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The Captain of the pirates, whose crew consisted of Humans, Bajorans, A Betazoid and a Risan, was amused by the Ornaran's natural electrical charges, and elected to take them as prisoners, to serve their whims and further their objectives over the course of their next planned series of raids.
The Captain of the pirates, whose crew consisted of Humans, Bajorans, A Betazoid and a Risan, was amused by the Ornaran's natural electrical charges, and elected to take them as prisoners, to serve their whims and further their objectives over the course of their next planned series of raids.

==The Grey Scars==
====The Grey Scars====

Over the years, Otheusz, who had been branded with the mocking pseudonym, 'Sparkles', was used as live bait for a great many innocent traders, posing as a damaged shuttle, only to turn upon his rescuers with a weapon couldn't be disarmed by a security team. The leader of their crew was pleased by his work particularly, both his efforts as bait for passing ships, and for his talents at upgrading the torpedo launchers upon their craft to yield devastating effects on unwary vessels.
Over the years, Otheusz, who had been branded with the mocking pseudonym, 'Sparkles', was used as live bait for a great many innocent traders, posing as a damaged shuttle, only to turn upon his rescuers with a weapon couldn't be disarmed by a security team. The leader of their crew was pleased by his work particularly, both his efforts as bait for passing ships, and for his talents at upgrading the torpedo launchers upon their craft to yield devastating effects on unwary vessels.

Revision as of 11:32, 3 April 2019

Default Character Image.jpeg
Personnel FileW-blank.png
Position:'Sparkles' of the Grey Scars
Orientation:  Homosexual
Birthplace:Penthas, Ornara
Height:5ft 6in / 1.68m
Weight:139lbs / 63kg
Hair:Dirty Blonde
Eye color:Blue
Played by:Dean Charles Chapman



Non-Fiction reading

Ordnance Weaponry

Fighter System Maintanance

'Upgrading' Weapons

Sharpening his Daggers

Small felines

Imagining different ways he could kill his Captain
(2366-2371: No formal education, skills picked up through day-to-day life)

(2371-2375: Working for the Ornaran military, specialising in ordnance and fighter maintenance and construction)

(2375-2381: Serving aboard pirate vessel, as part of crew 'The Grey Scars')
Service Record
(2371-2375: Serving as a member of the maintenance and construction force for the Ornaran military)

(2375-2375: Active duty as a fighter gunman in the Ornaran military) (2375-2378: Serving aboard pirate vessel 'Grey Daemon')

(2378-2381: Promotion to full member of pirate gang 'The Grey Scars')
(2378: "Did a damn good job of frying them Vulcans who thought theys could tame the Grey fuckin' Daemon!")- Captian of the Grey Scars Pirates, after several bottles of Vulcan wine

Character Draft Awaiting Approval

Otheusz was a member of the Ornaran military who deserted during the 2365 campaign against their neighbor, Brekka. After serving alongside a group of notorious pirates who knew themselves as 'The Grey Scars', based for several years in one of the ghost cities across the planet Aldea, Otheusz came face to face with several members of the USS Theurgy, his first encounter with the Federation, who were in-part responsible for the catastrophic events that befell his homeworld. It is unknown how Otheusz' reacted to the knowledge of the USS Theurgy, and whether he played any role in the fight against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command.



Otheusz was born in 2360, four years before the final trade of felicium was intercepted by the Starship Enterprise-D of the United Federation of Planets, who neglected to help the struggling society with the plague they believed was wracking through their population. At that age, Otheusz was too young to fully understand the impact that so many years of felicium addiction had wrought upon Ornaran society, having only heard a few fleeting stories of how life was like before their society was ruined by the outbreak of the virulent plague, ominously referred to by the oldest of Ornarans as 'The Undoing'.

Otheusz was also too young to have remembered the onslaught of suicides when it was found out that the felicium was then, and forever, out of reach for all those suffering with the plague, set to die an agonising death. He was too young to have recalled the apparent panacea when the entire planet became miraculously cured of all symptoms of plague across a three month period, despite the lack of felicium. He missed the sense of melancholy rapture, celebrating their own lives by dancing on the graves of all those lost to their own despair.

And Otheusz wasn't quite old enough to know what the reaction was, when it was realised that the plague had been gone for years, and that their illness, their losses, were caused by addiction to the very salvation that had been offered to them. But as he grew up, he more than understood the consequences of such a rampart betrayal.

With society so irreparably wracked with death and discord, Ornara was nothing close to a charming place to have grown up. Cities once filled with beauty and wonder had become overgrown wastelands, with unclaimed corpses still lingering in rundown homes as all those survivors tried to clamber together a life from the ruins. Their once advanced technology was damaged, with most who once knew how to operate it dead or so addled from years of felicium rotting their brains that they could no longer recall.

Otheusz' Father did his best to provide for his son during his early years, relocating to a shanty community outside of the city, where through the collective efforts of dozens of drug-craving adults were able to provide for their less-affected children. In turn, it was up to the children, those who'd suffered the shortest stretches of felicium exposure, to make their best efforts to rebuild society.Parents passed down what information they could, about how to repair, maintain and develop technology, but after two centuries of the entire population being wracked with addiction, most did not know how to manage any of their technology. Instead, it was up to scouring for books and printed records of instruction and development, to somehow clamber together any hope of survival.

Otheusz found himself with a knack for the technological aspects of their borderline apocalyptic society, managing to repair machinery, electronics, and various other gadgets and devices that made their lives that little bit easier. As grew got older, his ideas on how he could best help his little community becoming action, he frequented larger cities to scavenge for technology and supplies required to turn his ideas into reality. It started with scavenging, though with the cities rife with gangs and looters embracing the anarchy, it quickly progressed to stealing and stabbing to get what he wanted. And the older he got, the more he wanted.

He told himself it was all for the betterment of the community, that if he didn't fight for his life, he would never have one. Yet, one fateful evening, when he and some of the other youths he had grown up with, returned from scavenging the city for parts, they returned home to find that their community had been the subject of a brutal raid; their technology was ransacked, their supplies looted, and their people nowhere to be seen.

Otheusz never found his Father again after that day, instead relocating into the city and becoming assimilated into one of the gangs he so gravely hated. Life within the gang was harder, and the pecking order was so dominant that he was lucky when he had rancid scraps to eat. Still, he endured, a burning hatred boiling in his heart for all those who had so jovially taken advantage of his suffering.

It was widely known, by then, that the Brekkian populace had been exploiting the Ornarans for two centuries, with the one thing that could unite the disgruntled Ornaran populace being their combined hatred for their neighbours. Otheusz' anger was absolute, put down to the sheer hatred that flooded through his veins at the very thought of any Brekkian, yet, his hatred wasn't simply the source of years of rightful indoctrination to hate his enemy, but also, down to his own knowledge that he had been robbed of any hope of happiness because of their betrayal. He knew Ornara would never recover to what had been told in the stories that he had been raised on, that it would forever be an angry, betrayed nation, fighting amongst themselves for scraps like dogs.

Yet, thankfully for him, his thought was hardly prosthetic.

It took a long while, but eventually, Ornaran society began to restart, little and large fractured communities joining together and forging alliances, pushing the gangs out of the cities with combined will and repaired technologies. It was a shadow of its former self, but functioning once again. A ramshackle democracy flickered into existence, biomatter sequencing technology being restored, and life began to eek towards what it had been prior to the plague, though nobody alive remembered what that was.

It however, didn't take long for the shambles of democracy that had risen in the place of a unified government, to finally answer their populace's cry for vengeance. The views on whether the USS Enterprise-D and the Federation, the ship that had visited them on the eve of their panacea, were responsible, greatly differed. Some believed that the Federation had cost them everything, and were responsible for the rash of suicides and deaths in agonsing withdrawal that flooded the planet. Others, believed that the Federation had saved the Ornarans from the grip of the Brekkians by not interfering in the felicium trade, and not offering them aid repairing their ships.

One thought was unified across all Ornarans however. Revenge on the Brekkians, for ruthlessly extorting them for years, knowing that their 'cure' was a perversion of the word

Thus the new planetary government, declared war on Brekka...

The War

Otheusz found himself working in the ordnance development, and whilst his knowledge of biology, chemistry and numerous other disciplines was sorely lacking, his ability to develop, assemble and deploy devastating weaponry was second to none. He worked tirelessly along with his peers, applying his largely self-taught engineering skills to aid in the development of a myriad of weapons that were deployed across the slow-building Ornaran fleet, content in the knowledge that his creations were designed to kill slews of Brekkians when the final invasion occurred. Otheusz had been raised on a steady diet of hatred and revenge for most of his life, fueled by propaganda to be the perfect soldier. And that he was.

When the war broke out, Otheusz remained stationed on Ornara for a time, repairing returning ships, refitting new weaponry onto fighters and developing new warheads designed to yield the highest levels of destruction upon their enemy. Yet it was his first foray into combat in 2375, at 15 years old, that truly changed the course of his life.

He was part of one of the fighter teams deployed to support Ornaran ground troops during a brutal raid on a known Brekkian supply depot, according to mission ops. He manned the artillery pod of his fighter, with his comrades T'Lis and Cannan manning the flight controls and phaser banks respectively. Otheusz' body moved like it was part of the machine he was controlling as they flew into combat, slavos of cluster torpedos bombarding into Brekkian deployment lines and embankments, devastating their artillery and killing dozens of his foes in every barrage. He knew a grim pleasure at the sight of his weapons wrecking such total havoc on the battlefield, and even as he watched the Brekkian troops fleeing, he couldn't stem the anger that demanded him to fire on the fleeing enemy.

These people had actively and knowingly forfeit his life in exchange for making their own easier, and he hated them indiscriminately for it. Even though he had only been addicted for a few years, his mother's addiction during pregnancy had affected his physiology enough to have limited much of his life. Felicium had rendered him entirely infertile.

Yet after the battle, as he and his comrades waited hungrily for the feast they had been promised as a result for their efforts, imagining banks of food from the supply depot to be more than their limited replicators could produce in a year, he and his friends granted themselves rare smiles at the thought of eating themselves into immobility. However, the feast they were promised, instead made them sick.


The raid they had undertaken, the whole campaign onto Brekka was not for vengeance or retribution, but a campaign to secure territory that could be used to cultivate felicium production under Ornaran supervision.

Enraged that so many lives had been lost, once again, over the felicium that their society had already been ruined by once before, Otheusz and his friends branded themselves deserters and fled the planet's surface in the night, taking their shuttle and the little food they could steal, before fleeing the system.

They couldn't return to the homeworld, and neither did they wish to, instead, taking their fighter out of the system and hoping to reach the Federation, where they hoped they could start anew. Their lack of knowledge regarding space, was to their detriment. They barely progressed any notable distance before their fuel ran out, and drifted for a week until their food ran out, the three of them cramped in the tiny compartment that they lived in, slowly waiting to die.

Fortune was however, on their side, and powerful solarwinds happened to take them into a trade route that was frequented by a few species who knew to avoid the Ornaran system. Fortune, however, came at a cost, and it was no passing freighter that picked them up, but instead a pirate vessel of raiders and reavers who knew themselves as 'The Grey Scars'.

The Captain of the pirates, whose crew consisted of Humans, Bajorans, A Betazoid and a Risan, was amused by the Ornaran's natural electrical charges, and elected to take them as prisoners, to serve their whims and further their objectives over the course of their next planned series of raids.

The Grey Scars

Over the years, Otheusz, who had been branded with the mocking pseudonym, 'Sparkles', was used as live bait for a great many innocent traders, posing as a damaged shuttle, only to turn upon his rescuers with a weapon couldn't be disarmed by a security team. The leader of their crew was pleased by his work particularly, both his efforts as bait for passing ships, and for his talents at upgrading the torpedo launchers upon their craft to yield devastating effects on unwary vessels.

Three years passed as a spacefaring raider, before the ship's Captain offered Otheusz a place on his payroll, granting him status as a full member of the crew, rather than the status of little more than a pet that he had occupied before. He accepted the offer, on the condition that his friends would be dropped off at the next shipyard that they came across.

Otheusz had endured people not so dissimilar to the pirates he spent his time with when he had lived with the gangs of Penthas, whilst his friends had come from an area that had recovered better. They found the violence difficult to stomach, whereas Otheusz had lived it for the majority of his life.

When their crew landed upon one of the many 'ghost cities' upon the world of Aldea, a place that reminded Otheusz far too much of his childhood, he bid his friends a dispassionate farewell, feeling bitter that they could go and continue a life together, whilst he remained a slave to the pirates, ignorant of the fact that he had orchestrated such circumstances.

Over the coming few years, Otheusz and his crew remained on Aldea and its surrounding shipyards, praying like vultures upon transports, shuttles and freighters that drifted too far away from the Klingon defence forces. He had many run ins with the Klingons, and took to carrying two ferocious looking daggers upon his belt, to use in combat, but mainly as a smoke-and-mirror deception to prevent those he fought from realising that he only needed to land a solid grasp on their bare flesh to incapacitate them.

He found his existence as a petty pirate truly pitiful, but he played his part, getting a facial tattoo upon his chin, marking him as one of the crew. His Captain was grandiose, and liked to show off Otheusz to passing pirates, whom the Captain liked to 'host' during their stay on Aldea, and that couldn't be achieved without the trademark grey arrow upon his chin.

However, Otheusz at least began to discover the smallest sense of pride in some of his actions, his creative strategies and methods that saved his and his comrades' lives many times. Despite his abilites, and competence in his areas of expertise, he rarely took much credit and announced his achievements with bravado like the rest of the gang, prefering to let his actions speak louder than he did, and making sure those members of the gang who didn't respect him, learned to very quickly. Occasionally at the threat of a sparking hand.

During his down time, when he wasn't participating on a raid or tinkering with one of their fighters, Otheusz spent the little time he wasn't sleeping doing his best to learn more about the galaxy. He learned as much as he could about the main powers, the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire from datapads on shuttles they had raided, and the Orion Syndicate from the occasional passing crew they hosted in their ramshackle palace they had dubbed as their own.

It was when he was twenty one, whilst he had been working on a refit of one of their fighters' 'revenant' cluster-torpedo mortar, that he overheard a conversation that began a chain of events that brought him to his first face-to-face encounter with the Federation...

Personality Profile

Otheusz had a troubled upbringing, and his life was by no means easy. He possessed an especially dreary outlook on the universe and there was never any room in his life for feelings such as optimism, love or joy. Instead, disappointment and hatred have been his most constant companions, pushing him into a downtrodden existence where he honestly has no idea what it meant to feel hope or happiness.

His hard railed life has lead to him feeling especially focussed on his own survival, dismissing other concerns such as comfort and morality, and being ferociously loyal when it best suited his interests. His time with the Grey Scars led him to believe this the fullest, knowing that, despite opportunities to leave, the Captain of the Grey Scars saw Otheusz as property and would never let him get away easily.

Instead, he played Captain's favouritism towards him, working through the ranks and easily bullying and intimidating the other members of the crew with his natural bioelectric abilities. Over time, this afforded him with status and respect amongst the group, things that he had never before been subject to in his life. By doing this, Otheusz demonstrated an animalistic cunning, an ability to work his way through horrific scenarios, tooth and nail, and survive through it all. A weaker person would have failed long ago, but the Ornaran endured every hardship, pushing through to the next day purely in the name of survival.

It was curious, for one so void of hope and optimism, to fight so keenly to see the next day. It was also curious, that one so intent on his own survival above all else, would so easily desert his army and journey into the unknown, with minimal chance of survival. Whether this was down to his sheer unquenchable hatred for felicium, a distasteful lack of awareness for space travel, or some faint, unconscious, hope that he could make tomorrow better for himself, it was impossible to say.

His life had also caused the added effect of twisting him into a feral, for want of a better word, survivor, who would clamber over anyone to make sure he stayed on top. He embodied the qualities one would expect of a 'lost boy', scrappy, animalistic and determined to do anything to keep alive, steal, murder and lie without a second thought, all in the name of survival. However, his apparent animalism contrasted brutally with his cold intellect and adept skill with machinery, his pride, and most of all, the occasional glimmers of extraordinary kindness and dignity that shattered through any feral aspects of his personality like a hammer to glass.

Evidently, regardless of his unquenchable hatred for the universe over his tormented and rotten life, somewhere deep down, Otheusz was a kind, compassionate individual. It would be easy to assume that his bitterness only reflected the world he existed in, but since he had not yet left that world of grime and strife, his capacity for development and change, remained unknown.

The traits that made him such a desirable target for exploitation, included the way he committed himself fully to any task he undertook, whether that was posing as an injured orphan to lure some unsuspecting freighter into a pirate ambush, or whether it was spending every second of his precious spare time learning more about any subject he could get his hands on, fueling his constant need to better himself.

Otheusz' constant need to improve, stemmed from a mindset that was burned into him from childhood. Constantly being surrounding by renegades and scum whom Otheusz hated and felt as though he was greater than, but somehow it was they who were somehow better than him at so many things, led to his server nature of self-depreciation. Whether those surrounding him were actually better at anything than him or not, was something that Otheusz never questioned beyond appearance and assumption.

One constant reminder of his hardship was the presence of fun and jouviance. Whether it was combined with narcotics or not, seeing another person deliver a positive emotion beyond a small, cruel, smile, reminded him of seeing an entire battalion of soldiers flood themselves with felicium, and forced him to recall each and every single pain that tiny little drug caused. Happiness reminded him of ruin, and how someone else's joy, such as the happiness and comfort of the Brekkians, could bring such utter ruin to the chance of someone else getting to bring a smile to their face.

Yet, one thing that was indisputable, aside from his hatred, was his pride. Whether it was the result of a newly calibrated 'Ion Storm' cluster-torpedo array, the appreciation of an impeccable display of tactics during a dogfight, or the feeling he got when he landed a dagger through the chest of a particularly dangerous foe, or clasped his hand upon their face and discharged a blast of bioelectric energy into their cranium. Despite the reasoning, his capacity to understand and appreciate his own success, demonstrated that the feral disposition that others might mistake him for, was in fact inaccurate.

In the few fleeting moments that he allowed himself to daydream, Otheusz occasionally pondered on different things he would wish to pursue, were his life not so forcibly shackled. His list never got particularly long, but one part of him always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument, having never heard a live performance of music outside of a seedy underground establishment on Aldea. Even within the confines of a hot and prostitute ridden hovel, he still stared with wanderlust at the way anyone could do something as breathless as move their fingers across strings, and somehow, move him so. He never returned to that establishment, fearing it as the one place that made him absolutely long for more of a life than he had, above anything else.

In all, despite an outer level of intimidation, strength and brutality, Otheusz had a complicated mind that he barely allowed himself to be aware of. His morals were like marble in his head, yet he constantly found reason to conjure excuses as to why he needed to break them. He channeled hatred towards the universe with every waking breath, yet, was capable of the most extraordinary acts of selflessness and compassion. He barely experienced any emotions beyond those of disgust, rage, hatred and pride, yet he has the full capacity to experience the entire spectrum, and with the right surroundings, there was no telling how they could manifest within him.

Physical Profile

Otheusz was never a big individual, instead ranging from skeletal and malnourished at the worst of times, to being lithe and lean at the best. His body didn't display much musculature, he had no distinctive abs or solid pecs, and his limbs were slender and flexibly, but were still able to demonstrate and deliver a surprising amount of strength. He also possessed some light scarring across his body, a few upon his arms and hands from scampering through salvage back on Ornara, and a particularly vicious slash across the back of his neck when he once made the mistake of particularly displeasing the Captain.

His hair rarely progressed beyond a thick, greasy mop, whilst his skin was often grimy and dirty, down to simple lack of washing. He had a small, grey line tattooed upon his chin by the Grey Scars, which apparently, according to several of the pirate Captainessess whom he was instructed to entertain, much to his discuss, ‘settled into his chin dimple’ and made him look ‘adorably dangerous’.

The Ornaran features upon his nose had been somewhat reduced during his time with the Grey Scars, by a surgeon who worked at the Captain's request to make his 'favourite pet' look less conspicuous. Whilst he still possessed the traditional nose features of an Ornaran, they were notably less pronounced than another member of his race. His feelings on that subject were significantly conflicted; whilst he hated being butchered and resculpted at his Captain's request, he possessed no great pride in belonging to a race whom waged wars just to get a few more doses of felicium.

His internal physiology was also notably different to other species. Some of the blood vessels on his skin also displayed as strong, dark lines that crackled in lighting patterns underneath his flesh. These vessels were part of his bioelectric systems and were most prominent upon the insides of his hands, where his bioelectricity was most prominently discharged. However, they also appeared upon his cheeks, his neck, torso and arms.

His bioelectric systems also provided him with an intense metabolism, requiring him to consume considerably greater portions of food than the average human of his size in order to stay healthy. This was greater when he was more liberal with his abilities than when he used them less frequently.

Otheusz' eyes were perhaps his most disarming feature, being delightfully pure and innocent blue, and so conflicting with his outward personality. They were often the most essential part of his beguiling routines to best disarm those whom answered his distress calls and fell into an ambush.

Reference Images






Special Notes (Optional)

Otheusz' Ornaran physiology allowed him to generate a significant bioelectrical shock that manifested through his hands. It was a formidable weapon, but it had it's limitations. He had to place his palm and fingers in direct contact with the victim's skin or a connective material in order to deliver the shock, and against a formidable opponent, he rarely got granted that chance.

If he refrained from discharging his bioelectric energy for too long, it resulted in unsuspecting burst of static from his hands, which caused minor discomfort. Another application, which he was forced to discover by the Captain of the Grey Scars, was that of a sexual application, that could cause pleasurable tingling when applied in gentle bursts.

The felicium addiction that his Mother had suffered whilst carrying him, lead to a realisation when he became a teenager, that felicium had inflicted the unfortunate side effect of infertility on him, and as such, he lost most sexual interest in females from then on, since reformed Ornaran law prevented him from coupling with a fertile woman, due to the necessity to repopulate.

His lack of sexual desire for women was further impounded when the Captain of the Grey Scars forced him to pleasure female guests using his abilities, which lead to more than a few instances where Otheusz was nearly raped, though the same abilities prevented that from happening in each instance.

During his time with the Grey Scars, he specialises in close quarters fighting using two, slyly curved, daggers. He was also rather adept at using ordnance weaponry, including torpedos, mines, cluster bombs and various other designs he had gotten his hands on over the years. He was also able to pilot a fighter craft, yet, did not enjoy doing so, nor was it the best use of his skills.