Deletion log
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 15:49, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Ref (content was: "<includeonly><ref name="{{{TITLE|}}}">[{{{URL|}}} "{{{TITLE|}}}"], {{#if:{{{AUTHOR|}}}|{{{AUTHOR|}}}, |}}{{{SOURCE|}}}{{#if:{{{DATE|}}}|, {{{DATE|}}}|}}</..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:49, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Region Sidebar (content was: "{| class="whitelinks" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="clear:left; float:right; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; width:200px;" |- !style="background:#000;..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Region Sidebar 2 (content was: "{| class="whitelinks" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="float:right; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; width:200px;" |- !style="background:#000; font-size:l..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:RetroSlantedPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative;">{{#switch: {{{2}}} | Gold = File:Alt-Yellow-{{RetroSlantedRanks|{{{1}}}}}..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:RetroSlantedRanks (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Civilian = Blank | Cadet Fourth Class = C1-Cadet1 | Cadet Third Class = C2-Cadet2 | Cadet Second Class = C3-Cadet3 | Cad..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:RomulanPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">[[File:{{{1}}}-Romulan.png]]</div></div></includeonly><noinclud..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:RomulanRepuPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">[[File:Rep{{{1}}}-Romulan.jpg]]</div></div></includeonly><noinc..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:SectionRounded (content was: "<onlyinclude><{{#switch: {{{3|}}}|2=h2|3=h3|4=h4|{{{3}}}=h2|h2}} style="margin:0; border-radius:20px 20px 20px 20px; background:#{{FCBGColor|{{{2}}}}}; fo..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Sector (content was: "{| class="toccolours" style="clear:left; float:right; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; width:22em; font-size:smaller;" |- |colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | {{{..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:SerialShipRoster (content was: "<includeonly>{| cellspacing=0 style="border: 1px solid black; background:#FCFCFC; max-width:800px" !style="border-color: black; border-width: 1px; border-..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:48, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Ship Class (content was: "<noinclude> The '''ship class template''' is used in the creation of new ship class pages. To use this template, copy and paste the code in the box below..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:47, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Small (content was: "<includeonly><small>{{{1}}}</small></includeonly><noinclude> Makes text smaller: <nowiki>{{small|</nowiki>''whatever you want to be small goes here''}} <..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:47, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Species (content was: "<noinclude> This is the "Species" template. It should be called in the following format: <pre> {{Species |type= |biology= |Species Name= |Image= |Planet=..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:47, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Spoiler (content was: "{| style="text-align:center; background:#D3E1F2; color:#000; border:1px solid #AAA; margin-bottom:10px;" cellpadding=8 |- | '''Spoiler warning!'''<br/>Thi..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:47, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Star (content was: "{| class="toccolours" style="clear:left; float:right; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; width:22em; font-size:smaller;" |- |colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | I..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:47, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Starship (content was: "<includeonly><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="float:right; clear:right; margin: 0 0 .5em 1em; width:250px; background:#252525; bor..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:45, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TNGtoTOSPips (content was: "<includeonly><includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: absolute; padding: 0;">[[File:TOS-{{TOSRanks|{{{1}}}}}.png]]</div>File:..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:45, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TOSBGColor (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Red = a00000 | red = a00000 | Gold = cccc00 | gold = cccc00 | Blue = 0066ff | blue = 0f4d92 | {{{1}}} =b20000 }}</includ..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:45, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TOSPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: absolute; padding: 0;">[[File:TOS-{{TOSRanks|{{{1}}}}}.png|{{{3|x25}}}px]]</div>File..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:45, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TOSRanks (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Lieutenant JG = Lieutenant JG | Lieutenant = Lieutenant | Lieutenant Commander = Lt. Commander | Lt. Commander = Lt. Com..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:45, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TextColor (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Red = color: maroon; | Gold = color: darkgoldenrod; | Blue = color: steelblue; | Teal = color: teal; | Violet = color: p..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TheurgyFleet-icons (content was: "{|width="100%" |width="10%"|link=StarBase 118 Ops |width="23%"|<font size="3">'''USS Theurgy''' |width="10%"|File:Amity-icon.g..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TheurgyFleetTrain (content was: "<br clear=all> {|align=center width="100%" | colspan=100% style="background:#ffcc99; border:0px"| |} {|align=center width="100%" |width="40px" style="bord..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TholianPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">[[File:Tholian-{{{1}}}.jpg]]</div></div></includeonly><noinclud..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:TileCenter (content before blanking was: "<includeonly>{{#if: {{{NICKNAME|}}} |{{(!}} cellpadding{{=}}"1" cellspacing{{=}}"0" style{{=}}"font-size:x-small; color: white;" ! style{{=}}"background:{{Color|{{{3}}}}}" align{{=}}center{{!}}{{Crewimage|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}|...")
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:USS (content was: "<includeonly>{{#if:{{{2|}}} |[[USS {{{1}}}-{{{2}}}|USS ''{{{1}}}''-{{{2}}}]] |[[USS {{{1}}}|USS ''{{{1}}}'']] }}</includeonly><noinclude> ===The USS Tem..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:VulcanGreyPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">File:{{#switch:{{{1}}} |Uhlan=V01-Plebe |Sub-Lieutenant=V02-S..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:44, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Whitelinkswitch (content was: "<includeonly>{{#if: {{{1|}}} |{{whitelink|{{{1}}}|{{{2|}}}}} | }}</includeonly><noinclude>Checks to see if a link is actually specified. If not, returns n..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:43, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Wrapper (content was: "<includeonly>{|width="85%" align=center style="font-size:small;" |{{{1}}} |}</includeonly><noinclude>Places contents within 85% of the page. Category:Te..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:43, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:WriterID (content was: "<includeonly>|align=center|{{{1|}}}{{#if:{{{OLD ID|}}}|<br><small>(Old ID: {{{OLD ID|}}})</small>|}} |align=center|[[{{{1|}}}|User Page]] !width=65 style=..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:43, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:WriterSerial (content was: "<includeonly> !style="border-color: black; border-width: 1px; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; {{#ifeq: {{{INACTIVE|}}}|yes|backgrou..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:41, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:AGTPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">File:{{AGTRanks|{{{1}}}}}-{{AGTColor|{{{2}}}}}-{{AGTRanks2|{{..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:41, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:AGTColor (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Red = Red | Gold = Yel | Yellow = Yel | Blue = Teal | Teal = Teal | Gray = Grey | Silver = Grey | Grey }}</includeonly><..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:40, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Armed force (content was: "<includeonly><table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="float:right; clear:right; margin: 0 0 .5em 1em; width:250px; background:#252525; bor..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:40, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:BackgroundColor (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Red = background-color: maroon; | Gold = background-color: darkgoldenrod; | Blue = background-color: steelblue; | Teal =..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:40, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:BajoranPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">[[File:Baj-{{{1}}}.png]]</div></div></includeonly><noinclude>==..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:40, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Beware current year (content was: "<center> {|class=infobox width=720; style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" !rowspan="3"|90px|left|link=Memory 118 |- !<font..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:40, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Blockquote (content before blanking was: "| text = | author = | title = | source = | character = | multiline = | style =")
- 15:39, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Border-radius (content was: "{|align=center width="100%" height="10px" |width="40px" style="background:#{{FCBGColor|{{{Color}}}}}; border-radius: 20px 0px 0px 20px; border:0px solid w..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:39, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Br (content was: "<includeonly>{{#if: {{{1|}}} |<br clear=all> | }}</includeonly><noinclude>Returns a full line break <nowiki>"<br clear=all>"</nowiki> if specified. Cate..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:39, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:CardassianPips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">[[File:Card-{{{1}}}.png]]</div></div></includeonly><noinclude>=..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:38, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Categoried (content was: "{| class="sidebar" style="width:50%;padding:1px;spacing:1px;line-height: 95%;margin-bottom:10px" |- | align="center" | This article or subsection has an..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:38, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Char-short (content was: "{| class="toccolours" style="clear:left; float:right; margin:0 0 0.5em 1em; width:22em; font-size:smaller;" |- |colspan=2 style="text-align:center;" | {{{..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:38, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:CharSum (content was: "<includeonly>{|align={{#if: {{{Align|}}}|{{{Align}}}|left}} |style="max-width:{{#if: {{{Width|}}}|{{{Width}}}|600}}; background:lightgrey; border:thin #00..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:38, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Character (content was: "<noinclude> The '''character template''' is used in the creation of new character biographies. To use this template, copy and paste the code in the box be..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:38, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:Character-stub (content was: "{| class="messagebox stub plainlinks noprint" |- |50px !This character-related article is a stub. You can help STAR TREK THEU..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:37, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:DS9Color (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Red = red | Gold = gold | Yellow = gold | Blue = blue | Teal = teal | Purple = purple | Violet = purple | Gray = silver..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:37, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:DS9Pips (content was: "<includeonly><div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: relative; float:right">[[File:DS9style-{{DS9Ranks|{{{1}}}}} {{DS9Color|{{{2}}}}}.png]]..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:36, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:DS9Ranks (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | End = end | Blank = blank | Civilian = blank | Cadet Fourth Class = cadet1 | Cadet Third Class = cadet2 | Cadet Second C..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))
- 15:36, 25 November 2021 Auctor Lucan talk contribs deleted page Template:DefBGColor (content was: "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} | Red = b20000 | Orange = cc5200 | Gold = e89619 | Green = 008f00 | Blue = 0f4d92 | Teal = 006666 | Violet = 751975 | Purp..." (and the only contributor was "Jreeves1701"))