Form:Character Submission Form: Difference between revisions

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

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! Interests:  
! Interests:  
| {{{field|interests|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder=(Be concise by using one word to describe each interest, which are then explained in depth under 'Personality Profile'). Separate each with this formatting: <p>Interest 1</p> <p>Interest 2</p> etc.|autogrow}}}
| {{{field|interests|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder=(Be concise by using one word to describe each interest, which are then explained in depth under 'Personality Profile'). Separate each with this formatting: <p>Interest 1</p> <p>Interest 2</p> etc.)|autogrow}}}
! Education:  
! Education:  
| {{{field|education|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder= (XXXX-XXXX: Acadmy/Intitute/etc. Create a list with years and place of education. 3 years is the minimum requirement for Starfleet Academy unless your character hold previous experience, is part of the enlisted officers, warrant officers, or a civilian. Tactical CONN Academy and Starfleet Medical adds one year of education depending on previous experience)|autogrow}}}
| {{{field|education|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder= (XXXX-XXXX: Academy/Intitute/etc. Create a list with years and place of education. 3 years is the minimum requirement for Starfleet Academy unless your character hold previous experience, is part of the enlisted officers, warrant officers, or a civilian. Tactical CONN Academy and Starfleet Medical adds one year of education depending on previous experience. Separate each with this formatting: <p>XXXX-XXXX: Education 1</p> <p>XXXX-XXXX: Education 2</p> etc.)|autogrow}}}
! Servicerecord:  
! Servicerecord:  
| {{{field|servicerecord|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder=(XXXX-XXXX: Ensign, USS Example. Create a list with year-to-year, rank, department, ship/base. There is no exact amount of years to gain rank, but it is considered that it would be from two to five years for an officer to gain the next rank. Try to be realistic with the years between promotions)|autogrow}}}
| {{{field|servicerecord|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder=(XXXX-XXXX: Ensign, USS Example. Create a list with year-to-year, rank, department, ship/base. There is no exact amount of years to gain rank, but it is considered that it would be from two to five years for an officer to gain the next rank. Try to be realistic with the years between promotions. Separate each with this formatting: <p>XXXX-XXXX: Ship/Starbase 1</p> <p>XXXX-XXXX: Ship/Starbase 2</p> etc.)|autogrow}}}
! Decorations:  
! Decorations:  
| {{{field|decorations|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder=(XXXX: Name of Decoration/Medal/Award. Create a list of the decorations that your character has received throughout their career, or even during education. These must, however, be mentioned in the Biography section if they are to be allowed)|autogrow}}}
| {{{field|decorations|input type=textarea|mandatory|placeholder=(XXXX: Name of Decoration/Medal/Award. Create a list of the decorations that your character has received throughout their career, or even during education. These must, however, be mentioned in the Biography section if they are to be allowed. Separate each with this formatting: <p>XXXX: Medal 1</p> <p>XXXX: Medal 2</p> etc.)|autogrow}}}
{{{end template}}}
{{{end template}}}

Revision as of 08:22, 11 March 2021

Edena rez 01 by auctor lucan-d90x3hc.png

So, you have discussed the character concept with the GM and he has sent you this link. Now, you are ready to send your character to the Game Moderator for approval. Please consider the below when making your submission.

Good characters have virtues. Great characters have flaws. Characters in Star Trek: Theurgy are expected to be realistic, even for a futuristic sci-fi world. Heroic characters are welcome and appreciated, including those with special skills or abilities, but it is expected that for each special skill or ability a character might have an offsetting flaw or vice. It is expected that flaws listed on a character application be used in storytelling, and not added in to get away with being heroic. The GM is more than happy to work with players on their character concepts, but the reverse is expected as well in that the player will work with the GM to maintain a level of believability that is inherent in fun, quality writing.

The Star Trek universe is a big place full of adventures and stories to be told. As characters progress and writers get accustomed to the pace of activity, more characters can be approved at the discretion of the GM. Rank is determined for each character on joining, and will be worked out with each player to best fit the character. That being said, understandably a starship cannot function with a great number of Commanders and Captains overseeing each part of the ship. A storyline benefits from a mix of junior and senior officers to propel the story.

Regarding Character Images

If you don't want to use the default image in the form, you need to add one character image to the application, so chose one and upload it in the application form on the next page. To see which faces are already claimed, please see the Theurgy Faceclaim Directory)

Eventually, being very happy about making graphics, the GM also extends his helping hand in finding and editing pictures to match the applicant's character. Examples of such character images made can be found in our DeviantArt Gallery. In such a case, the important thing is that you let the GM know early on what faceclaim (actor/artist/model) you are interested in for your character, and if there are any physical traits that are important for the character's depiction.

These character images will not, however, be completed by the time you join the story. New members will not have character images made for them until they have posted In-Character 25 times + been a member for 1 month. This way, hyper-active members that dish out a lot of posts in a short time will have to remain members for a month minimum before they are granted character images. It also means members who just participate in an OOC capacity for one month but only posts In-Character a handful of times will still have to be more active before they get character images.

So, on the Crew Manifest and on the character page, images with an error message will be seen until you meets the above criteria, and images are made for you. If you join with acceptable character images of your own, this is no issue, and will get the help needed to have them visible on the Crew Manifest and your character page.

Character Application Process

The GM must approve the character application before you are allowed to post in the story. The GM will leave feedback on your first draft and request changes to fit the story better, until the the character is approved.

You can fill out the Character Submission Form below, but you have to be logged into the wiki for it to work. The GM provides the login upon request. If you prefer to use your own text editor to write the character, there is template here that you can copy-paste into it. Once you are finished, you return to this page and insert your write-up into the form. To create a submission, enter the name of the character. You may also use the below button to edit your draft, as long as you fill in the same name again.

First & Last Name

Once you have submitted your character (and made any edits by using the same name again above) you need to PM the Game Moderator and say it's available for approval. You must also send the link to the new character page in the PM after you've clicked Save on the page!