USS Calamity

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 08:08, 5 July 2016 by Auctor Lucan (talk | contribs)
Vessel Name: USS Calamity
Registry: NX-79995
Starship Class: Calamity-class
Starship Type: Tactical Strike Cruiser
Status: Destroyed (2381)
Purpose: Seek & Destroy
Constructed: Antares Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned: Unknown (Temporal Anomaly)
Dedication: ”Unconquered. Invincible."
  • Length: 800 m
  • Height: 120 m
  • Width: 300 m
Mass: 2,600,000 tonnes
Decks: 27
Standard Crew Complement: 0 organics; 46 holographic crew
Impulse Engine: Unknown Impulse Engine Assembly (6 vanes)
Warp Engine Unknown Warp Engine Assembly (2 nacelles in SOM)
  • Quad-Turret Pulse Phaser Cannons (x10)
  • Retractable Phaser Spinal Lance (x1)
  • Secondary Phaser Spinal Lance (x1)
  • Forward Torpedo Launchers (x4)
  • Aft Torpedo Launchers (x4)
  • MVAM Capability
  • Experimental Repulsive Shielding
  • Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull
  • 65 cm Ablative Hull Armor
  • Structural Integrity Field
  • 18 Sensor Arrays [6 clusters each]
  • 12 Cargo Bays [2 auxiliary]
Auxiliary Craft
  • 3 Squadrons Federation Attack Fighters [38 Mk.I Reaver fighters]
  • Unknown shuttle complement

The Calamity-class was designed as a successor ship to the Theurgy-class vessel in the early 25th century, taking many of the same innovations present from it's ancestor and improving upon them for a superior class of starship.


While the Theurgy was designed with combat in mind, the Calamity better embodies the concept of a warship, in particular being seen as a Hunter, capable of tracking targets over a long distance and overwhelming them in speed and combat prowess. To make this possible, a number of factors were taken into account with the Cerberus. Firstly, it's size was reduced from that of the Theurgy, allowing for an increase in the thickness of the ablative hull armour without sacrificing additional weight that would slow the vessel down at warp speeds. This reduction in size also saw the removal of additional cargo bays, and a reduction of shuttle crafts and runabouts, while making room for some additional warp fighters.

The most significant change to the armaments of the USS Calamity is the inclusion of Repulsive Shielding, developed shortly before the ship's construction in the 25th century. The concept of the shielding is to disperse the incoming fire and subsequent damage through oscillation of the shields, creating a ripple effect that spreads the impact out to reduce the overall magnitude. In practical studies, this was shown to reduce energy loss by 35%. It also improves shielding near the front and back, where the shield bubble is less pronounced. Impact with these areas actually see a 50% decrease in shield energy loss as the thinner surface area actually sees some of the blast spread off the shields entirely into empty space.

USS Calamity, piloted by a purely holographic crew, is able to function without a need for rest, making them a relentless pursuer.

Ship A.I. Hologram

Name: Calamity NX-79995
[gen. prefers Cala]
Rank: Ship AI Holographic Interphase Projection
Species: Federation Isomorph Prototype ver. 8.7
Age: 5 years post first activation
Character Gender: "Female"
Birthplace: Daystrom Institute & Antares Fleet Yards
Height: 1.65m
Weight: N/A
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Interests: Unknown


Unknown. No records found in the database.

Personality Profile:

Unknown. No records found in the database.

Physical Description:

Unknown. No records found in the database.