Nimbus III
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
Nimbus III was the inhabited third planet in its star system. It was orbited by at least two moons. Nimbus III was established as a "Planet of Galactic Peace" in 2267 after the Federation-Klingon War. The United Federation of Planets and the Klingon and Romulan Empires agreed to mutually develop the planet, in the hopes that it would serve as a model for a new age of peace and understanding. An advertisement broadcasted from the planet claimed it to be "...famous for its wildlife and the fishing is terrific." Individuals who wished to move to this planet could finance their trip through Federation Federal. In reality, the planet was a desert world and the colonists chosen for the undertaking were among the most unscrupulous individuals in the galaxy, quickly taking to fighting amongst each other, fashioning their own crude weapons after the planetary government forbade weapons from them. Source: Memory Alpha