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==Personality Profile==
==Personality Profile==
====Text Correspondence, 2374====
===Text Correspondence, 2374===
'''[1404] Avirim:''' what the fuck rich<br />
'''[1404] Avirim:''' what the fuck rich<br />
<br />
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'''[0406] Ricci:''' I know.
'''[0406] Ricci:''' I know.

====File Summary====
===File Summary===
True to the stereotypes of his people, Inej was a thrill-seeking hedonist. He was generally agreeable and lighthearted, if a little rough and ready, and he made a good drinking or sparring partner. He relied on humour and flirtation in his interactions, the latter with varying levels of sincerity, however he was capable of being serious and was a capable leader when called upon to be so. Although usually laid-back, his moods could change swiftly and if pushed he could become defensive and combative; however this would only last a brief moment, and rarely escalated to violence.
True to the stereotypes of his people, Inej was a thrill-seeking hedonist. He was generally agreeable and lighthearted, if a little rough and ready, and he made a good drinking or sparring partner. He relied on humour and flirtation in his interactions, the latter with varying levels of sincerity, however he was capable of being serious and was a capable leader when called upon to be so. Although usually laid-back, his moods could change swiftly and if pushed he could become defensive and combative; however this would only last a brief moment, and rarely escalated to violence.

Revision as of 17:06, 5 July 2019

Default Character Image.jpeg
Personnel FileY-o1.png
Name:Inej Avirim
Position:Security Officer
Orientation:  Bisexual
Birthplace:Tirei City, Risa
Height:5ft 8in / 1.73m
Weight:145lbs / 66kg
Eye color:Brown
Played by:Willy Cartier


Making bad decisions
2368-2371: Starfleet Academy, Earth

2372-2373: Starfleet Intelligence Training, location classified

2379: Conversion course, Starfleet Academy, Earth
Service Record
2373-2378: Intelligence Operative, records classified; Ensign to Lieutenant
2380-2381: Security Officer, Starfleet Paris Headquarters; Ensign (demoted 2378)

Character Draft Awaiting Approval

Inej Avirim (pronounciation) was a Security officer and ex-operative for Starfleet Intelligence. After being demoted and resigning from Intelligence, he used his new posting as a security officer at Starfleet Headquarters to feed intel on Starfleet Command to Joseph Anderson, Head of Covert Operations. In March 2381 he was discovered and fled for Aldea where he joined the Theurgy.


Interview Transcript, 2379

Nosey buggers aintcha? Shit in the reports not enough, y’all gotta hear it from the horse’s? Fine, have at it. Huff my laundry, kinky bastards.

Born in Tirei City, real met-ro-politan, all skyscrapers an’ nightclubs. Call it a city, yeah, ‘cept it’s really just one big fuckin’ resort, whole city designed t’be fun for them visitors, all smoke an’ mirrors so they don’t gotta see behind the curtain.

‘M I bein’ too obvious? Fuckin’ hated the place.

Me family lives in the resort, in this fuckoff massive hotel. Me folks got jobs doin’ them invisible, thankless jobs what no one notices but you’d miss if they weren’t done. Want better for us kids. Brother an’ sister work hard, manage t’snag jobs front of house -- sister’s a dancer, brother’s a receptionist, an’ shucks if we ain’t all so proud. I’m… Well. Y’all know me. Fuckin’ asshole even then.

Me hearin’s dogshit when I’m a littlie, get this op’ration t’sort it. Works for a couple’a years, then starts goin’ downhill again, for good this time. I’m, what, thirteen? Takes me a bit t’notice, an’ by then it’s too late ain’t it. Fuckin’-- thought I was done with that shit, but nah, bad penny. Get me fixed up with aids, an’ they help some, but fuck me if they ain’t just the worst. I do me best. But I’m a stupid fuckin’ kid, ain’t I? Still am, kinda.

That shit ain’t no excuse, don’t get me wrong. Was a fuckin’ dickhead even when me ears worked. Still. Really went t’town after that. All drinkin’ an’ barfights, that’s me, an’ fuckin’ with rich tourists. Eventually management gets fed up, an’ next thing I know me family’s bein’ fuckin’ threatened. Either I go, or they do.

They spent a long fuckin’ time gettin’ the jobs they got here. Live on-site an’ all. Lose their jobs an’ they all gotta move, an’ here’s to hopin’ they get picked up somewhere else -- ain’t nowhere t’live in Tirei if you ain’t got a job. An’ after they worked so hard? Nah. Out on me ear, ain’t I? No pun intended.

Mostly just get worse, t’be honest. Was a real shithead for a few years there, like what you’re seein’ now is best-behaviour-Ej, this ain’t nothin’. So yeah. Some bad folks, some bad stuff. Get, uh, maybe more involved than I should. Manage t’get meself noticed by some motherfucker, this Ybsin, real skeevy bloke, not the kinda man you wanna be on their radar.

You, uh. Y’all don’t gotta hear details, right?


Important thing is where you folks come in, I guess. New fella starts showin’ up round Ybsin’s place, this Ricci bloke, an’ I figure somethin’s up pretty sharpish. Man ain’t a fuckin’ arsehole, for one. Actually tries speakin’ t’me-- that’s right, sorry, forgot t’say. He -- uh, Ybsin -- he busted up me aids after I tried t’leg it this one time. So there’s me tryna make sense of the mess, tryna figure out the fuck folks are askin’ me to do, an’ it’s fuckin’ hilarious the mistakes I’m makin’, the guys love it, great fun all round. Lipreadin’ ain’t all that, lemme tell ya.

This bloke though, he starts signin’ at me. An’ it’s fuckin’-- it ain’t a language I know, so that’s a bugger. Takes us a bit, back an’ forth, but we get there, enough t’get ourselves understood. An’ mate, y’all got no idea. Havin’ a conversation, where you fuckin’ know what’s bein’ said an’ can contribute? Madness.

Fella’s a Fed, figured that much out by now. Ybsin an’ his lot are usin’ the resort t’smuggle all sorts’a shit into Risa, an’ the Hedony ain’t too hot on it. Them useless fucks couldn’t enforce their way outta their own arses though, so gotta call in the big boys, do their dirty work for ‘em.

So I spill me guts to this Fed, ‘cause I’m figurin’, either his lot’ll come down on this place an’ I can finally be rid of fuckin’ Ybsin and his shitty-- yeah. Or, other option, Ybsin an’ co will figure me out an’ just kick me t’death or some shit. It’s like 50-50, an’ either way it’ll be done an’ dusted, no skin off mine.

Turns out Feds kinda know what they’re doin’, an’ next thing the whole fuckin’ place is down an’ out. Not public-like, Hedony’d never have that, can’t ruin their perfect fuckin’ PR. Still. Manage t’convince the Feds t’take me with ‘em once they’re done, ‘cause fuck knows I ain’t stayin’. After all that? Nah mate.

Figure I’ll sign up t’help ‘em out after that, ‘s only fair right? You scratch mine an’ all that. Take a coupla years with ‘em, doin’ a bunch’a shit I can’t put on my fuckin’ resumé or nothin’. Anyway. That shit wears on you, after a time. Leastways, did on me. Maybe just weren’t cut out for it. End up-- Well. Still classified, can’t go runnin’ me mouth. Shit went sideways, words got thrown around, pretty much all you need t’know. Don’t regret it none, but you gotta know, weren’t somethin’ I did lightly neither. Know I look like a fuckin’ loose canon, an’ yeah, ain’t even wrong, but I ain’t a fuckin’-- I’m not off me tits. Not totally.

Anyway. After all that, figure it’s time for a change, yeah? So here I am, bibbidy-bobbidy, reportin’ for duty. If y’all will have me, that is.

File Summary

Inej was an informant for Starfleet Intelligence during Operation Mayfly, a joint effort by the Risian Hedony and Starfleet Intelligence’s Covert Operations department to bring down a weapons smuggling ring working out of Tirei City, Risa. During this operation he formed a relationship with Lieutenant Luca Ricci, and after the operation’s completion Ricci mentored Inej through the Starfleet Academy application process. Inej was recruited by Intelligence halfway through his study and spent several years in Covert Ops as a field agent. He played a role in Operations Blackthorn and Grindstone during this time, as well as working on several smaller assignments.

In 2178, Inej was involved in a quickly-escalating disagreement with Lt Cmdr Luca Ricci who had been his direct superior during Operation Grindstone. As a result of the altercation, Ricci demoted Inej back to Ensign, leading him to abruptly resign from Intelligence. He returned to the Academy to retrain as a Security Officer, and upon graduation he was stationed to Starfleet Headquarters in Paris. Shortly after beginning this assignment he was contacted by Joseph Anderson, Head of Covert Operations. Anderson persuaded Inej to use this position to feed him information as part of his ongoing and unsanctioned investigation into Starfleet Command. In March 2381, Inej was accompanying a member of Starfleet Command on a diplomatic visit to Qo’noS, acting as a bodyguard, when his illegal activities were discovered and he was forced to flee. He travelled to Aldea whereupon he joined the crew of the Theurgy.

Personality Profile

Text Correspondence, 2374

[1404] Avirim: what the fuck rich

[1617] Ricci: What?
[1617] Avirim: u putting me up for promotion??? wtf
[1610] Ricci: I didn’t, that would be unethical.
[1610] Ricci: Kingston asked me for a reference, and I gave one.
[1611] Avirim: you fuckin snake
[1611] Avirim: thought i was ‘disrespectful and unprofessional’ or whatever
[1614] Ricci: You are.
[1614] Avirim: suck my dick
[1614] Ricci: But you’re a good agent Avi, you’ve proved that.
[1616] Avirim: didnt realise i gotta prove myself to u now
[1617] Ricci: Didn't you?
[1617] Avirim: get yelled at enough without you dogpiling
[1618] Ricci: I'm not yelling.
[1618] Ricci: I just don’t want to see you throw away your career because you can’t keep your opinions to yourself.
[1620] Avirim: knew i weren’t no automaton when u got me into this shit
[1621] Ricci: I did.
[1621] Ricci: But you were eighteen then, you’re not anymore.
[1623] Avirim: see u figured out time
[1623] Ricci: I see you haven’t.

[0213] Avirim: what if i dont want it
[0224] Ricci: What?
[0229] Avirim: junior lieutenant
[0230] Ricci: Then you turn it down.
[0232] Ricci: But I think you would be good at it. You’re a good leader and a good operative, you just need to behave like it.
[0245] Ricci: I’m sorry I called you unprofessional.

[0401] Avirim: know i run me mouth, know it aint making me any friends
[0402] Avirim: was quiet so long, dont wanna do that shit again
[0403] Ricci: I understand.
[0404] Avirim: nah
[0404] Avirim: but thanks
[0404] Avirim: i’ll be better
[0406] Ricci: I know.

File Summary

True to the stereotypes of his people, Inej was a thrill-seeking hedonist. He was generally agreeable and lighthearted, if a little rough and ready, and he made a good drinking or sparring partner. He relied on humour and flirtation in his interactions, the latter with varying levels of sincerity, however he was capable of being serious and was a capable leader when called upon to be so. Although usually laid-back, his moods could change swiftly and if pushed he could become defensive and combative; however this would only last a brief moment, and rarely escalated to violence.

Despite his background in Intelligence, Inej was surprisingly honest and open. He was a cheerful misanthropist, a jaded realist who believed the worst of people but without holding it against them. He avoided getting involved in people’s business, and went out of his way to affect indifference when it came to other’s opinions of him. In general, he was uncomfortable with emotional sincerity of any kind, whether his own or that of another; however in rare moments he could be unexpectedly astute and respectful.

Inej was active and energetic both on and off duty, and enjoyed sparring, drinking, and playing poker. He also had a healthy, if uneducated, appreciation for nature. He was allergic to dogs but refused to let that hinder him, and had his lifestyle allowed he would’ve adopted at least one St Bernard by now.

Physical Profile

Audiologist’s Report, 2368

Patient: Inej Avirim, Risian, 18 years (DOB 2350)
Medical history:
2351: Diagnosed with moderate hearing loss
2353: Cochlear restoration surgery completed at Tirei City Hospital, Risa
2361: Hearing reportedly deteriorating
2363: Patient issued with hearing aids

Symptoms: Patient reports hearing loss of up to 50% in both ears. He is unable to hear sounds below approximately 60 decibels, or a normal conversational level. He is also unable to differentiate between sounds, meaning that although he can often hear speech he is not able to identify it as such and cannot make out individual words without some form of assistance such as lip-reading.

Diagnosis: Moderate-to-severe hearing loss
Treatment: intra-cranial cochlear bypass

Post-Treatment Evaluation: Patient reports a greater range of hearing than previously achieved. While wearing his hearing aids, the patient is now able to hear down to approximately 30 dBs, equivalent to a loud whisper. He still experiences difficulty filtering sounds out from one another and has poor directional hearing; however he is able to comfortably follow speech with a high degree of accuracy and reports a high level of aural clarity.

File Summary

Inej appeared human, except for the ja’risia tattoo on his forehead. He had a wiry frame, and was physically fit out of necessity rather than vanity. He had quick reflexes and was dextrous rather than particularly strong, although he could hold his own in a fist fight.

His general appearance was rather scruffy. His long hair was usually loose and fairly unkempt, and he rarely made an effort to tidy himself up. The most attention he paid to his appearance was in the jewellery he wore both on- and off-duty, consisting of necklaces and many rings. Out of uniform, Inej wore loose-fitting clothes designed for the warm weather of his home, often including low-cut vests and flowing skirts. In uniform, he wore the trouser and skant variations interchangably.

His hearing aids were noticeable but had a generally unobtrusive appearance. The devices caused him some discomfort to use and he preferred to wear only one at a time, and left them out when he could while off-duty. When wearing an aid, he would tuck his hair up behind that ear; if he wore both at once, he would tie his hair back into plaits to get it out the way.

Reference Images


Special Notes (Optional)


Inej was raised bilingual in Risian and Federation Standard, and he was fluent in both languages by the time he lost the majority of his hearing. His family encouraged him to practise speaking and as a result he sounded very natural, using inflection and speaking with only a slight accent, which in itself was masked by the ‘city accent’ he refused to eradicate. He was more comfortable in Federation Standard and avoided speaking orally if he was not wearing his aids.

After leaving Risa, Inej also learnt Federation Standard Sign Language, which he was proficient in. There were devices available for sign-to-speech translation for the hearing, however Inej didn’t sign enough to consider them particularly useful and rarely bothered with them. He could also lipread both Risian and Federation Standard, and would use lipreading to supplement his hearing. It was possible for him to follow speech through lipreading alone, although with a low level of accuraccy; it was also extremely tiring and so he tried to do it as little as possible.


The last letter in ‘Inej’ was a Risian-specific character called ‘ej’ and pronounced like the S in the English ‘treasure’, or the J in the French ‘je’. Inej’s name in sign language was the Risian sign for this letter drawn downwards to emulate his long hair.