Jovela (KIA)

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Revision as of 15:34, 26 May 2016 by Nanakyire (talk | contribs)

Personnel FileT-blank.png
Rank:Lt. jg
Position:Head Nurse
Species:Human (Risan)
Birthplace:Suraya Bay, Risa
Weight:110 lbs
Eye color:Brown
Service Record

  • was a * in Stasis Chamber. * aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.


Jovela, a native of Risa, developed early, by 14 having a woman's body. This was to be expected, as her mother was one of the most popular women in Suraya Bay, and her father was, apparently, a very large and handsome Starfleet officer. Plus, her two older sisters were both also early developers, having reached maturity at 16. She used her body to earn money for the family by dancing and stripping for visitors and tourists at Suraya Bay, most never knowing she was, by most cultures, underage. She just seemed like a short, sexy little minx. However, while she enjoyed her work, she wanted to help people more than just entertaining them, she felt that just dancing and, later on, working with her mother in Mother/Daughter work, wasn't all she could do. Sure, she was making people happy, but warm, hot memories wasn't enough. She wanted to make a difference, a real difference. Soon after her 18th birthday, she left Risa and enrolled in Starfleet, wanting to help people, heading into the Medical field. This caused a riff in the family, as while her mother was vaguely supportive, her sisters were very opposed, not understanding how she could want anything more than an endless round of drinks, men and dancing. She's moved on, however. Like most Risans, she is very open about sex, and is openly bisexual. However, she understands that in Starfleet full, open sexuality is frowned upon, what with it being, in part, a military operation. Thus she's been forced to repress that part of her, in order to both be taken seriously and to not get in trouble. She struggles with this daily, as her upbringing and background constantly tell her to strip and have sex with every good looking person around, which in Starfleet, is practically everyone.

Personality Profile

Constantly struggles to be taken seriously as a nurse, yet speaks in a breathless, sexy tone, and also has to struggle with her own desire. She's very intelligent and good at her job as nurse, she's training to become a doctor, but is reluctant to push the issue, lest she be accused of using her body or somesuch. So she takes the longer, 'easier' routes often, on the basis that she has some self-confidence issues, which are hidden by her effortless personable nature, she finds it very easy to make friends and to calm people down, but deep down she's worried she's not good enough, that she really only is good at sex.

Physical Profile

Her small body is perfectly proportioned, a dancer's body, graceful and curvy without being voluptuous. She has no tattoos, no distinguishing marks, but her every movement seems designed to entice, every step her hips sway and her breasts jiggle pleasingly. From her voice to her perfectly formed toes, it is if she's designed to be appealing, to entice, to be desirable.