USS Tolstoy

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The USS Tolstoy (NCC-62095) was a 24th century Federation starship, a Rigel-class heavy scout in Starfleet service in the 2360s decade, one of a number of ships to be named Tolstoy. (ST reference: The Star Trek Encyclopedia)

Service history and disposition

Captain Christine Parsons took command of the Tolstoy in the year 2366. (NF - No Limits short story: "Performance Appraisal")

In early 2367, the Tolstoy engaged the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359. Unfortunately, the Tolstoy was destroyed in the engagement, along with 38 other vessels. The broken hull of Tolstoy remained at the battle site, and Elizabeth Shelby identified the wreck on the viewscreen when the USS Enterprise-D arrived. (TNG episode: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

The Tolstoy was destroyed after the USS Kyushu but before the USS Gage in the assault on the Borg cube. (DS9 novelization: Emissary)

This ship was succeeded in name by the Steamrunner-class USS Tolstoy. (ST video game: Legacy)