Wanted Positions in Star Trek: Theurgy

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki


These are the positions that are available for present members in the sim, but are - however - unavailable for new Applicants.

Unless the Joining the Crew page says otherwise, newly applying Applicants might only inherit characters on the Available Characters Page, but after three months of active writing, they may apply with a new character, picking from these positions below. For further information about applying for new characters, please consult the Joining the Crew page.

USS Theurgy

If your character is assigned to the titular USS Theurgy, it is recommended that your character has been in stasis since before Episode 01, and only now could be resuscitated after getting the medical attention he/she needed. Your character would then have been injured during the flight from Earth and Starfleet and put into a stasis pod to preserve his/her life.

Another method of joining during the Aldea Prime Anthology (between Seasons 01 and 02), is that your character used to be a Starfleet Intelligence operative. See the Aldea Prime Calendar for more information, specifically "The Inside Man" plotline!

Here is the list:

Diplomatic Officers

The diplomatic officer was a Starfleet position in use during the 24th century. The Federation Diplomatic Corps was an institution of the United Federation of Planets which was responsible for negotiating treaties with foreign states and maintaining inter-state relations and diplomacy within the Federation. The Starfleet Diplomatic Corps was a department within Starfleet's Command Division, and often the two organisations overlapped in deployment of personnel, officers and civilians alike sometimes representing both or either of the two organisations. The movement of personnel belonging to Starfleet was still governed by the Starfleet Transfer Regulations, just like any other officer. Diplomatic personnel in Starfleet (as opposed to those working for the wider Federation) were in the Command Division.

The duties of a Diplomatic Officer included providing all sociological data on species during first contact procedures. The majority of diplomatic personnel were Line Officers (either graduates of the Academy, or civilian diplomats given a commission to work within Starfleet). Junior officers could be aides or junior members of a delegation. Less vital aspects of a negotiation could be handled by lower ranked diplomats, assuming it would not offend foreign parties, of course.

The Theurgy is in great need of Diplomatic Officers for Season 2, and Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson would try to recruit old and current Diplomatic Officers to travel to Aldea and join the mission.

CONN Officers

This was the ship's helm department, which was in charge of handling all flight operations on and off the ship. This meant the Theurgy and all of its support vehicles or any vehicles flying within its vicinity. Instead of the Tactical CONN department flying fighters, the CONN officers operated the shuttles. The Chief CONN Officer would work very closely with the ship's Chief Operations Officer with respect to the use of the ship's shuttle bays, since the Chief CONN Officer was responsible for the pilots flying the shuttles and for training shuttle pilots. Instead of Fighter Bay Ops handling the fighters, the regular Operations personnel - that answered to the Chief Operations Officer - handled the upkeep of the shuttles. Fighter Bay Ops belonged to the Operations department too, they were just specialised at warp fighters, but could be rotated to handle shuttles as well as required. An officer's ability at the CONN covered piloting craft of all sizes, from ground vehicles and shuttles, to grand starships. It also included navigation — both on the ground and in space — and an understanding of starship operations, including the procedures and cultures of space travel and exploration. they had to be able to direct a starship or other vessel through a difficult environment, or to operate a craft with such precision as to aid someone else’s activities. They had to direct a starship or other vessel to avoid a sudden and imminent danger, or to perform extreme or unorthodox maneuvers with a craft using “feel” or “instinct”. They also had to be quick and effective in getting into an EVA suit, including moving through zero-gravity, or resisting the deleterious effects of extreme acceleration or unpredictable motion without an Inertial Dampening Field.

These officers were also experts in juding the nature or intent of another vessel by the way it is moving, or determining the source of a problem with a familiar vessel. They also had to maintain professional decorum and etiquette when representing your ship or Starfleet in formal circumstances, or to argue effectively over a matter of starship protocol, or a course of action.

Operations Officers

Essentially, the Operations Department monitored and controlled the use of all ship systems not ostensibly involved with propulsion, navigation, or combat. The Operations Officer on the bridge often had to coordinate directly with the Chief Engineer to ensure that all of the ship's systems were maintained at optimal performance. When no engineer was on the bridge of a starship or operations center of a space station, the Operations Officer saw to any engineering matters that might arise. Although the transporter systems were Engineering Department assets, it was the Operations Department that put them to use. With regards to special environmental conditions required for alien crewmembers or visitors, the Operations Officer had to coordinate with the ship's Chief Medical Officer.

The Ops Department head position was in charge of the recreation areas of the ship or station as well, such as the various lounges, recreation rooms, gymnasiums and holodecks.

Fighter Bay Operations Officers (NCO ranks only)

Information about the Fighter Bay Ops crew on the Theurgy can be found here: Fighter Bay Ops. Check the info, and then look below. The available roles are:

  • Head of Avionics, Sensors & Computer Systems
  • Head of Spaceframe & Structure
  • Spacecraft Inspectors
  • Landing Signal Warrants
  • Weapons Technicians
  • Ordnancemen
  • Mechanics

All these NCO officers report to the Chief of the Deck and his appointed second-in-command among the deck crews.

Counseling Officers

A counselor was a position aboard Starfleet vessels and installations, usually held by a senior Starfleet officer with training in psychology. By the mid-24th century, starship crews included a counselor, who was responsible for the mental well-being of the crew and civilian staff. The position was considered vital enough that it warranted inclusion in the senior staff of the Federation flagship; in that instance at least, the ship's counselor also had a diplomatic role, advising the captain in First Contact and other situations.

On large starships like the USS Theurgy, counseling was a separate department with a Chief Counselor, Assistant Chief Counselor, Rehabilitation Officers and Morale Officers. The number of commissioned crew determined the need for such an arrangement, where a single person impossibly could preform his or her duties for the sake of a crew as large as the Theurgy’s . As with the Chief Medical Officer, the Chief Counselor has the power to relieve other officers and crewmembers of duty if he or she feels that their patient is suffering from a condition that may hinder their ability to perform their duties effectively.