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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4525
Well, my posts are (finally) going out now. Sorry for the delay, folks. It's been hard to find the energy to do anything creative lately, between hospital visits and other things. I was planning on moving back to Britain in January, had everything planned and organised, but recent developments have squashed that idea in very short order. So, ya know. Fun.

Sorry to hear about that AL, by the way. Best of luck to you folks over the holidays.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4526
Prolonged delays to be expected with the holidays! I'm not getting any progress done so far, will do my best to work the queue down by Christmas, but I'm rather pessimistic about it.

If I do blip off the radar, I should be back in 2021 with some time before work kicks me back in the teeth!

Happy holidays Theurgists!!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4527

Please come and welcome @Lathaniel ! They'll be taking over Kino Taer!

PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer 

  - Writer:

Kino has been in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures and will be thawed at a day of her new writer's choosing. It will either be during the Aldea Prime Anthology, or during Advent of War.

Looking forward to reading this one's continued story, and welcome aboard, @Lathaniel ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4529
Welcome @Lathaniel and questions? there are lots of very lovely people here happy to help. I hope you enjoy it.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4531
Thank you very much. All of you. I am looking forward to continue Kino's story and enjoy all the great adventures.

Regarding questions @Juzzie , I will have to read through the info package Auctor Lucan provided me with and if any questions pop up, I will gladly remember your offer. Thank you!

Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4533
Adding this after reading Auctor's PM and realizing that this is the place to introduce myself, which I will gladly do.

I am 36 years old, married and father of two lovely kids. I live in Northern Germany.

I have been a Star Trek fan since I can remember watching TV and later on started reading some of the novels and playing different Star Trek computer games (Starfleet Academy, Armada II, Bridge Commander, both Elite Force games and Star Trek Online).
I also have almost 20 years worth of playing (and mastering) pen & paper roleplays, including Shadowrun, Vampire: The Masquerade and Das Schwarze Auge. Unfortunately I never found a group playing Star Trek. so lately my wife and I play our own one on one pen & paper, set in the Star Trek universe.

What else is there to say? If you have any questions, just ask. ;-)

I am looking forward to contribute and become a part of this wonderful project!

Yours truly,

Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4534
Hey!  I play STO as well!  I write fic for it sometimes too.  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4535
Welcome to the SIM, @Lathaniel ! I hope to get a chance to write with you someday, and hope that you enjoy your time here. If you ever need help with something, feel free to ask, as everyone is generally very helpful. It'll take a little while to get acclimatized, which is entirely normal, but eventually you'll get comfortable with everything around here.

Welcome again!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4536
Hi @Lathaniel welcome to the crew. I hope you have an enjoyable time here. As mentioned by others, if you have any questions or need any help, just ask either here or in Discord and someone will either answer directly or be able to point you to someone who can.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4538
Eek barba durkle. Welcome to the mad house @Lathaniel  I hope you enjoy your time here and also hope you’ll have a nice Christmas celebration.
Also what Nero said in German. Just too lazy to find something original in that language now.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4539

Please give your warm welcome to Brett620, who will take over writing the character formerly known as Hi'Jak, namely Kyle Jensen!

As I may have mentioned before in regard to this long running character in the story, after @Swift 's Andrew Fisher found out that the late Carrigan Trent was to blame for Hi'Jak reacting and acting as he did on the Coreless Moon, before Episode 05, Captain Ives has decided to allow him to serve as an Ensign in the Science Department. This, after Hi'Jak also asked to have his name changed, as a new beginning, and a convenient means to not have the Klingons aboard the ship realise he's supposed to have been killed in Right of Vengeance.

The original name change was from Hi'Jak to Robert Guthrey, but I have agreed to @brett620 's request to change the name the character picked to something of his own choosing. So, after I have spent some time editing all the posts in which Hi'Jak was referenced as Robert, Kyle Jensen is the name of this character from here on out. The reason "Kyle" was picked was because that's the name the character thought of during his brief encounter with Chancellor Martok (in Klingon Guests). As for Jensen, it is supposed to be his mothers maiden name.

Ens. Kyle Jensen         Science Officer (Temporal Mechanics)

  - Writer:

This name change and reinstatement as Ensign is effective as of Day 02 in Advent of War. Kyle Jensen's former identity is on a plausible need-to-know basis In-Character, but if known, it is also known in his file that he was misled by the Theurgy's former First Officer (Carrigan Trent), which caused him to betray the away team at the Coreless Moon (check the links for more info on this long subplot conclusion!).

As of Day 01 in Advent of War, this character's face was altered to avoid recognition as well, looking human but being Klingon below the cosmetic change. The former faceclaim was Zac Efron, but as of Advent of War, it is Thomas Mison. Sorry for all the confusion about the changes this old character has gone through, but hopefully we have something more permanent to look forward to in terms of faces and names now, lol!

Looking forward to reading his continued story, @brett620 ! Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4541
First things first, @DaValle gets a 'LIKE' from me for the fantastic use of a Rick and Morty reference. Bravo, sir!  (laugh)

Secondly, welcome to the SIM @brett620 ! If you need any help getting settled in with things, or if you have any questions feel free to ask. The people around here are generally very welcoming, and can be a wealth of help. Don't be afraid to ask. Other than that, I hope you enjoy it here, and I look forward to getting to write with you sometime!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4542
Welcome aboard @brett620 Glad to have you!   I'm new myself, but I can tell you this crew is a great group of people!   Please don't hesitate to reach out here or on the discord with any questions.  Looking forward to working with you!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4543
Thank you Auctor Lucan for the warm introduction. I look forward to working with all of you to both continue my characters story and that of the USS Theurgy! If you have any questions or are interesting in doing a joint post please feel free to contact me. Just so everyone knows, I am on the East Coast of the US which puts me about 6 hours behind most of you, so don't be surprised to get replies in the middle of the night.

Note: That took entirely too many attempts on my part to pass that verification lol
[Ens. Jensen | Science Officer - Temporal Mechanics | USS Theurgy]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4544
I've been out of the SIM game for a few years but do have some experience running my own SIM and playing a part in a Fleet of SIMs. I look forward to working with all of you!

Welcome aboard @brett620 if you need any help or have any questions, myself or any of the mentors arebat your service.

Thanks Stegro for the welcome, I look forward to working with you, hopefully it won't be on a security issue that I have created ;)

First things first, @DaValle gets a 'LIKE' from me for the fantastic use of a Rick and Morty reference. Bravo, sir!  (laugh)

Secondly, welcome to the SIM @brett620 ! If you need any help getting settled in with things, or if you have any questions feel free to ask. The people around here are generally very welcoming, and can be a wealth of help. Don't be afraid to ask. Other than that, I hope you enjoy it here, and I look forward to getting to write with you sometime!

Thank you Swift, I look forward to working with you, perhaps we will see a post in the near future with your two characters and mine.

Welcome aboard @brett620 Glad to have you!   I'm new myself, but I can tell you this crew is a great group of people!   Please don't hesitate to reach out here or on the discord with any questions.  Looking forward to working with you!

Thanks P.C., I already have a few ideas of side posts that you and I could collaborate on in the near future.
[Ens. Jensen | Science Officer - Temporal Mechanics | USS Theurgy]


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4547
Welcome aboard!  We're in a bit of a slow stretch right now because of the holiday, but things should pick up soon.  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4548
Welcome aboard!  We're in a bit of a slow stretch right now because of the holiday, but things should pick up soon.  :)
Thanks, I am just reviewing the on going missions and getting all caught up with the current events
[Ens. Jensen | Science Officer - Temporal Mechanics | USS Theurgy]

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