Auctor Lucan

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Writer of Captain Jien Ives

Some people have asked me why I spend so much time on the Theurgy project. The simple answer is that it's fun, and I love both writing and making graphics. But besides this, I have a story to tell, and I want a rewarding way to tell it. Perhaps it’s a bit selfish in the context of a role-playing group, but I am merely referring to the major plot-line. The big brush strokes, because the plot must always leave enough room for all our writers to add upon the story in their own unique ways so that we are all enjoying ourselves. It must be an equal win-win rule to the development, because the creative input of our writers adds upon the story in a way that I could never have done if I wrote this story by myself.

These are my biggest motivators: Our writers; with their unique characters; the way they write them; the opportunity to depict them visually with character images; how they make the major storyline come to life in a way I never would have managed on my own, and because they enrich the story with their own desire to make their characters come to life.

My Role as Game Moderator

The Game Moderator (GM) has a key role in a sim, providing the narration, Non-Player Characters’ (NPC's) actions, consequences for actions of the characters the writers play, and facilitate the rules to progress the story being told on this sate. The GM takes the responsibility to know the rules, prepare the structure of the story, and keep the threads from being abandoned. It can be a challenging role, but often hugely rewarding. The GM also help writers to make informed choices by highlighting their characters' circumstances and ability to act; but you also take charge of the opposition, the antagonists and their plans, actively working against the characters the writers play.

Game Moderators are primarily storytellers; they frame the action and show the other writers the challenges present in the unfolding plot. GMs aren’t storytellers in a sense that they compose the entire narrative and dictate all the actions that the characters will take in the story. The GM create the setting and circumstances for the writers' characters to act within. This is called framing a scene. Framing is simply a description of the circumstances the characters find themselves in, introducing the writers to the situation at hand. Every story contains drama that arises from conflict, whether that’s social, political, physical, or intellectual in nature. Problem solving is at the heart of Star Trek stories. Just as the crew of the USS Enterprise responds to dilemmas as they explore the Galaxy, writers at Star Trek: Theurgy come to the forum to engage in their own problem solving. The GM is the person who presents them with those problems, even creates them, and responds to their solutions creatively and dramatically. The key difference that a sim has, compared with normal storytelling, is the addition of the other writers. They collaborate with the GM, shaping their own character’s responses to the unfolding drama by trying to solve the conflicts presented to them.

The key as a GM is to have the structure of the story while leaving space for the writers' characters to act. The GM does this by having key points of the story prepared — events that would happen regardless of writer intervention — as well as having the beginning clearly prepared while also having in mind possible outcomes of the story, including what the consequences are for failure.


Favorite movies

Fight Club | Memento | Event Horizon | Star Trek 1-12 | Star Wars | Martial Arts movies | 80s action movies

Favorite TV shows

Star Trek | Battlestar Galactica | Firefly | SG:U | Farscape | Spartacus | 24 | Game of Thrones | House of Cards

Favorite bands / musical artists

Within Temptation | Ambient | Instrumental | Metal

Favorite books

The Prince of Nothing | The Aspect Emperor | The Song of Ice & Fire | The Thomas Covenant series

Favorite writers

R. Scott Bakker | Stephen R. Donaldsson | Abercrombie | JV Jones

Favorite games

Mass Effect | Assassin's Creed | Soul Calibur | Metal Gear

Favorite gaming platform

PS3 & PS4

Tools of the Trade

My Mind Through Photoshop CS5

Other Interests

Writing | Skiing | Weight-Lifting | Mixed Martial Arts | Navy