of the prototype Valravn fighters. The squadron name is the White Wolves, and like the rest of the fighter pilots on the Orcus, your character was a part of the classified Valravn Project on Luna Base (see the Valravn page for more information).

When the USS Theurgy supposedly defected to the Romulans in November of 2380, orders came to Luna Base that the twenty prototype Valravn fighters needed to be put into field duty, since the Theurgy's Mk III Valkyries were better than what the rest of Task Force Archeron had in terms of superiority fighters. So, the White Wolves Squadron ceased to be test pilots and were instead commissioned to the USS Orcus, which was supposed to join Task Force Archeron and hunt down the Theurgy.

In late February of 2381, the USS Orcus found the task force adrift, orbiting Theta Eridani IV without means of communication or propulsion. They had been affected by a computer virus, and it was only with the help of the USS Orcus "clean" software that the entire task force could exit orbit and take up the hunt again. Task Force Archeron immediately set a course towards Starbase 84 - meaning to intercept the Theurgy if Captain Ives had decided to put the advanced Theurgy-class starship of in his Romulan masters' hands.

Your character would enter the story as of the Battle of Starbase 84, where s/he needs to defect to the Theurgy for some reason. This defection should be discussed and settled with the GM.

In order to write a fighter pilot, you should familiarise yourself with this page: Tactical CONN

USS Theurgy

If your character was assigned to the titular USS Theurgy, it is recommended that your character has been in stasis since before Episode 01, and only now could be resuscitated after getting the medical attention he/she needed. Your character would then have been injured during the flight from Earth and Starfleet and put into a stasis pod to preserve his/her life.

Currently, we are looking for characters in Tactical and Operations. Here is the list:

Tactical Officer

The Tactical Officers are the vessels gunmen. They assist the Chief Tactical Officer by running and maintaining the numerous weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, and analysis and tactical planning of current missions. Very often Tactical Officers are also trained in ground combat and small unit tactics.

Operations Officer

The Chief Operations Officer cannot man the bridge at all times. Extra personnel are needed to relive and maintain ship operations. The Operations Officers are thus assistants to the Chief, fulfilling his/her duties when required, and assuming the Operations consoles if required at any time. The Operations Officer reports to the Chief Operations Officer.


The Quartermaster specializes in distributing supplies and provisions to personnel aboard the vessel. In addition, the Quartermaster controls all physical assignments to quarters throughout the vessel.


Each vessel and base has one Warrant Officer (or Chief Warrant Officer) who holds the position of Boatswain. The Boatswain (pronounced and also written "Bosun" or "Bos'n") trains and supervises personnel (including both the ship's company or base personnel as well as passengers or vessels) in general ship and base operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Operations personnel; sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and base operations; supervises auxiliary and utility service personnel and daily ship or base maintenance; coordinates all personnel cross-trained in damage control operations and supervises damage control and emergency operations; may assume any Bridge or Operations role as required; and is qualified to temporarily act at Operations if so ordered. The Boatswain reports to the Chief Operations Officer.