Hayden O'Connor (KIA)
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
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Name: | Hayden Quinn O’Connor | ||
Rank: | Lieutenant | ||
Position: | Chief Counselor | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Age: | 32 | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Orientation: | Heterosexual | ||
Height: | 5'8” | ||
Weight: | 135 lbs | ||
Hair: | Brown | ||
Eye color: | Brown | ||
Played by: | Bridget Moynahan | ||
Writer: | Formerly: The Counselor | ||
Interests | |||
N/A | |||
Education | |||
2369-2372: Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, CA, Earth (summa cum laude graduate in Pre-Medical studies) 2373: Starfleet Medical Academy, San Francisco, CA, Earth, (summa cum laude graduate in Trauma Psychiatry) | |||
Service Record | |||
2373-2374: Ensign, Research/Clinical Intern under Dr. Andrea Markham, Forensic Psychiatrist Ensign, Psychiatrist, USS Challenger (Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service) Lieutenant Junior Grade, Counselor/Medical Officer, USS Discovery 2374-2376: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Counselor/Medical Officer, USS Fairchild-A 2376-2379: Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Counselor, USS Harbinger 2379-2381: Lieutenant, Chief Counselor, USS Harbinger 2381: Lieutenant, Chief Counselor, USS Theurgy | |||
Decorations | |||
N/A |
Before her death, Hayden Quinn O’Connor served as Chief Counselor aboard the USS Harbinger as well as the USS Theurgy, having transferred to the multivector dreadnought on Theta Eridani IV. Before she was killed by one of the Devoted, O’Connor aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.
Hayden “Quinn” O’Connor was born in New York City, New York. Her parents, Steven O’Connor, a Protestant of Irish descent, and Victoria Rinnovatore, a devout Catholic of Italian descent, still expected to abide the rules and expectations established generations before, were a forbidden match. As high school sweethearts, the two had planned to continue to date in secret until they were both old enough to run away and get married, but a year into their relationship, Victoria became pregnant with Steven's child. Unable to care for a child and pressured by their families to avoid the stigma of having a child out of wedlock, Victoria and Steven agreed to end their relationship and give their daughter, Sydney Paige, up for adoption.
Five years later, Victoria and Steven were reunited while both were attending New York University. While they discovered they still shared a love for one another, they also realized they shared a passion for the criminal justice system. Steven majored in criminal justice and planned to enter the police academy, while Victoria pursued a pre-law degree and dreamed of going to law school. Despite pressure from both their families to put an end to their courtship, Steven and Victoria were determined to succeed, and married shortly after graduation. The decision to marry placed a strain on the relationships each shared with their parents, and to this day matters have not been completely resolved.
The newlyweds quickly settled into married life, thriving in New York City's diverse community. Although it was difficult to juggle going to school, keeping full-time jobs and maintaining their marriage, the O’Connors still found time to raise a family with love and patience. The youngest of three children, Hayden is the apple of her father's eye and the typical meddling baby sister to her two older brothers, Anthony and Daniel. For as long as the O’Connor children can remember, their parents have always worked hard to educate themselves and to build a better life for their children. Considering themselves the average working family, Steven found his niche in the NYPD and quickly moved up the ranks to become a top detective, while Victoria graduated in the top ten percent in her law school class and went on to become an Assistant District Attorney for the city's Special Victims Division.
Although it was never pushed upon them, the O’Connor children each knew from an early age that they were expected to pursue careers in criminal justice and law. All three developed their parents' passion for justice and for making a difference in people's lives, but it was Hayden who struggled the most to discover her true calling. On the outside, Hayden was the ultimate outgoing, fearless tomboy, happy to be just "one of the guys," but on the inside, Hayden felt shy, sensitive and more comfortable studying than she did playing sports or keeping a part-time job. While her family was always concerned with establishing the facts when it came to criminal cases, Hayden always found herself more pre-occupied with how the victims were coping physically and mentally, and in some instances, how the offender had come to commit such heinous crimes in the first place.
By the time she was ready to leave home and pursue higher education, she had decided to study medicine, and ultimately, psychiatry. At first, she had every intention of staying in New York, but her family’s obvious surprise and disappointment over her choices led her to re-examine their other attitudes, including their wariness of Starfleet and their preference that she remain somewhat sheltered. She didn’t choose to enter Starfleet to spite her family (though her father might say otherwise), but rather because she felt she was meant to explore life beyond her roots. Starfleet Academy and Starfleet Medical Academy helped her transition from a sensitive, shy tomboy to a compassionate, outgoing young woman. Friends began to see Hayden gain more confidence, drive, and focus. It was also during this time Hayden became “Quinn” among friends and colleagues.
Although she had always been a good student, it wasn't until she found medicine that she truly began to reach her full academic potential. Her courses also gave her greater exposure to information about other cultures, nurturing her desire for exploration and adventure. Not only was she making the transition from a young woman to an adult, she was also becoming less sheltered and more sophisticated. This new found sophistication occasionally creates some resentment in the family, particularly among her brothers, who sometimes feel Hayden believes she has become too good for her own family and its simple traditions.
Hayden went on to earn her credentials in medicine and mental health while Andrew and David went on to build careers of their own. Not entirely ready to forget about her early interest in the criminal justice system, Hayden completed several research projects and an internship as an Ensign with noted forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Andrea Markham. Dr. Markham encouraged O’Connor to pursue her interests in forensic mental health by returning home and applying for a job working with the New York City DA’s office. Hayden promised to consider it, but planned to apply for a deep space assignment.
She spent a year aboard the Galaxy class USS Challenger assisting Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service's agents afloat. Hayden really enjoyed the opportunity for such specialized work with investigators and trauma survivors but she also knew it was important for a Starfleet officer to have diverse experiences, so she transferred to the USS Discovery. While there, she earned a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and gained practical experience for working with a Starfleet crew tasked with exploration and defense.
Hayden eventually earned the respect of her colleagues, in and outside the legal arena. After a stint on the USS Fairchild-A, however, she realized it was time for another change of pace. Looking for a posting that would challenge her and sharpen her skills in new ways, she requested an assignment aboard the USS Harbinger. Early in her career, Hayden would never have wanted to be assigned to a ship so well equipped for combat, but as her desire to help the traumatized grew, the more she realized she needed to put herself in the place of greatest need. The new posting brought with it a promotion to Assistant Chief Counselor, and for a while, Hayden felt more at peace with her decision to strike out on her own than she ever had.
That peace was shattered when the Harbinger’s crew unveiled a conspiracy involving the takeover of key Starfleet personnel and installations which led to the vessel itself being marked as a rogue element and hunted across the quadrant. Within what felt like a blink of an eye, Hayden was violently and repeatedly confronted with the notion that everything she had come to trust about Starfleet was an elaborate illusion. While still working to recover her bearings and wrap her head around the fact her second family wanted her and the rest of the crew dead, Hayden had no choice but to accept a battle field promotion to Lieutenant and Chief Counselor when the previous one was killed in a battle.
Before Hayden could adjust to her sudden career change, she was dealt another shock. At the request of Captain Jien Ives, she was asked to transfer to the USS Theurgy to replace the carrier's former Chief Counselor, who was injured in battle. Ivesmade a compelling case for her transfer and upon learning the Harbinger’s captain had approved the transfer, Hayden joined the Theurgy.
Family Information
Father: Steven O’Connor, Detective, New York City Police Department Mother: Victoria Rinnovatore-O’Connor, A.D.A., assigned to the Special Victims Unit, New York City Police Department (retired)
- Sydney Paige O'Connor, Harvard Law Student
- Andrew O’Connor, Public Defender, New York Legal Aid Society
- David O’Connor, Patrolman, New York City Police Department
Personality Profile
Although she didn’t grow up around the Starfleet life, Hayden has the confidence and the maturity to adapt to just about any environment. She is devoted to her work and prefers using common sense over complicated, and oftentimes outdated, procedure. Hayden is a skilled diagnostician and practitioner, but she also does her best to empathize with whomever she encounters and to consider situations from various points of view.
She’s not one to sugar coat when the topic is her own family, but deep down, she is more sensitive than most people know and struggles at times to remain professionally detached. She can be somewhat of a "Mother Hen," and is not afraid to speak her mind when it comes to the safety and well-being of her others. Hayden uses humor and sarcasm to ease tension, but never loses sight of the business at hand. She is cool under pressure and relies on her close family ties to keep her focused and grounded.
Hayden is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it or to open her heart and mind to new ideas or cultures. At the core, she is a strong Catholic who has incredibly strong faith in people and in justice. Growing up among lawyers and police officers, she understands what's right and wrong isn't always black and white, but she has no patience for people who put their personal ambitions over others.
Recent events have shaken every belief she has ever held dear about justice and Starfleet ideals. Though it’s not something she resists acknowledging, if only because she knows it would set a poor example for the rest of the crew, Hayden struggles privately with her own grief and shock. In fleeing the Federation and relenting to the notion of “just following orders,” a part of her knows she has done what her family has always accused her of: sacrificing a life with her family for a career with an organization that has proven itself to be disloyal and dishonorable.
Physcial Profile
Hayden is tall, pale skinned, with a thin runner’s body. She hates the standard Fleet uniforms as they do nothing for her figure, so she wears civilian clothes whenever possible. The only girl in the family, she is used to fitting in with boys, but she has also embraced her femininity and likes to dress accordingly. Hayden is in reasonably good health, despite her distaste for regular, moderate exercise, as per Starfleet regulations. She refuses to give up "junk food" but has no significant health problems, despite this habit.