USS Theurgy

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 00:35, 11 April 2016 by Auctor Lucan (talk | contribs)
Vessel Name: USS Theurgy
Registry: NX-79854
Starship Class: Theurgy-class
Starship Type: Multivector Dreadnought
Production Status: Advanced Prototype
Purpose: Exploration, Diplomacy & Deterrence
Constructed: Antares Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned: October 9th, 2378
Dedication: "Courage is fear, when it has said its prayers."
Decks: 30
Personnel: Officers: 173
Enlisted Crew: 760
Passengers: 49
Dimensions: Length: 1145 m

Height: 200 m
Width: 375 m

Mass: 4,709,700 ton in SOM (Standard Operation Mode)
Total mass divided between 3 vectors during MVAM (Multivector Assault Mode)

Computer & A.I.
Computer Cores: 3 AC-16 Bio-Neural Computer Cores (Slaves)
Technical Specifications: LCARS 5
984 megaquads isolinear storage capacity
47 million data channels
575 trillion calc/sec
Subspace MVAM synchronisation link
Auxiliary ODN system (SOM only)
Auxiliary computer intercom software
Positronic A.I. Brain Core: Sentient Soong-Legacy Protoype (Master)
Autonomous A.I. Projection: Federation Isomorph Prototype Ver. 7.5
Technical Specifications: Autonomous A.I. projection
Stand-alone cortex processor w 60,000 operations/ns capacity
Stand-alone duranium crystal
7th gen emotion chip
Positronic sub-routine storage of 800 quadrillion b

Thruster Systems: Magneto-Hydrodynamic RCS Thruster Assemblies
Outlets/Vector: 24 on Vector 01 (4 hidden during SOM)
22 on Vector 02 (16 hidden during SOM)
14 on Vector 03 (6 hidden during SOM)

= 34 during SOM (60 during MVAM)

Output: 4.5 million newtons per outlet
Impulse Propulsion System: 6 Sovereign-class IPS Engines
Power Output: 85 gigawatts per engine
Standard Impulse Velocity: 0.30c speed of light
Full Impulse Velocity: 0.983c speed of light
Warp Drive System: 1 Class 9 Tandem Sepratation Core + 1 Class 9 Warp Core
Power Output: 250 petawatts + 145 petawatts
Standard Cruising Speed: Warp Factor 7,5
Maximum Cruising Speed: Warp Factor 9.2
Emergency Speed: Warp Factor 9.995 for an 25 h duration
Shields: Class 5 Regenerative Subspace Graviton Field
Power Output 11.700 gigawatts
Standard Shield Range: 20 m from hull
Defences: Heavy duranium/tritanium double hull
50 cm ablative hull armor
Structural integrity field
Phaser Systems: Type XII Pulse Phaser Arrays
Strength and Power Output: 85 gigawatts, with both beam and bolt firing options
Effective Range: 1,500,000 km
Bolts per Minute: 240 bolts per array
Arrays per Vector: 4 on Vector 01 (0 hidden during SOM)
12 on Vector 02 (6 hidden during SOM)
13 on Vector 03 (6 hidden during SOM)
= 17 in SOM & 29 in MVAM

Torpedo Systems: Pulse-Fire Launchers
Number of Forward Launchers: 8 during SOM (10 during MVAM)
Number of Aft Launchers: 2 during SOM (4 during MVAM)
Salvo per Launcher: 5 torpedoes
Range: 4.000.000 km
Full Complement: 400 torpedoes
Torpedo Types: 125 Quantum & 275 Photon
Broadside Pod Launcher Arrays: Integrated Torpedo Pod Systems
Torpedo Type: Type V Micro Photon Torpedoes
Torpedo Yield: 30-50 % of standard photon torpedoes depending on impact
Number of Launcher Arrays: 2 (1 on each side of the ship)
Pod Launchers per Array: 18 during SOM (21 during MVAM)
Max Pod Complement: 3 per launcher (54 pods per array during SOM, 108 in total)
Pod Ordinance: 15 torpedoes per pod (270 torps per full broadside salvo during SOM)
Maximum Launching Rate: 15 seconds between pods
Pod Reload: 2 minutes once a pod reaches the launcher via tractor beam or auxiliary craft
Max Reserve Torpedo Complement: Additional 90 micro-torpedoes per launcher
(total of 1890 shipwide for the pods - exclusive of fighter stores)
Pod Control Capabilities: Max 36 deployed pods simultaneously (18+18 pods per array)
Up to 18 additional pods per module with PSM Pod Control Modules installed
Palletized System Modules (PSMs): Integrated Module Capability
Number of Dual Modules: 16 (ventral side of the ship during SOM)
Number of Triple Modules: 26 (dorsal side of the ship during SOM)
Installed Pallets: Sensors (broad-spectrum and specialized)
Communications, Command and Control (flagship complements)
Pod Control Modules (for control of additional torpedo pods)
Palletized Point Defence Modules (Automated phaser emitters against torpedoes, fighter and small craft threats)
Additional Shield Emitters
Additional Tractor Beam Emitters (to bring back torpedo pods to their launchers)

Sensor Systems: Multi-Modal Type
Range: 22 light-years
Tactical Sensors: Multi-Modal Type
Range: 22 light-years
[b]Transporter System:[/b] Personnel & Cargo
Range: 40.000 km
Navigational Deflector Dish: Molybdenum & Duranium Mesh
Power: 6 Graviton Polarity Generators
Output: 400 gigawatts
Field Strength: 650 millicochranes
Tractor Systems: 3-15 Gigawatt Multi-phase Graviton Polarity Source
Field Strength: 480 millicochranes
Minimum Range: 230 million tons at 2 km
Maximum Range: 1 ton at 30.000 km
Shuttle Bays: 2 (Upper Shuttle Bay & Lower Shuttle Bay)
Craft Manifest: 8 Type 9 Shuttles
8 Type 11 Shuttles
2 Danube-class Runabouts
1 ARGO-type Shuttle
8 Workbees
Fighter Assault Bays: 1 on Deck 15
Craft Manifest: 11 Mk III Valkyrie Federation Attack Fighter Prototypes
5 Mk II Valkyrie Federation Attack Fighters (unmanned fr. the USS Harbinger)
Captain's Yacht: USS Allegiant (Manta-class Scout)
Registry: NX-80978
Class: Manta-class Prototype
Role: Advanced Scout