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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4275
Hello all!

Glad to be aboard and although I will be modifying Tessa somewhat, I won't be completely changing her. I plan to help her grow up a bit from what I've read and to embrace her past while moving on towards the future.

I look forward to learning and writing with you all!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4277
Welcome @Pierce !

You can count on a lot of the peeps around here to help you settle in, the same way they did I, and the other more recent newbies. If there's anything I can do to help you along, please feel free to ask. I hope you find Theurgy to your liking, and look forward to seeing your writing.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4279
Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to writing and building on an existing character as I get used to the writing here. Love the story lines and the way it's written in Episode formats. I'll be sure to ask along the way if I need help.

I've also updated Tessa's page to accommodate the life changes and why her personality will be slightly different.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4281
Hello and welcome!  :)  I've been here something like a month, it's been fun so far.  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4284


Hi there everyone!

We need to start up Chapter 02 and 03, but since the Revan situation has forced us to have a bomb go off in the Spearhead Lounge and kill off/put some characters in stasis, I don't have enough meat on my bones for the starter if it is to be set post-bomb. I want to take the story development further, and we also need to deal with the surplus of high ranking officers that used to be played by Revan, along with other characters that hold positions that should be opened up for other characters.

Therefore, I can't wait any further on that bomb to go off before Chapter 02 and 03 starts. So, I am now removing that Objective and use it as fodder for the Chapter 02 starter instead, to kick things off after the Theurgy drops out of Quantum Slipstream the first time.

I will be sending out a Newsletter with the start of Chapter 02 and the Allegiant's first part, which is Chapter 03, as can be seen here in the Advent of War Calendar. Stay tuned!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4288
Late to this, but welcome @Pierce!
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T'Less: "Your odds of prevailing against us are... slim." [Show/Hide]
Valkra: "Come! We will shake the gates of Sto'Vo'Kor!" [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4290


Chapter 02 in Advent of War is up, and make sure you read the OOC note in the end for all the info you need at this point when it comes to new Supplemental threads! :)

Check it out!


Well, the world is an odd place at the moment, and @Fife and @trevorvw are stepping away from the sim. In their words, they say that after much thought, they know they will be inactive for the foreseeable future as they just don't have the time needed to give the sim the attention it requires. Once RL afford more time, they would gladly welcome to the opportunity to participate again.

What's interesting here, especially, is that they write the Chief Tactical Officer and Chief Security Officer respectively, and unless Cross ais picked up by another writer quickly, I will have to put him into stasis so that new writers can take over the CTO Department Head position. @trevorvw , however, has asked Kai Akoni to be put into stasis for later potential return. Between them both, here are the new Available Characters:

Lt Cmdr. Cross
Isel Nix
Scruffy Leblanc
Lt. (JG) Annika Van den Berg

Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the inherited character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is written. If there is any interest, and you have a posting rate and activity on the sim that permits the adoption of an Available Character or make a new character, please PM me with your interest. There is also the new Token Reward to use, if you are not eligible but have Story Tokens to spare.

As always, I will NPC these as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard!

Thank you both, @Fife and @trevorvw , for your time here, and I really hope you both may return some day! :)


Auctor Lucan

EDIT: @trevorvw reached out with a specific request to not leave Akoni for inheritance post-announcement. :) Kai Akoni will somehow end up in stasis for a potential later return.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4291
Excellent to see we're making progress in the story! I'm excited to see how this next Chapter goes.

Sorry to lose @Fife and @trevorvw, I hope you both make out alright with everything, and I also hope someday to get to write with you both.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4292
Well, poop. Those two have done great stuff, but real battlefields are infinitely more important than virtual ones. Hopefully they’ll both be back when the world has gone slightly less bonkers.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4294
That's a real shame, I hope that they survive this mess with sanity and health intact!  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4295
Oh I hope they stay safe and that they can rejoin us.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4297

After last night's announcement that @Fife left the sim, @Griff contacted me with the interest of taking over writing Cross. In him meeting the criteria for being eligible, I am stoked to announce that we still have an actively played Chief Tactical Officer after all! :)

Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer 

  - Writer:

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Cheif Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. @Griff has informed me he won't be making any edits to the character page or Cross' past, and the former threads are being delved into as I make this announcement.

Hope you'll enjoy writing your new character, @Griff ! :)


While I have known @Aharon has been meaning to leave for some time now, with other commitments rearing their head, I got a PM yesterday with a little message to you all!

To the Theurgy Crew:
That time has come - I must part ways from Theurgy. I had hoped to finish up my current thread in Episode 1 but as some threads do, it has moved at a slower pace. I am very sorry to leave you with it, I had wished to have time to finish it off and not add to your workload.

I regret not being able to take a more active part in Theurgy - it just wasn't meant to be this time around. Thank you for entrusting me with Vinata - who I think it probably one of the most unique characters I've even seen. I hope the next writer will treat him well! I have updated Vinata's BIO for you with links to threads throughout the Anthologies and brief summaries.

I know I have not been the most active participant among you but I did make an effort to read as much of your works as I could. You're an AMAZING bunch of writers and it has been an honour being here with you. I hope each of your keep well in the months to come. Cheers!

@Aharon wrote Vinata Vojona, one of the nurses in sickbay, and its a character that's been around for quite some time. If you are in the mood to write something unique, I really do recommend taking a look at him.

Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse

  - Former Writer:

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters. In the meantime, I will NPC him as needed until he gets a new writer. :)

Thank you for your kind words in regard to this sim @Aharon , and if you feel like you have the time and opportunity, you'll always be welcome back here.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4298
Congrats @Griff, I'm excited that you'll be taking over Cross.

Also, sorry you lose you @Aharon , I hope life continues to treat you well, and hope that someday you'll return, and we'll get an opportunity to write together. Take care out there!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4299
Yay, Griff!  A shame that so many people are dealing with burnout and real-life chaos with this COVID thing, though.  :(
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

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