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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5350


  Lt. JG V'lana                                                  Nurse Practitioner

  - Writer: @EnigmaTales

Join us in welcoming @EnigmaTales back to the sim, with her new character V'lana! V'lana is Elsarian, an original species made for Theurgy, hailing from a rogue planet in the Betazed sector. She served on the Theurgy as a nurse practitioner, but was injured and placed into stasis during the ship's flight from Earth. Thanks to V-Nine, she's ready to rejoin the crew at the beginning of episode 2!

Welcome aboard!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5351
Welcome Back @EnigmaTales ! Looking forward to writing with you!
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5352


  PO1 Artimis Saugn                                          Intelligence Operative

  - Writer: @AbsintheDeux
Join us in welcoming @AbsintheDeux back to the sim, with their new character Artimis Saugn! Petty Officer Saugn is a Teslyliac duplicate, another original species in the Theurgy universe. She was created to infiltrate the USS Theurgy and learn the secrets of the disappearance of her kin, Dr. Lahkesis Saugn. After a bit of convincing, Admiral Anderson agreed to send Artimis to the Theurgy with the promise that she'd be an asset to him as well.
Artimis will be joining the crew of the Helmet in Chapter 3, having been picked up near the Klingon border by the IKS Vask'at, a Klingon ship coming to join with Martok's forces at the Triangle. She'll then join the intelligence department as an operative, having been implanted with years of knowledge and training during her creation.
 Welcome aboard!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5354
Apologies for promising to post and then vanishing.  I'd planned to write something up while on new year's vacation with the family, but I came down with a nasty stomach bug.  :(  Gonna try to get something workable done tomorrow. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5356
OK, wow, screw me I guess.  I've got a massive pair of leaks in my apartment and maintenance is dragging their feet.  Apologies AGAIN. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5357
oh no, well then you will have to leak your fury onto them!! I hope they get to it real soon!
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5358
oh no, well then you will have to leak your fury onto them!! I hope they get to it real soon!
They managed to get me hot water back at least, and before the 2 feet of snow too.  That was for the whole building, though, still waiting on my call.  Apologies for continued delays. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5359


First off, as I am sure many folks have realized, we have been suffering from some technical difficulties for roughly the last week. While the root cause of the issue is something we are still looking into and something I will have address with the domain hosts, in regards to avaialbe resources (even after we got an upgrade in the package we use which should have provided much more resources across the board...) we were able to restore services. My personal thanks goes out to all the users that reached out about the issues being encountered, providing feedback and further insight, as well as everyone that listened to me as I pulled a few hairs out over this. And most especially, my thanks to the support community on the Elkarte community forums. Great folks, very helpful.

With that cleared up, we are live again and I look forward to seeing everyones posts in the coming days.

Oh, and before I forget


  PO2 Francis Lee Knox                                              Combat Engineer

  - Writer: @Hans Applegate

Join us in welcoming new member @Hans Applegate to the sim! They are taking over the NPC Francis Lee Knox, a changeling operative of Dominic Lau's intelligence team. This is normally the part where we describe the character a little... but in this case it's best to do it in Knox's own words:

"PO2 Francis Lee Knox was a Starfleet Intelligence Operative formerly assigned to an ongoing mission to the USS Griffin during the Dominion War – details redacted (because the solid got her ass killed). In 2378, the new and improved Knox (bias noted) was personally recruited by Admiral Anderson for assignment and was later placed under CPO Dominic Lao’s direction. In 2381, Anderson dispatched CPO Lao's team to rendezvous with a mission in progress launched by the supposedly renegade USS Theurgy. Having learned the truth of the Infested threat, while PO2 Knox could give nay a fuck about the Infested, he nonetheless aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command at the end of the 24th century because he had nothing better to do."

You can find Knox in Chapter 1: S [D01|[0940] - Shipping Out, ready for their new writer to take over!

Welcome aboard!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5361
Welcome Hans!
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5363


First off, as I am sure many folks have realized, we have been suffering from some technical difficulties for roughly the last week. While the root cause of the issue is something we are still looking into and something I will have address with the domain hosts, in regards to avaialbe resources (even after we got an upgrade in the package we use which should have provided much more resources across the board...) we were able to restore services. My personal thanks goes out to all the users that reached out about the issues being encountered, providing feedback and further insight, as well as everyone that listened to me as I pulled a few hairs out over this. And most especially, my thanks to the support community on the Elkarte community forums. Great folks, very helpful.

With that cleared up, we are live again and I look forward to seeing everyones posts in the coming days.

Oh, and before I forget


  PO2 Francis Lee Knox                                              Combat Engineer

  - Writer: @Hans Applegate

Join us in welcoming new member @Hans Applegate to the sim! They are taking over the NPC Francis Lee Knox, a changeling operative of Dominic Lau's intelligence team. This is normally the part where we describe the character a little... but in this case it's best to do it in Knox's own words:

"PO2 Francis Lee Knox was a Starfleet Intelligence Operative formerly assigned to an ongoing mission to the USS Griffin during the Dominion War – details redacted (because the solid got her ass killed). In 2378, the new and improved Knox (bias noted) was personally recruited by Admiral Anderson for assignment and was later placed under CPO Dominic Lao’s direction. In 2381, Anderson dispatched CPO Lao's team to rendezvous with a mission in progress launched by the supposedly renegade USS Theurgy. Having learned the truth of the Infested threat, while PO2 Knox could give nay a fuck about the Infested, he nonetheless aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command at the end of the 24th century because he had nothing better to do."

You can find Knox in Chapter 1: S [D01|[0940] - Shipping Out, ready for their new writer to take over!

Welcome aboard!

Hi everyone! Glad to be here!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5364

Parting with sweet sorrow...

The following writers have been shifted to Inactive Status (though they have also been given directions on how to change this back to Active should the time arrive in the future they have the ability to write again). Some of their characters are now listed as Inheritable, while others are slated to be KIA, as indicated by their writers. The list is as follows:
  • trevorvw (last post 10/20/22) - Lt. Cmdr Kai Akoni "KIA"
  • Fife (last post 1/2/23) - Ens. Isel Nix "Let their stories go on"
  • jreeves (last post 2/5/23) - (he did reply and hopes to return) CPO Sithick; CWO1 Larrant  "Let their stories go on"
  • Griffinsummoner (last post 2/25/23) - PO1 Scruffy Leblanc "No preference (Scruffy is an inherited character)"
  • Ultima (last post 3/19/23) - Ens Cir'Cie "Let their stories go on"/li]

With this said, some updates
  • Deputy ThanIda (currently an NPC) will replace Kai Akoni as Chief of Security
  • The position of Chief CONN is now listed up for new members

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5366
Hey folks. To those whom I'm writing with: my activity is likely to decline for a time, especially if I end up in hospital, as now appears likely. I'm dealing with a medical condition which isn't life threatening, but is debilitating. If I vanish for a while, that'll be the reason, and there's no need to worry.

Hopefully this mess gets sorted soon.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5368
Get well soon, Griff!  <3
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5370


Today, @Galaxymind joins us as Verena Pax AND @joshs1000 joins as Avandar Lok, as the two original Theurgy crewmembers are revived from stasis.

  Lt. Verena Pax                                                      Chief Surgeon

- Writer: @Galaxymind

Verena served for a year as the Theurgy's original chief surgeon before she was injured pushing another crewmember out of the way of an exploding console. Her varied and extensive injuries, the most worrying being the one to her symbiont, meant she needed to be placed in stasis until she could receive proper treatment. Eventually, our incumbent chief surgeon, V-Nine, was able to repair her damaged organs and the connection to the symbiont. With a suitable replacement now back in sickbay, V-Nine will decide to relinquish the Chief Surgeon post so she can fully focus on her work.

  CPO Avandar Lok      Head of Fighter Propulsion & Asst. COD

- Writer: @joshs1000

Long serving NCO Avandar Lok received a transfer to an excellent posting as the Head of Fighter Power & Propulsion on the USS Theurgy, only to be branded a fugitive the next day as the ship was attacked by Starfleet and forced to flee Earth. To add injury to insult, not long after he was trapped in a breached compartment and sustained a serious headwound before the emergency forcefields kicked in. He required sophisticated neurosurgery that was only possible on a Starbase, so Lok was placed in stasis until V-Nine developed a workaround.

Now that they're both fully healed, Verena and Lok will both be returning to duty at the start of Episode 2.

Welcome aboard! And have fun!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5373


  Lt. JG Dominic Winters                      Wolf-10 [Atlas]

- Writer: @Krajin

Dominic is a Kzinti hybrid of many of many talents and dedication.  He first started in security, before earning distinction during the Dominion War flying Peregrines.  Quite headstrong and aggressive despite a cool outer shell, he used his mixed training to infiltrate one of the plethora of pirate groups that sprang up after the war.  The evidence he gathered was instrumental in the arrests that followed. However, instead of returning to Starfleet, he was contacted by a highly placed member of Starfleet Intelligence and picked up by a Klingon vessel to join USS Theurgy in her mission, adding another pilot to the Lone Wolves squadron.

Dominic will be joining the crew at the beginning of Episode 2, when he transfers over from the IKS Vaskat, a Klingon ship joining Martok's fleet who were kind enough (ordered) to pick up replacement crew while they were near Federation space.

Welcome aboard!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5374
Woot!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Kzinti!

Welcome @Krajin hope to see you around the forum. :)

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