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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 377825 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4176
Welcome welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse!! Great to see you both here, your characters look really interesting :)
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4177
Hey folks a little head up for all those I'm writing with. You may know that I had to work as an volunteer in my local hospital due to the Corona crisis. Guess what, they've called me again and well to make it short. I'm not sure how fast I'm able to reply in my threads while working there 6 hours during the afternoon and studying online during the day. Anyhow I guess I'll manage it somehow and it's just for some weeks and I get paid like a fulltime job so I hope I'm fine.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4178
Welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse ! We hope you find your incarceration tour enjoyable! Loving the new characters from the both of you!

If either of you needs help getting off the ground, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the other mentors. We dont mind helping with you with threads or answering any questions you might have .

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4179
Welcome, new people!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4181
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!  I look forward to playing with you all soon.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4182
I appreciate the welcome. Thanks all! Looking forward to post with you all.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4183
Welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse !
Love to do a Meet and Greet with ya both if you interested?
Hehehe the Diplomatic dept is now full, well filled out nicely!!! Nice work @Auctor Lucan !
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4184
Welcome aboard! A time prisoner and a previously unknown survivor at Jupiter station. This'll be fun *grins mischievously*

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4185
Playing sounds like fun. Welcome aboard.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4186
Hey folks, just a quick heads up that between deadlines & health shenanigans I'm struggling to find opportunities to write. Doing my best not to let it affect things too badly but I'm definitely slower than usual, apologies. Hopefully won't last long though!
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4187
Sorry for the late welcome, work deadlines were pushed up this week, but anyway... welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse !

I hope you guys dig your time here the way I, and the other newbs have.  :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4188
Welcome all the newbies that have recently joined our little family. I look forward to reading and writing with all of you at some point down the line. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4189

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :) I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime board and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Quantum Slipstream Burst Drive2020-06-073Auctor Lucan/chXinya
Day 35 [2135 hrs.] Sinking2020-06-100Stardust
Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It2020-06-100Griff
Day 31 [0800 hrs.] Drinks and dossiers2020-06-100chXinya
Day 30 [0930 hrs.] Doing the Department Run Around2020-06-100Brutus
Day 32 [1330 hrs.] Fly Me Away...To That Comms Relay2020-06-091Brutus
Day 29 [1730 hrs.] Steaming Green Beings2020-06-091jreeves1701
Day 33 [1000 hrs.] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!2020-06-091jreeves1701
Day 30 [2245 hrs.] Sometimes, you just need a break.2020-06-091Swift
Day 30 [0900 hrs.] Diplomatic Council2020-06-091Number6
Day 31 [2000 hrs.] Of Cocktails and Social Obligations2020-06-091Senior Staff Arriving
Day 26 [1830 hrs.] Long Overdue2020-06-091Top Hat
Day 30 [2235 hrs.] Ain't Misbehavin'2020-06-091fiendfall
Day 12 [2200 hrs.] Reflections and New Beginnings2020-06-082Alyfox
Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair2020-06-082jreeves1701
Day 32 [1800 hrs.] Dor2020-06-082Top Hat
Day 13 [2200 hrs.] Muscles, Shiny, and Awkwardness, Oh My2020-06-082Sqweloookle
Day 11 [1610 hrs.] Aftershocks2020-06-082fiendfall
Day 08 [2007 hrs.] Second Chances2020-06-082Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [1600 hrs.] A Meow To Arms2020-06-082Sqweloookle
Day 11 [2225 hrs.] The Thin Ice Swallows All2020-06-082chXinya
Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Big House Visit2020-06-082Auctor Lucan
Day 29 [1100 hrs.] New Dawn2020-06-073Auctor Lucan
Day 32 [1100 hrs.] Looking Forest and Relaxation2020-06-073BZ
Day 34 [1000 hrs.] Power, Propulsion, Preparedness2020-06-073BZ
Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values2020-06-073Nolan
Day 28 [1930 hrs.] “And ye shall know the truth...” | Mitosis Intelligo, P12020-06-073Swift
Day 21 [0930 hrs.] Palliative Measures2020-06-073Auctor Lucan
Day 32 [1300 hrs.] Face to Face With the Past2020-06-064BZ
Day 15 [1000 hrs.] Photonic Cloaks and How Valkyries Wear Them2020-06-064jreeves1701
Day 26 [0930 hrs.] A Freighter Alone2020-06-064Elaurianpaladin
Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts2020-06-064BZ
Day 17 [0900 hrs.] Mission Breakfast Operation2020-06-064BipSpoon
Day 28 [2115 hrs.] Firewall2020-06-064fiendfall
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2020-06-064Argyros
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2020-06-064Nolan
Day 30 [0900 hrs.] Martial Play2020-06-064Stegro88
Day 31 [0700 hrs.] Please, No Laser Cutters This Time...2020-06-064Stegro88
Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure2020-06-055BZ
Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler2020-06-055Stegro88
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2020-06-055Stegro88
Day 36 [1100 hrs.] The Reef2020-06-055Argyros
Day 18 [2100 hrs.] Echoes at Eventide2020-06-055fiendfall
Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis2020-06-055BZ
Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper2020-06-046Stegro88
Day 30 [1400 hrs.] A Chance Encounter2020-06-046Revan
Day 28 [1300 hrs.] Botanical Bondage2020-06-046fiendfall
Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean2020-06-046Nolan
Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Agony, and Red Alert2020-06-037Masorin (rewrite)
Day 30 [1625 hrs.] Technical Difficulties2020-06-037fiendfall
Day 36 [2046 hrs.] Shadows of the Past2020-06-028Masorin
Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!2020-06-028SummerDawn
Day 29 [0800 hrs.] Packrats and New Neighbors2020-06-028Masorin
Day 30 [1400 hrs.] Waking up from a cold sleep2020-05-3110Masorin
Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory2020-05-3110Fife
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 052020-05-3011BZ/Jmjs7125/RyeTanker
Day 29 [0900 hrs.] “...shall make you free.” | Mitosis Intelligo, P22020-05-3011Nolan
Day 11 [1000 hrs.] Aldean Cloak Take 22020-05-2813Masorin
Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)2020-05-2714trevorvw
Day 09 [1910 hrs.] Happenstance2020-05-2615TheSithChicken
Day 34 [1200 hrs.] Of Doctor's and Guards2020-05-2615CorruptedCookie
Day 20 [0900 hrs.] Covert Shuttle Ops2020-05-2417BipSpoon
Day 25 [0427 hrs.] Compromising Allegiances2020-05-2120TWilkins
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] The Fox and The Fool2020-05-1922Fife
Day 18 [1700 hrs.] Holodeck Practice2020-05-1229Masorin
Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Rise and Shine2020-05-1130Rayne
Day 29 [0800 hrs.] New Wolves Rising2020-05-0932Lorelai
Day 20 [2100 hrs.] Sibling States Of Mind2020-05-0932Kinvarus
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Hello Therapy, It's Been A Long Time Coming2020-05-0833Kinvarus
Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games2020-05-0833Revan
Day 27 [1730 hrs.] Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan!2020-05-0635Anyone (Finished?)
Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex2020-05-0338Kinvarus
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2020-05-0239Kinvarus
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 032020-04-2843lisavw/trevorvw/Bastila
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2020-04-2447chXinya
Day 14 [0050 hrs.] Aimless, Insomniac and Alone2020-04-0269Argyros
Day 23 [0630 hrs.] Routine Patrol2020-03-2676Amberstarfyre
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely. If you can't, post about it in the Main OOC thread or update your signature to that effect, no worries at all.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4190

Hi there everyone! I just posted a new group thread for all writers with Lone Wolves or Fighter Bay Ops characters! :)


Optional, of course, but it is a great way to introduce your characters in Season 2 with a post or two. Catch you there if you are interested!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4191

I have the pleasure of announcing a new Theurgist today, namely @Malkavian and they will write Sara Quinn, a former Chief Engineer during the Domion War who turned to spy work. She'll be the second Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer aboard!

Lt. Sara Quinn            Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer (V2)

  - Writer:

She arrived together with Martok on the Vor'Nak though she kind of kept to herself during the voyage. Still, she could still be in Director's Cut threads with other officers on the Klingon ship, before she reports to Andrew Fisher the day after arrival.

Happy to have you aboard, and welcome to the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4193
Welcome aboard @Malkavian
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4195
Welcome aboard @Malkavian, a former Assistant chief turned spy sounds awesome! Look forward to seeing you write, and writing with you.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4197
We are everywhere Griff....Everywhere :P

Welcome @Malkavian as your fellow Asst. Chief Intel Officer I look forward to writing with you in the future. Hope you enjoy your time here :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4198
Welcome welcome @Malkavian!  Great to see another lady spy >:3c Look forward to writing with you!
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
"Logic without ethics is no logic at all." [Show/Hide]
Ensign Inej 'Avi' Avirim - Security - Investigations Officer
"Live fast, die stupid." [Show/Hide]
Xelia - Civillian - Holoprogram Designer
"Envy isn't your colour, babe." [Show/Hide]

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