Klingon Great Houses

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

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The Great Houses and their games dominate our Empire... Alliances of blood and blades, these organizations define the political state of Qo'noS. - Loresinger B'Alea.

The Great Houses are major political institutions in the Klingon Empire and consist of influential families, most of them of noble descent. Some of the Houses are descendants of Kahless.


A Great House is united by bloodline and led by a male Klingon. Upon the death of the head of the House and his heir, the Mistress will take over control until a new male is found to take this position.

The Mistress, usually titled Lady, is the highest-ranking woman in the House, either the mother or wife of the House leader. A House is named for its current leader but he also has the option of continuing the use of his father's name.

Feuds between Houses can last centuries but can be solved with the dissolution of one or both of the warring Houses.

Political Influence

The Klingon High Council consists of members representing the most influential Houses and is headed by a single Chancellor. The Chancellor doesn't have to be of noble descent or a member of a Great House however he needs to be backed by at least one influential House.

On Qo'noS the political life is defined by the alliance of Great Houses. The most powerful Houses even possess their own fleets. Thus, to govern the Empire the Council relies on the support of the families.


  • Early in 2381 Gorka, son of Margon of House Mo'Kai makes a bid to challenge Chancellor Martok for control of the High Council.
Houses Aligned with Martok Houses Aligned with Gorka
House of B'Vat House of Hurgoh
House of Hurgas House of J'mpok
House of Kahnrah

List of Great Houses

Great Houses in the High Council (2381)

  • Providing the Chancellor: House of Martok: Martok, son of Urthog
  • House of J'mpok: Councillor J'mpok, son of Q'thoq
  • House of Kopek: Councillor Kopek, son of Nargor
  • House of Kryan: Councillor Kryan, son of Panich
  • House of Qolka: Councillor Qolka
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Houses formally in the High Council

  • House of Duras

Disscommendated Houses

  • House of G'Iogh (2291)
  • House of Gordek (2372)

Dissolved Houses

  • House of Girjah (2250s)
  • House of Gowron (2375)
  • House of Kor (2375)
  • House of Korpi (2269)
  • House of Kultan (2376)
  • House of Mogh (2372)
  • House of Varnak (2376)

Other Great Houses

  • House of Antaak: Antaak, son of Hurghom
  • House of Reshtarc