Hannah Slaverton (KIA)

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Personnel FileW-o1.png
Name:Hannah von Slaverton, Call-sign: Nightmare
Position:Tactical Conn, Fighter pilot, Wolf-04
Birthplace:Olympus Mons, Mars
Height:1.63 m
Weight:155 lbs
Eye color:Green
Flying, birds and other flying creatures
Service Record

Hannah von Slaverton was a Fighter pilot who was killed in action. Before her death Hannah von Slaverton aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.


Hannah Slaverton was born in the shadow of the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons. Her parents were scientists visiting to study the geography of Olympus Mons and to collect deep core samples of Martian rock from the center volcanic basin. She spent her first two years living in a Martian research station, before returning with her parents to Earth to give a report on their findings. It was that day that she gained an appreciation for flight.

As a child barely able to speak she saw a majestic dove flying alongside the shuttle as they descended. It fascinated her for the few minutes it took for the shuttle to land properly. Her mother had to stop her from running out across the landing pad to try and find the pretty bird she saw once the shuttle door opened.

During primary school, due to her lighter bones and difficulty walking at first, she was the target of considerable bullying by larger kids. This however lead to her firecracker attitude and bluntness, as well as her outlook of never letting anyone push her around again. She graduated in the upper middle of her class and enlisted out of high school, joining flight school after her initial stay at boot camp.

She's served on three vessels since graduating, mainly because of incidents of insubordination and one incident of striking a fellow officer. Her posting on the USS Theurgy was considered a last chance, before dishonorable discharge. Despite her attitude and record she's performed admirably aboard the Theurgy and has almost earned promotion for exemplar service. She disagrees with Captain Ives approach to the corruption of the Federation but is willing to wait and see how it plays out.

Personality Profile

Hannah von Slaverton is a sometimes described as a firecracker, with a strong personality and a bit of a temper. She likes to be in control of a situation and hates it when others tell her what to do. She has a respect for authority but that doesn't mean she always listens to them, and her service record has shown more then a few cases of insubordination. It is surprising to some when they discovery that one of her favourite hobbies is painting, taking the time to record a beautiful landscape in the eternal language of pigments and brush-strokes.

Physical Profile

She is medium height and slim and her eyes are light blue. She has long and dark hair which she commonly wears straight. Also, she has fair complexion and her face has delicate and yet exotic features. Definitely, she is a very attractive woman. Regardless the circumstances, she is always good looking.