Tatiana Marlowe (KIA)

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Tatiana marlowe 01 by auctor lucan-d7272c8.png
Personnel FileY-blank.png
Name:Tatiana Marlowe (Tia)
Position:Chief Engineering Officer
Eye color:Hazel
Calligraphy, historical vehicles, historical fiction books
Service Record

Tatiana Marlowe (Tia) was a Chief Engineering Officer who was killed in action. Before her death Tatiana Marlowe (Tia) aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.


Although Tatiana was not the first of her family to join Starfleet she was the only one since her grandfather. She had grown up listening to his stories and ‘tinkering’ with his vintage Aston Martin car. Her interest in the engineering of the internal combustion engine began her on the trail of a career in Engineering. She was not one of the naturals at it but instead had to work hard to get where she wanted to be.

The Academy was a hard time for her, she never felt like she truly fitted in with the others. The way she saw it they were all gliding through where as she was struggling to keep her head above water, while this was untrue in reality it did make her work hard and play only a tiny amount. While she would occasionally go out she spent most of her time studying to keep up with the classes. The hard work paid off in her results, graduating in the top 20%, but she had no really close friends from that time.

Her assignments have been varied from Starbases to ships; the Heng, the Asterion and the Starbase 63. Her most recent posting on the Harbinger has also been her most testing. Firstly with the split from the Federation, with her loyalty split she felt lost and alone for the first time, her family at home would think her dead or worse, a traitor, and she had no way of contacting them to let them know the truth. Secondly with the showdown that left so many of her colleagues dead, those she had become close to during her time aboard were suddenly gone and again the split loyalty caused her to question everything she knew. Thirdly was Rosek. Not only was he an obnoxious individual, in her opinion, but he was promoted above her. Not even her work was a refuge from the psychological pain caused by the events on board this ship. Being the professional however she gritted her teeth and worked harder than ever, returning to her quarters on the planet each night to work on her miniature model engine that runs on alcohol.

Now she is on the Theurgy with Rosek, working as his Assistant Chief. All very well and good since she can throw herself into her work here, so much is still to do. She does think that finally someone has realised how hard she has worked and she does feel as though this is a reward for her efforts. She is not afraid to tell Rosek to shut up when she feels it is necessary and wonders whether this was a contributing factor in this transfer and promotion.

Tia missed her Akira-class vessel. The Prometheus-class Theurgy was very advanced but also a nightmare to repair. With the Harbinger there was a certain amount that could be bodged together to at least limp to a safe location but the Theurgy was so perfect it was flawed. The A.I. was also a nuisance, interfering and making suggestions. Supposedly it was trying to help but Tia just found it to be a distraction. She’s sure she’ll get used to it in the end, she just needs to get used to the newness of it all.

Personality Profile

Can be obsessive especially about her work and tends to withdraw to it when her personal life becomes complicated - this sometimes leads to others thinking she is quite a cold person. Finds it hard to relax, tending instead to focus on complex, detailed tasks to allow her mind to wander.

Physical Profile

Has a burn scar running down her neck, chest and upper arm on her right hand side caused when an open can of the fuel her grandfather was using in the car exploded.  The can had been sitting near a faulty electrical supply which shorted and sparked, igniting the vapours.  The scars remain as a reminder that anything can and will happen no matter how safe you think you are.