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Designated as a '''Manta-class Advanced Scout''', the ''USS Allegiant'' (commonly ref. as "the Yacht"), like many of the other things stationed on the ''[[U.S.S._Theurgy_NX-79854|USS Theurgy]]'', is an experimental prototype. When it was decided that the ''Theurgy'' would serve as an experimental testbed for both a fighter squadron of the new mark 3 Valkyries and for a new system of computer interface (the Ship A.I.) it was decided that for a Captain's Yacht they would integrate the prototype for the newest in the aeroshuttle series of scouting vessels into the hull of the saucer vector. It was an augmented version of the Talon-class scout, only refereed to as Project Manta by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau.
Designated as a '''Manta-class Advanced Scout''', the ''USS Allegiant'' (commonly ref. as "the Yacht"), like many of the other things stationed on the ''[[U.S.S._Theurgy_NX-79854|USS Theurgy]]'', is an experimental prototype. When it was decided that the ''Theurgy'' would serve as an experimental testbed for both a fighter squadron of the new mark 3 Valkyries and for a new system of computer interface (the Ship A.I.) it was decided that for a Captain's Yacht they would integrate the prototype for the newest in the aeroshuttle series of scouting vessels into the hull of the saucer vector. It was an augmented version of the Talon-class scout, only refereed to as Project Manta by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau.

== Project Manta ==  
== Reconstruction Story Exerpt ==  

Manta was the culmination in a long line of mission-specialized auxiliary craft starting with earlier development of the Peregrine-class Federation Attack Fighter. The successful deployment of this ship for patrols near the Cardassian DMZ led to the development of a hybrid Runabout-fighter geared towards atmospheric flight and combat but also equipped with specialized sensor packages allowing for detailed planetary scans. This project led to the aeroshuttle-design, though it never gained much widespread use.  
When she’d been carted off from the Andorian shipyards way out to Starbase 84, Melissa had expected her life to get quite dull, quite fast. No more patching up precious old vessels and giving new life to venerable aging chassis; just a whole bunch of glorified inspection duties and maintenance on phaser arrays that weren’t going to be put to use for at least another five years. The work on this station had thus pleasantly surprised her a few weeks after reassignment when a project equal parts unexpected and exciting landed in her lap.

Its advanced sensor package and atmospheric capabilities were further fine-tuned into the development of the Talon-class scout ship, which had gained much more widespread use within the Federation as a deep-space reconnaissance craft and as a medium sized military transport.  
Thanks to her experience with refitting ancient ships for modern service, Mel had been assigned to strip out half the systems on an old shuttle that had been recently impounded and mount on brand new tactical components. The Sabine, as it was apparently christened by the former owner, had become an abandoned prototype for a fighter-like craft that was sold to a high bigger when the original project fell apart. Now that it had landed back in their hands, Starfleet had decided it wanted to reopen the old program and refit the chassis with entirely modern systems.

Given the Talon's advanced sensors and its capabilities to be further amplified, small sleets of these crafts could be deployed along the [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]]'s various neutral zones to aide in the detection of cloaked ships.
It had made for one hell of a challenge over the past weeks, but not an unwelcome one. Starfleet being as obstinate as it was, the higher-ups expecting her to take this ship apart and piece it together again had decided not to declassify the old production records and blueprints. The first week alone had mainly involved tinkering with the aging vessel in order to sketch up schematics of it and figure out what parts were going where. That work had ultimately led her to the conclusion that little more beyond the hull itself was salvageable; quite frankly, with all the decay this ship had undergone, she didn’t know how it had ever stayed in one piece for this long.

Another notable accomplishment of the Talon-class was how its size and flight-profile was used in the development for the first wave of experimental fighters in the Valkyrie-project. With the commissioning of a Mk III iteration of the Valkyrie Attack Fighter, the Talon-class scout ship was becoming outclassed and it was becoming apparent that in an arms-race where a single fighter could potentially destroy the scout, improvements were required to be made in order to keep the aeroshuttle-series a viable tactical choice.
Since then the work had proceeded relatively smoothly. It kept Melissa and a couple of occasional helpers busy all through the duty shift, but it was enjoyable work. Ripping out computer systems well past their prime and EPS conduits corroded beyond any safe usage held its own gratifications. New computers had been installed within a day, soon hooked up to a completely redone EPS grid, a new propulsion system that was about ready to be brought online, and her personal favorite, a tremendously expanded weapons array.  

It was with this in mind that development began on the first prototype of the new Exploration Scout. The exploration scout would be viable for much longer mission lengths and would house a larger crew while still retaining the "aerowing" design that had made the series excel in atmospheric situations. It was decided that in lieu of a standard Talon-class scout being embedded into the ''Theurgy''’s hull as a Captain's Yacht, the ''Theurgy'' would have its hull modified to have the Manta instead.  
Starfleet had asked for a heavily-armed vessel - a gunboat, to be specific - and oh lordy had Mel delivered. Aside from a heavy phaser pulse cannon undeneath each wing, she’d fitted another pair of smaller, anti-fighter cannons onto the front of the ship, right before an underside-mounted micro torpedo launcher. Four more conventional phaser arrays had been integrated into each wing, two forward and aft respectively, able to be hidden underneath a retractable sheath that she’d installed on a particularly insomnia-filled night. The shield systems were the heaviest that she’d been able to cram onto the vessel without having to rip out other systems to make room for the generator.  

Just like it's registry, it was also given an official name besides 'the Yacht', and that was the ''Allegiant''.
There had been a hiccup as the engineer had been forced to replace the EPS conduits a second time upon realizing the ones she’d installed couldn’t handle the power load coming from the new warp core, but that had been the only major impediment. Said warp core was the last major item to be installed, and the biggest thing to address on today’s agenda. It was already in place and simply needed to be fully powered on and diagnostics run before the ship could be declared space worthy. She’d already talked - alright, bribed with some genuine alcohol - some of the base’s piloting team in order to ensure she could fly her latest project on its first test drive. After all these long hours over the past weeks, the blonde couldn’t imagine letting it go out into the void without even once being at the helm.
Well, it was the second to last item. She fully intended to paint some fine-ass flame decals onto this thing’s hull when all the internal work was complete.
In the midst of hooking up some of the last antimatter injectors, she was distracted from her work by the sound of knuckles rapping against a bulkhead. Her head swiveled to find one of the senior engineers, Lieutenant O’Hanrahan, standing in the doorway to the small vessel’s engineering compartment. The expression of weariness on his face didn’t exactly fill her with optimism, but there was enough of that emotion already coursing through her veins to make up for his sour demeanor.
“About wrapped up with the repair job?” he asked in a dull tone.
“Just about, sir,” she replied with an excited nod. “Gotta get this core hooked up and give it a checkup, but this thing is gonna be ready to fly by tomorrow. Maybe even this afternoon.”
His own nod was decidedly less enthused. “Good. Once you have the Sabine ready, you’re to remove the additional weapons systems and hand over the ship to Security.”
The color vanished from her previously-rosy cheeks. “Sir? Can you run that by me one more time?” Remove… remove the weapons? The guns she had spent weeks bolting onto this thing? What? Who? How? Why in the hell?
“You heard me, Petty Officer. This vessel has been cleared from impound. Starfleet has decided to return it to its owner, Ms. vers Aldnoah, once your modifications are removed.”
''You’ve gotta be shitting me.'' “Sir, permission to speak freely?”
“Denied. Do your job, Petty Officer, and report back when complete for your next assignment.”
With that he left as suddenly as he departed, leaving behind a blonde who was equal parts befuddled and infuriated. Just like that, all her work was for naught? Here she’d been following orders for weeks, doing everything she was supposed to and throwing herself into this project. And that was how her superiors showed appreciation for all that dedicated effort? A curt order to undo the most critical portions and hand this freshly-restored machine off to the idiot who’d kept it in awful condition? What, had the universe suddenly mistaken her for a toilet?!
Oh this was not going to go down this way. Not a chance in hell was she just going along with that. Growling in growing anger, she peeled away from the antimatter containers before her frustration could cause her to slam a fragile injector into the floor and blow up half the station. Fuck orders, she wasn’t just going to hand over weeks of hard labor to security officers who’d give it to an irresponsible owner without a second thought. At the absolute bare minimum, she was going to have a thorough talk this this ‘Aldnoah’ chick about proper care for a starship before letting her get another crack at the vessel. And possibly, she was going to knock the woman’s jaw off for letting the Sabine get into such poor condition in the first place.
The joy in her voice was gone as she spat out a vocal order to the air. “Computer, send a message to Ms. vers Aldnoah, telling her to get her ass up here, right now.”
“Request could not be completed,” the monotone voice responded, “Please restate.”
Fucking formal voice input software. “Send a message to Ms. vers Aldnoah,” she said again, fighting to keep her tone a bit more subdued, “Telling her to meet me in Bay 17-C as soon as humanly possible.”
“Acknowledged. Message has been sent.”
''- Written by Drana, Episode 04, Chapter 01''

== Interior Layout ==
== Interior Layout ==

Revision as of 10:05, 5 July 2016

Vessel Name: SS Sabine
(commonly ref. as "the Sabine")
Registry: NX-9846-A
Class: Originally, Prototype P9846-A Shuttle
Role: Gunship (Re-purposed Shuttle)
Constructed: Originally, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Re-purposed at Starbase 84
Commissioned: Prototype constructed and disposed of in 2365
Re-purposed in 2381
  • Length: 24 m
  • Height: 4 m
  • Width: 15 m
Full Impulse: 0.856c
Standard Crew Complement:
  • 1-3 (Pilot, Co-Pilot & Tactical)
    Gunship fully operational by 1 person
Passenger compliment:
  • Standard operations allow up to 6
  • Maximum occupancy: Untested
Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp Factor 7.6
Warp Factor Warp 8.54 [for an 2h duration]

Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 5.4
Defense Abilities:
  • Type XV Top-Mounted Deflector
  • 390 Isoton/s Shield Emitters
  • 11.1cm Type II Ablative Hull Armor (11.5cm OCP)
  • Class 5 Sensor Array (x 2)
Tactical Abilities:
  • Mark XXVII Photon Torpedoes Hadpoint slots (x4)
  • Micro Torpedo Launchers (x2 with 24 micro torpedoes each)
  • Concealed Type VI Phaser Arrays (78 degrees firing arc, x2 forward & x2 aft)
  • Wing-mounted Type XIV Pulse Fire Phaser Cannons (x2)
  • Nosecone-Mounted Type XIII Pulse Fire Phaser Cannons (x2)
Warp Drive:
  • LF-9X4 Compact Warp Drive
  • FIE Impulse Engine
  • Standard RCS Thruster Assembly
  • Standard Navigational Sensor Suite
  • Transporter Systems (1 pad, capable of beaming up to 2 people at once)
  • Dorsal Viewscreen
  • Starboard Airlock
  • Small Aft Crew Compartment


Designated as a Manta-class Advanced Scout, the USS Allegiant (commonly ref. as "the Yacht"), like many of the other things stationed on the USS Theurgy, is an experimental prototype. When it was decided that the Theurgy would serve as an experimental testbed for both a fighter squadron of the new mark 3 Valkyries and for a new system of computer interface (the Ship A.I.) it was decided that for a Captain's Yacht they would integrate the prototype for the newest in the aeroshuttle series of scouting vessels into the hull of the saucer vector. It was an augmented version of the Talon-class scout, only refereed to as Project Manta by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau.

Reconstruction Story Exerpt

When she’d been carted off from the Andorian shipyards way out to Starbase 84, Melissa had expected her life to get quite dull, quite fast. No more patching up precious old vessels and giving new life to venerable aging chassis; just a whole bunch of glorified inspection duties and maintenance on phaser arrays that weren’t going to be put to use for at least another five years. The work on this station had thus pleasantly surprised her a few weeks after reassignment when a project equal parts unexpected and exciting landed in her lap.

Thanks to her experience with refitting ancient ships for modern service, Mel had been assigned to strip out half the systems on an old shuttle that had been recently impounded and mount on brand new tactical components. The Sabine, as it was apparently christened by the former owner, had become an abandoned prototype for a fighter-like craft that was sold to a high bigger when the original project fell apart. Now that it had landed back in their hands, Starfleet had decided it wanted to reopen the old program and refit the chassis with entirely modern systems.

It had made for one hell of a challenge over the past weeks, but not an unwelcome one. Starfleet being as obstinate as it was, the higher-ups expecting her to take this ship apart and piece it together again had decided not to declassify the old production records and blueprints. The first week alone had mainly involved tinkering with the aging vessel in order to sketch up schematics of it and figure out what parts were going where. That work had ultimately led her to the conclusion that little more beyond the hull itself was salvageable; quite frankly, with all the decay this ship had undergone, she didn’t know how it had ever stayed in one piece for this long.

Since then the work had proceeded relatively smoothly. It kept Melissa and a couple of occasional helpers busy all through the duty shift, but it was enjoyable work. Ripping out computer systems well past their prime and EPS conduits corroded beyond any safe usage held its own gratifications. New computers had been installed within a day, soon hooked up to a completely redone EPS grid, a new propulsion system that was about ready to be brought online, and her personal favorite, a tremendously expanded weapons array.

Starfleet had asked for a heavily-armed vessel - a gunboat, to be specific - and oh lordy had Mel delivered. Aside from a heavy phaser pulse cannon undeneath each wing, she’d fitted another pair of smaller, anti-fighter cannons onto the front of the ship, right before an underside-mounted micro torpedo launcher. Four more conventional phaser arrays had been integrated into each wing, two forward and aft respectively, able to be hidden underneath a retractable sheath that she’d installed on a particularly insomnia-filled night. The shield systems were the heaviest that she’d been able to cram onto the vessel without having to rip out other systems to make room for the generator.

There had been a hiccup as the engineer had been forced to replace the EPS conduits a second time upon realizing the ones she’d installed couldn’t handle the power load coming from the new warp core, but that had been the only major impediment. Said warp core was the last major item to be installed, and the biggest thing to address on today’s agenda. It was already in place and simply needed to be fully powered on and diagnostics run before the ship could be declared space worthy. She’d already talked - alright, bribed with some genuine alcohol - some of the base’s piloting team in order to ensure she could fly her latest project on its first test drive. After all these long hours over the past weeks, the blonde couldn’t imagine letting it go out into the void without even once being at the helm.

Well, it was the second to last item. She fully intended to paint some fine-ass flame decals onto this thing’s hull when all the internal work was complete.

In the midst of hooking up some of the last antimatter injectors, she was distracted from her work by the sound of knuckles rapping against a bulkhead. Her head swiveled to find one of the senior engineers, Lieutenant O’Hanrahan, standing in the doorway to the small vessel’s engineering compartment. The expression of weariness on his face didn’t exactly fill her with optimism, but there was enough of that emotion already coursing through her veins to make up for his sour demeanor.

“About wrapped up with the repair job?” he asked in a dull tone.

“Just about, sir,” she replied with an excited nod. “Gotta get this core hooked up and give it a checkup, but this thing is gonna be ready to fly by tomorrow. Maybe even this afternoon.”

His own nod was decidedly less enthused. “Good. Once you have the Sabine ready, you’re to remove the additional weapons systems and hand over the ship to Security.”

The color vanished from her previously-rosy cheeks. “Sir? Can you run that by me one more time?” Remove… remove the weapons? The guns she had spent weeks bolting onto this thing? What? Who? How? Why in the hell?

“You heard me, Petty Officer. This vessel has been cleared from impound. Starfleet has decided to return it to its owner, Ms. vers Aldnoah, once your modifications are removed.”

You’ve gotta be shitting me. “Sir, permission to speak freely?”

“Denied. Do your job, Petty Officer, and report back when complete for your next assignment.”

With that he left as suddenly as he departed, leaving behind a blonde who was equal parts befuddled and infuriated. Just like that, all her work was for naught? Here she’d been following orders for weeks, doing everything she was supposed to and throwing herself into this project. And that was how her superiors showed appreciation for all that dedicated effort? A curt order to undo the most critical portions and hand this freshly-restored machine off to the idiot who’d kept it in awful condition? What, had the universe suddenly mistaken her for a toilet?!

Oh this was not going to go down this way. Not a chance in hell was she just going along with that. Growling in growing anger, she peeled away from the antimatter containers before her frustration could cause her to slam a fragile injector into the floor and blow up half the station. Fuck orders, she wasn’t just going to hand over weeks of hard labor to security officers who’d give it to an irresponsible owner without a second thought. At the absolute bare minimum, she was going to have a thorough talk this this ‘Aldnoah’ chick about proper care for a starship before letting her get another crack at the vessel. And possibly, she was going to knock the woman’s jaw off for letting the Sabine get into such poor condition in the first place.

The joy in her voice was gone as she spat out a vocal order to the air. “Computer, send a message to Ms. vers Aldnoah, telling her to get her ass up here, right now.”

“Request could not be completed,” the monotone voice responded, “Please restate.”

Fucking formal voice input software. “Send a message to Ms. vers Aldnoah,” she said again, fighting to keep her tone a bit more subdued, “Telling her to meet me in Bay 17-C as soon as humanly possible.”

“Acknowledged. Message has been sent.”

- Written by Drana, Episode 04, Chapter 01

Interior Layout

The cargo bays can be easily converted into passenger quarters by moving bunk cots as beds. Each warp nacelle is powered by a separate warp core, both of which feed into the opposite side's "nacelle" as well. In the event that one core is ejected, the ship should, theoretically, be able to fly at low warp velocities.

The cockpit is holds one central seat with two control stations behind it, creating a copilot and tactical desk as well as a Captain's chair against the back wall. During missions, the Co-pilot may act in both a Communications and Ops capacity, in some cases in a Mission-Ops type role as well. Basically, if its a duty other than sensors, flying, firing weapons, or operating shields, then it is probably going to be handled via the Co-pilot's station. As a general rule - like the helm of a starship - the pilot's job is to fly. If there is no one at Tactical, then the pilot flies, controls weapons, and controls shields, similar to the role of a Tactical CONN officer when piloting a fighter.

Adjacent to the cockpit is the Sensor and Sciences room. Sensor room has a small porthole to the front. Captain's observation room has a large transparent aluminium window similar to observation lounge windows. If the captain is not aboard the yacht, the Captain's Quarters and similar rooms are locked and are not to be entered. If the captain wishes for the ranking officer of the ship to be given the use of the Captain's luxuries, then it is the Captain's right to grant that single officer access for duration of the mission.